Neurocirculatory dystonia in a mixed type: treatment, nutrition, symptoms, diagnosis

Often, complaints about fatigue, lethargy, irritability and insomnia can be heard angry speeches about laziness and irresponsibility. In fact, people with such complaints are most often not guilty of their symptoms, and their cause lies in another: in a mixed neurocirculatory dystonia( NDC), of which we will talk about the etiology today.

Features of the disease

Mixed NDC is a functional disorder of the cardiovascular system. Its peculiarity is that it combines the signs of all forms. That is, if the hypotonic form is expressed by a lowered blood pressure, and the hypertonic form is elevated, then in a mixed jump, the blood pressure changes each other. This greatly complicates the diagnosis, because it makes NDCs similar to heart disease.

The classification of neurocirculatory dystonia in children and adults will be described later.

Classification of

Currently, 2 NDC classifications are distinguished, in addition to the main one, it is etiological and in terms of severity.

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Etiological classification was introduced by SA Abbakumova and VI Makolkin, and she singles out such forms as:

  • Essential, manifested against the background of predisposition.
  • Psychogenic, appearing due to stressful situations.
  • Infectious-toxic.
  • Physical overvoltage.
  • Professional.

In terms of severity, there are only 3 forms: light, medium and heavy. The severity of NDC is entirely dependent on the manifestation of symptoms and the presence of vegetovascular crises.

Causes of

Mixed NDCs are due to a combination of certain factors, which include:

  1. stress;
  2. excessive insolation;
  3. intoxication, including nicotinic and alcoholic;
  4. infectious infection of acute or chronic course;
  5. physical overvoltage;
  6. acclimatization;
  7. lack of physical.activity;
  8. hormonal changes due to abortion, pregnancy, menopause, etc.;

Symptoms of

Symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia of a mixed type may differ in different patients, but, at least, the pathology manifests itself:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. weakness;
  2. fast fatigue;
  3. by pre-occlusive conditions;
  4. change in heart rate;
  5. headache;
  6. difficulty breathing;
  7. with insomnia or superficial sleep;
  8. meteorological dependence;

It is not necessary at all that all symptoms will be observed simultaneously, on the contrary, some will be replaced by others and so on. About how the diagnosis of neurocirculatory dystonia is made will be described in the next section.


It is difficult to diagnose a mixed NDC, since pathology does not have any specific symptoms. It is rare when it is possible to assume a dystonia at the primary reception, as it is often confused with cardiovascular diseases.

You can confirm the diagnosis with the help of an electrocardiogram, which shows violations of the rhythm of the heart, but there is no damage to the myocardium. Informative ECG-tests with a load such as physical, orthostatic and drug, which reveal the negativity of the T wave and some other characteristics characteristic of NDC.To determine the general condition of the patient, standard tests are prescribed: blood and urine.

On how to treat neurocirculatory dystonia, read below.

Treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia by mixed type

Treatment of mixed NDC is to improve the quality of life, therefore it is based on a therapeutic technique. To influence the pathology of the operation or drugs can not, the latter can only improve the patient's condition due to the removal of symptoms.


As mentioned above, the therapeutic technique is the basis for NDC treatment, since it helps to cope not only with the cause of the disease, but also helps to prevent it in the future.

As therapeutic treatment appoint compliance with preventive recommendations, that is, the normalization of nutrition, sleep, elimination of stress factors. It is recommended to do physical exercises and sports.

As additional techniques for neurocirculatory dystonia, it is recommended to resort to massage, acupuncture, electrophoresis with bromine or magnesium. These procedures are prescribed only by the doctor, because they depend on the severity of the symptoms of NDC.


Drugs are prescribed in cases where the patient is strongly concerned about the symptoms of the disease. The cause of the pathology of medicines can not affect.

  • Since NDC is often accompanied by irritability, it is recommended that sedatives or tranquilizers be taken to restore normal psychoemotional status.
  • If a patient experiences a rapid pulse, beta-blockers are prescribed.
  • At pressure surges appoint drugs that stabilize blood pressure.
  • It is recommended to drink B vitamins and riboxin for therapeutic purposes to improve cardiac metabolism.


Traditional medicine has an effect similar to medicines, that is, symptomatic. However, if the drug therapy allows you to achieve the maximum effect in a short time, then treatment with folk remedies gives a permanent effect only after 4 months.

The most effective estimations are such collections( in the brackets are written proportions):

  • Yarrow( 2), mountainous pochechuyny( 2), grass sporisha( 2), hawthorn fruit( 3), rowan fruit( 2), root of aralia( 1), rootleuzei( 1), licorice root( 2), grass cleansing( 2), tansy flowers( 2), root of the marmot( 1).
  • Leuzea root( 2), St. John's wort( 3), root of the mint( 2), licorice root( 3), linseed( 2), volodushka( 2), juniper( 1), chicory root( 2), dandelion root( 2), the root of valerian( 3).

The above mentioned grasses should be crushed and mixed, and then pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. After that, pour the broth into the thermos and drink half a glass in the knock before eating.


To avoid the development of NDC, it is enough to follow the general recommendations, which consist in:

  • Refusal from bad habits.
  • Avoiding psycho-emotional and physical overload.
  • Regular physical.activity.
  • Compliance with the work and rest regime, proper nutrition with neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.

It is advisable to resort to additional methods of prevention, for example, general or therapeutic massage, acupuncture and manual therapy, which heal all body systems.

Complications of

NDC complicates crises that begin and end suddenly, there may be such forms:

  • Vagoinsular. Characterized by lack of air, flatulence and asthenia.
  • Cute-adrenal. Characterized by severe pain in the head, palpitations, tremors in the limbs, sensations of chills, fear of death and horror, interruptions in the work of the heart.
  • Mixed. It is characterized by combinations of symptoms of previous species.

Also, the long course of the disease can become a provoking factor for depression and similar disorders.

Forecast of

It is possible to predict the course of NDCs, since the disease does not pose a threat to the life of the patient. Moreover, when eliminating the pathological factors provoking the disease, the disease can pass independently. Closer to the elderly, the course of NDC is worsened by the fact that it can reduce the patient's performance, as well as a more sluggish reaction to symptomatic treatment.

The following video will tell you how to save yourself from panic attacks at NDC and VSD:

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