Neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type: ICD-10 code, symptoms, treatment

The rabid rhythm of life often leads to sad consequences. And if you do not stop in time, you can bring yourself to exhaustion and dangerous diseases.

But if some conditions are dangerous, others cause only slight malaise, but until the time. One of such pathologies is neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type.

Features of the ailment

Neurocirculatory dystonia( NDC) by hypotonic type is called a cardiovascular disorder, which is functional. Disorders are expressed by a whole range of symptoms.

NDCs vary in different age groups, both in causes and in manifestations.

  • It is established that in children the condition is often caused by psychogenic factors and stress, for example, with unfavorable relationships in the family.
  • The condition of adults is often affected by hormonal disorders and lack of sleep.

Classification of

Today, when diagnosing, a classification is used according to VI Makolkin and S. A. Abbakumova, who distributes NDC for etiological( causative) factor to:

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  1. essential form due to heredity;
  2. is psychogenic, arising on the background of emotional stress;
  3. is infectious-toxic;
  4. associated with physical overvoltage;
  5. due to professional factors;

Also, dystonia is classified according to the severity of the lung, with a mild symptomatology, medium and severe, which is often complicated by vegetovascular crises.

Causes of

Many facts lead to NDCs and some of them have not yet been studied, but it is for certain known that organic damage to the nervous or endocrine system is not included in them. In a different age period, the prevalent factors differ. So, in adolescents, dystonia appears because of the unformed process of regulation of vegetative mechanisms, great mental and physical activity, and environment.

In older patients, dystonia most often develops due to:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. infection;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. psychological trauma;
  4. lack of normal sleep and nutrition;
  5. physical overload;
  6. intoxication;
  7. of bad habits;

Natural hormonal changes, for example, periods of pregnancy and menopause, puberty also play an important role. In rare patients, the NDC mechanism triggers a hereditary-constitutional predisposition.

Symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type

The most common symptom is a long headache in the forehead, temporal or parietal lobes. Pain is characterized by patients as oppressive, more often it appears by the evening. Also, dystonia by hypotonic type is expressed:

  1. morning weakness;
  2. fast fatigue;
  3. by dizziness;
  4. susceptibility to fainting;
  5. pallor and coldness of the skin;
  6. sleep disorders;

Children often have pain in the heart of a piercing nature. A characteristic feature is a decrease in blood pressure.


Diagnosis of NCD is difficult due to the lack of specific symptoms of dystonia. At the first appointment with a doctor, it can be assumed on neurotic manifestations such as sleep disorders, cold extremities and the plurality of complaints. Physical examination of the patient, usually, reveals the instability of the heart rhythm, respiratory arrhythmia, the lability of blood pressure.

To verify the NDC, hardware studies are used. All patients are prescribed ECG, which can reveal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole and other disorders. However, the most accurate are ECG samples with a load, for example:

  • Phys.test with hyperventilation. Repeat ECG is performed after 30 minutes.forced breaths, and then compared with the first. At NTSD indicates a fasted by 50-100% state of the pulse, the manifestation of otrits.teeth T.
  • Orthostatic. Conduct 2 ECG: in the supine position and after 10 minutes.standing. The NDCs indicate the same characteristics as in the previous sample.
  • Medicinal, for example, potassium or with beta-blockers. This study helps distinguish between neurocirculatory dystonia and organic heart disease. The ECG is carried out an hour after taking the medication. With NDC, the T wave will be negative.

Treatment of

The main treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type is observance of therapeutic techniques and recommendations. It is important to find out the cause of the pathology, and only then to choose the necessary treatment.

So, with psychogenic dystonia, a visit to the psychotherapist is recommended. Therapeutic methods can be safely combined with folk remedies. To medicines, however, it is necessary to resort to the doctor's prescription.


Therapeutic technique is the main one. For treatment use:

  1. athletics and other physical activities;
  2. psychotherapy;
  3. hardening procedures;
  4. rest normalization;

The sanatorium-and-spa treatment, especially on the shores of the Black Sea, proved to be very effective. Together with other methods, you can use reflexology, electrosleep and electrophoresis with bromine / magnesium / novocaine, physiotherapy and balneotherapy.


Drug therapy is aimed at removing symptoms of dystonia:

  1. Sedative medications and tranquilizers for sleep and irritability disorders.
  2. Beta-adrenoblockers for tachycardia and cardialgia.
  3. Riboxin, B vitamins to improve the metabolism of the heart muscle.
  4. Drugs that increase blood pressure when it decreases.


Folk remedies can improve the general condition of the patient, and in cases of mild form help to get rid of the problem. There are many recipes, but the most effective are the following:

  • Take 10 grams of chamomile and lily of the valley May, 20 g of fennel fruit, 30 g of peppermint leaves, 40 g of valerian root. All this mix, grind, 2 table.l.pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, boil, allow to cool and drain. Drink 2,5 tables.spoons of 5 p.for a day.
  • Take 20 grams of Leonurus, the root of valerian, calendula, caraway and dill. Grind and 1 teaspoonful.l.pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil broth, leave for 2 hours and drain. Drink on the table.l.4 a day.
  • Take 20 grams of hawthorn and valerian root, 10 grams of hop cones and lily of the valley flowers, 15 grams of peppermint leaves and fennel fruits.1 table.l. Collect 250 ml of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, boil and drain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 r.per day.

Persistent effectiveness of these fees comes in 6 months.after administration. It is advisable to change the fees after 2 months.after administration.


There is no narrowly directed prophylaxis of neurocirculatory dystonia. It is enough to adhere to common settings like:

  • Abandon harmful habits and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Avoiding a stressful situation.
  • Regular exercise. There are no specific rules, it is enough to choose what is most like.
  • Regulation of sleep and rest.
  • Compliance with PP.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.

Because dystonia often accompanies other diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit preventive examinations.

Complications of

NCD is complicated by vegetative-vascular crises, which are observed in more than half of patients. Crises are classified into:

  • Cypathicoadrenal. It manifests itself in severe headaches and rapid heartbeat, trembling in the legs, chills, fear of death and horror. The crisis starts and ends suddenly, after it asthenia and polyuria may appear.
  • Vagoinsular. It manifests itself in sensations of interruption in the heart area, lack of air, flatulence, asthenia.
  • Mixed. In this case, the manifestations of the previous types are combined.

There are no other complications with NDCs.


Since NDCs do not involve cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, the prognosis is assessed as favorable. In childhood and adolescence, dystonia can be cured independently, and with drug therapy the patient recovers completely.

With age, the course of the disease worsens, so the favorable prognosis decreases. In adult patients, disability is often observed during exacerbations.

On prevention of NDC, VSD will tell the following video:

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