Neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertonic type: ICD-10 code, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes, not only trauma or accidental infection, but also a wrong way of life, can lead to diseases. Absence of normal sleep and nutrition, stress and overload - all this affects our body in a destructive manner, can serve as a reason for the appearance of neurocirculatory dystonia in the hypertonic type.

What are the signs of the disorder, Do you take into the army with neurocirculatory dystonia, as it is properly treated - the answers to all these questions you will find in this article.

Features of the

Disease NDC for hypertension are cardiovascular disorders, which, for the most part, are of a functional nature. The international classification of diseases referred NDC to code F45.3, which gives an indication of the psychogenic nature of the disease. It is noteworthy that NDC is not a contraindication for military service. The only thing, with a constant and strong increase in blood pressure, doctors can add to the diagnosis of hypertension, which is on the register of diseases with a contraindication to the service.

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Depending on the age groups, the symptomatology of the pathology may change. So, children often notice the appearance of chest pains, whereas adults often develop dermographism. The etiology also depends on the age group. For example, in adolescents, NDC is often due to a psychogenic factor, as well as hormonal changes in the body.

The NDC for the hypertonic type is related to vegetovascular dystonia because, in fact, it is the same syndrome, except for a narrower classification.

Classification of

NDCs are distributed according to the form, depending on the degree of manifestation of symptoms on light, medium and heavy.

A classification is also used that takes as a basis the etiological factor and isolates the forms:

  1. is an essential form;
  2. associated with physical overvoltage;
  3. is psychogenic;
  4. is infectious-toxic;
  5. due to professional factors;

Causes of the occurrence of

The emergence of NDC is due to many factors, not only of household nature: from living in the area of ​​high insolation, to a stressful situation at work. In many ways, the prevalence of causes depends on the age category.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • For example, in people over 20 dystonia often develops on the background of stress and lack of sleep, lack of a normal diet.
  • In people older than 40 years, the appearance of NDC is often due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Children suffer from dystonia because of the negative influence of the environment, great physical and psychological stress and stress.

Also, the mechanism of NDC development can be affected by chronic and acute infections, psychological trauma, intoxication, including alcohol, bad habits, hereditary predisposition and similar factors.

Symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertonic type

The main symptom complained of by all patients is a headache. Pain is characterized by patients as stitching or pressing, arising closer to the evening time, affecting the area of ​​the temples, forehead or crown. Also common complaints are:

  1. weakness;
  2. increased fatigue;
  3. irritability;
  4. reduced performance;
  5. surface dream;
  6. heart palpitations;

Children often have pain in the chest region of the stitching. In all age groups, dystonia may manifest itself in an increase in heart rate, increased sweating and dermographism, when the skin changes color when exposed mechanically.


It is difficult to diagnose NCDs, because there are no specific symptoms. The first reception at the doctor, as a rule, does not allow even to assume a dystonia, since its manifestations are characteristic for a number of cardiovascular diseases, so this is an important differential diagnosis. If we talk about some symptoms that allow us to assume dystonia, then we can note neurotic manifestations and their combination with headache, as well as dermographism.

An instrumental study is needed to confirm the diagnosis. Often an ECG is prescribed, but this method is not 100% accurate, since it allows finding only the concomitant dystonia of a pathology, such as tachycardia or atrial fibrillation. Indicative are ECG-samples carried out with the load:

  1. physiological test with hyperventilation;
  2. orthostatic test;
  3. drug test;

All these studies show the negativity of the T wave. Bicycle ergometry can also be carried out, which reveals a deterioration in the tolerance of the load to the patient. A blood test performed after exercise may reveal a strong increase in adrenaline and lactic acid.

Treatment of

In the treatment of NDC, the emphasis is on the therapeutic technique. Since dystonia is often psychogenic, it is important to eliminate the cause of the disease directly, that is, some specific provoking factor, and then the pathology will pass by itself.

To remove negative symptoms, medicines and methods of traditional medicine are used.


The basis of the therapeutic method lies in stabilizing the patient's mental and emotional state. For this, one can resort to:

  1. therapeutic physical training;
  2. psychotherapy;
  3. massage;
  4. quenching procedures;
  5. normalization of the regime of day and nutrition;


Drug therapy is used to eliminate symptoms of NDC:

  1. Calming medications and tranquilizers for sleep and aggressiveness disorders.
  2. Beta-blockers for the removal of tachycardia and cardialgia.
  3. Riboxin, B vitamins to increase cardiac metabolism.
  4. Drugs that lower blood pressure.

Other drugs may be prescribed depending on the manifestations of dystonia.


Folk remedies are used in conjunction with the opinion of the doctor. Each of them can reduce the symptoms of the disease, but not eliminate its cause.

  • To eliminate anxiety and aggressiveness, the reception of decoctions of herbs fennel, motherwort, valerian root and chamomile is shown.
  • To reduce pain, it is recommended to drink a decoction of nettle, marigold, cones of hops, dill and cumin.
  • To improve sleep, it is better to use peppermint, lemon balm.

All herbs are brewed according to the instructions on the reverse side of the pharmacy package.


Preventive measures are centered around a healthy lifestyle. The simplest recommendations help to avoid a dystonia by 100%:

  • Compliance with the normal mode of work and leisure.
  • Observance of the basic rules of proper nutrition.
  • Long walks in the fresh air.
  • Rejection of harmful habits.
  • Regular classes like the sport you like.
  • Avoiding physical and mental overload.

At critical moments, for example, during hormonal adjustment, it is necessary to visit preventive examinations to monitor the health status. In some situations, with neurocirculatory dystonia, exercise therapy can be prescribed, especially for adolescents.

Complications of

The main complications of NDC are vegetovascular crises. Crises are observed in about 60% of patients, often with a sudden onset and an end. Crises have a classification that divides them into:

  • Simpatacoadrenal .It manifests itself in severe headaches and rapid heartbeat, trembling in the legs, chills, fear of death and horror. The crisis starts and ends suddenly, after it asthenia and polyuria may appear.
  • Vagoinsular .It manifests itself in sensations of interruption in the heart area, lack of air, flatulence, asthenia.
  • Mixed .In this case, the manifestations of the previous types are combined.

NDCs do not carry with them complications that could threaten the patient's life, however, can lead to blood circulation disorders.


The prognosis is positive, since dystonia does not entail life-threatening consequences. In particular, this applies to children whose pathology can take place without additional intervention.

With observance of therapeutic and medication procedures, dystonia is cured completely. However, with age, the prognosis worsens and NDC can become chronic. In this case, the patient will experience a decrease in working capacity during periods of exacerbations.

The following video will tell you how to help yourself with neurocirculatory dystonia:

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