Causes of headache during sleep at night

1 Causes of the disease

Headache at night is caused by the presence of pathological problems in:

  • arterial vasculature;
  • cranial nerves;
  • of the venous sinuses;
  • in the upper spine.

Often nocturnal headaches occur if there are lesions in the arterial vessels. This disorder provokes the spasmodic nature of arterial contraction, thromboembolism or atherosclerosis.

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The head hurts at night and because of a cold. The increased temperature of the body disrupts the blood supply to the brain vessels, this eventually leads to the fact that the neurons do not receive the required amount of oxygen.

When asked why the head hurts, you can answer that if a person suffers from a problem related to the central nervous system. In this case, disturbing tinnitus, dizziness, pale and reddened skin, overwhelmed by a constant sense of fatigue.

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If a person suffers from hypotension or hypertension, then the head sometimes starts to bother, even before he goes to bed. In the first case, a small amount of dark chocolate or not too strong coffee will help fight the pain during sleep. Still it is necessary to monitor the pressure and necessarily start taking the medication to normalize it.

Even in the evening, cephalalgia occurs if there is radiculitis, spondylarthrosis or osteochondrosis( pain in the temples and occiput).Diseases associated with the spine, characterized by infringement of nerve fibers, resulting in innervated vessels and muscle tissue.

Histamine disease also causes headaches before and during sleep. For this disease typical seizures, the duration of which is about two hours. Unpleasant sensations are localized on one side of the orbit. Symptoms can become a daily problem and require drug treatment.

Sometimes, nocturnal headaches can promise a heart attack or stroke. If there is a predisposition to this, then it is urgent to visit the doctor's office.

Causes of pain can be psychological and mental. Sometimes depressive condition( especially if it is hiding from others) causes pain during sleep and ripples in the head when lying down.

Statistics show that 50% of psychogenic cephalalgia is combined with facial pain. The female sex suffers from this ailment more often, but is caused by too much physical stress. Therefore, the appearance of nocturnal headaches after a strained day may indicate that the problem is provoked precisely by psychogenic causes.

Another reason for such pain can be intense mental activity. Students of this type are subject to this problem during the session period, since the burden on the brain is increased several times( especially if the student is conscientious and studies perfectly).In addition, various thoughts about work, future plans and unsolved problems will also have a negative impact on the coming dream. Sleeping, the brain continues to "think" of the information that was processed in it before sleep, and thus a severe headache can occur. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to organize a separation of working moments from domestic affairs. Do not burden yourself with sleep before various kinds of problems, by the way, some of them sometimes are not worth thinking about. On the pillow you need to lie down almost with an empty head, because sleep is a rest, and not an additional working time for the brain. It is very useful to drink tea before bedtime with soothing herbs( for example, chamomile) and honey. It is also desirable to keep a pillow at home, in which there will be dried herbs of eucalyptus or mint.


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2 Diagnosis

To diagnose the disease, doctors use polysomnographic studies. Thanks to them, you can differentiate between migraine and headache tension.

In order to make an anamnesis, you need to study all the symptoms of a clinical nature and at the same time take into account the data on how and when there are pains( you need to take into account those symptoms that occur throughout the day).

Also the methods of diagnosis include research in laboratories. They are biochemical and clinical tests of blood and urine. In addition, the eye fundus is being studied and monitoring of arterial fission is done.

Sometimes there is a need for examination from an otolaryngologist and dentist, MRI and tomography.

3 Treatment of diseases

Sometimes the pain can be single( the so-called tensiosis syndrome).In this case, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs like paracetamol, ibuprofen or citramone will help to get rid of the pain. The latter will suit those who suffer from hypotension, since the content of caffeine in tablets will not only eliminate pain, but will also raise blood pressure slightly.

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If the pain continues for several days, then it is worth to do special gymnastics, fitness, and in the morning to do exercises. You can also discover yoga, which has many useful results.

The type of cluster disease is treated with oxygen. It is also worth looking at medicines and injections.

In case of migraine, it is necessary to get rid of the factors that provoke it. They are monotonous or sharp sounds, cigarette smoke.

Pain caused by temporal arteritis requires the definition of an infectious disease that provoked an unpleasant and intrusive problem. In this case, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs.

Intracranial hypertension is a dangerous thing. It should be eliminated in the source itself, that is, in the brain. In this case, trepanation of the skull is necessary.

Since the headache can be caused by excessive physical exertion, and even frequent depressions, then it should be treated with the help of eliminating the provoking factors. To facilitate the condition, massage or therapeutic gymnastics with obligatory morning exercises is applied.

Self-medication with such an unpleasant disease is prohibited. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. He, in turn, must determine the causes of such pains and subsequently prescribe a course of treatment. For the treatment will require drug therapy and funds for general strengthening of the body. Thus, further headache will be ruled out, and even it can be prevented. To do this, you just need to have a timely examination, take the necessary tests, keep your blood pressure under control, and also make a tomography.

There are cases when the cause of such pain can be learned by consulting a neurologist or even a dentist. Very often, the problem arises from incorrect and ineffective nutrition, lack of sleep or vice versa - too much "sleepy hours", and even under stress and experience.

One of the easiest methods to combat such ailment is a good mood, positive emotions, rejection of bad habits and, if possible, walking in the fresh air two hours before bedtime. Naturally, this applies to the case when the cause of pain is caused by psychological factors, or it is done with a preventive purpose.

It should be understood that a single episode of nocturnal headache is not a reason for panic, it can be eliminated with a tablet of analgin and a comfortable bed. But a recurring nocturnal headache is a serious reason for contacting a neurologist.

The main thing that is worth remembering is that self-medication can harm!

This problem is serious and carries a number of unpleasant and severe consequences, therefore it is so important to immediately consult a doctor if you have constant headaches.

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