Acyclovir: composition, instructions, indications, application, reviews, price

The drug helps fight the herpes virus. The effect of the drug extends to five types of herpes infection. About the composition, instructions and indications for the use of Acyclovir, reviews about it, its price and analogues, we'll talk today.

Features of the drug

The drug fights against a viral infection, affecting the DNA of their cells. The result is the inability to reproduce the viral cell.

  • The most sensitive to the action of the agent is the herpes virus of the first two types( including on the lips and genitals).
  • The drug has a less effective effect on cytomegalovirus.
  • The other two types of virus: Epstein-Barr and varicella zoster have an average reaction force on the effect of the drug.

About the features of the drug Acyclovir will tell this video:

Composition of Acyclovir

The main active substance of the drug gives it the name - acyclovir. Excipients:

  • calcium stearic acid,
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone medium molecular weight,
  • potato starch,
  • aerosil.
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Dosage form

The product is manufactured by the manufacturer as:

  • tablets - the cell pack contains 10 pieces( pack of -20 pieces),
  • ointments in tubes ( contains 10 g), applied externally;
  • lyophilizate in a bottle of , 250 mg, is used to prepare a solution for intravenous infusions.

The average cost of a pack of tablets and ointments is the same for these forms and is approximately 12 rubles. The lyophilizate of acyclovir has an approximate cost of 260 rubles.

The drug has the properties:
  • antiviral,
  • strengthens the body's defenses,
  • helps in the fight against herpes.


The main substance of the drug, getting into the body, undergoes transformation and at the end of the chain of actions in this direction turns into triphosphate acyclovir. It is this substance that can penetrate into the cell of the virus and arrange a break in the DNA chain, becoming a part of it.


If the drug is taken orally, then a small part is absorbed through the digestive system. This happens regardless of whether the drug was taken on an empty stomach or after a meal. The substance of the drug is able to easily enter the organs, spread to the tissues, and especially it can be found in liquid media:

  • vagina secret,
  • sperm,
  • lacrimal fluid,
  • cerebrospinal fluid,
  • breast milk,
  • blood plasma,
  • includingand in herpetic vesicles.

The greatest amount of substance is collected by the liver and kidneys. The active substance of the drug comes into contact with proteins in a small amount( not more than one-third of all the substance that has entered the body).

The substance of acyclovir is excreted through the kidneys. And 14% of the main component of the drug goes out of the body in the same form as it was received through oral administration. But with intravenous infusion, half the amount of matter leaves the body in an unchanged form.

The following video will help you with choosing the form of Acyclovir:


The drug is used for herpes infection. The tool has the property:

  • prevents possible negative consequences of the disease,
  • removes the prerequisites for the appearance of new foci of rashes,
  • strengthens the body's strengths,
  • accelerates the healing of vesicles, crusts on them form with the participation of the drug more quickly;
  • with shingles alleviates acute pain in the active period of development of herpes infection.

Acyclovir is also used in the treatment of Bell's paralysis, purulent meningitis, cerebral encephalitis, Behcet's disease, to prevent the onset of herpes infection.

Following is the instruction for the use of Acyclovir for adults and children.

Instructions for use

Acyclovir is prescribed:

  • For external use in case of eye problems, keratitis.
  • Used externally as an ointment for rashes associated with herpes infection.
  • For systemic treatment, the drug is used for the disease with a viral infection for the first time or in case of an exacerbation. With simple forms of herpes, taking place without signs of complications, prescribe a tablet form of the drug( 1 tablet x 5 times a day).
  • The same approach is observed for the use of the drug for prophylactic purposes( 1 tablet x 4 times a day).Children are prescribed a drug, starting at the age of two in an adult dose. Up to two years, the dose is determined - half of the appointment for an adult.
  • Intravenously, the drug is prescribed with simple forms of herpes if the course of the disease is difficult. Children intravenously drug can be appointed after 12 years.
  • Can Acyclovir Be Pregnant? Women who have a child, in each case, the appointment is made by a specialist. In order not to harm the fetus - the doctor's task is to weigh the benefits of the drug and possible negatives, and then make a decision.

This is the regimen of treatment with Acyclovir.


If the patient exhibits intolerance to the ingredients of the remedy, then it is canceled.

Special care and caution should be exercised when prescribing funds to people:

  • of advanced age,
  • with impaired renal function.

Side effects of

Possible adverse reactions of the body to acyclovir:

  • indigestion,
  • abdominal pain,
  • rashes on the skin surface( happens rarely and passes after withdrawal of the drug);
  • possible disorders( pass after drug withdrawal) in the field of neurology:
    • difficult to concentrate,
    • hallucinations,
    • dizziness,
    • drowsiness;
  • general weakness,
  • depletion,
  • if the patient has impaired renal function, there may be changes in blood parameters of a temporary nature.

Special instructions

If the patient has low immunity or a remedy is used for a long time, then the drug may become addictive. The effectiveness of the drug directly depends on how early the patient asked for help.

During the application of the drug it is recommended:

  • drink more liquids,
  • monitor the kidneys.

We discussed how Acyclovir is combined with alcohol. It is noted that the simultaneous administration of probenecid reduces the rate of excretion of acyclovir from the body.


  • Patients who took acyclovir drugs note that the remedy is really effective, especially with a simple form of herpes. Pleases users of the low price of the medicine.
  • Side effects, according to the descriptions of patients, are rare. In some cases, the drug has been successfully used in seasonal viral infections.

About analogs of ointments and tablets of Acyclovir, both cheaper and more expensive, let's talk about lower.


Drugs that are based on the same active ingredient:

  • acyclovir-sandoz,
  • acigerpine,
  • acylcystad,
  • acyclovir acry,
  • vero-aciclovir,
  • acyclovir forte,
  • acyclovir-acrychin,
  • acyclovir-ferein,
  • acyclovir-beluga.

On whether Acyclovir can be used on children, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in this video:

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