Corvalol with a hangover: is it possible, helps or not, the consequences and reviews

In case of sleep disturbance, pain in the heart with a hangover is taken by Corvalol. But will this drug help to recover after drinking alcohol, can I drink it with a hangover?

Corvalol with hangover

Medicinal preparation Corvalol is used as a sedative, antispasmodic, which facilitates falling asleep, reducing the excitability of the nervous system, eliminating the symptoms of cardiovascular disorders.

With a hangover, these properties of Corvalol are used to fall asleep, calm down, give your body and mind a rest. But can I take Corvalol after drinking alcohol, with a hangover?

The action of Corvalol is due to the properties of the active components that make up its composition:

  • ester of bromizovaleric acid;
  • of phenobarbital;
  • ethanol;
  • peppermint oil.

Of these drugs should especially consider the properties of phenobarbital. This compound belongs to psychoactive substances, it is a depressant, like alcohol.

When taking medications with phenobarbital, the fast phase of sleep is shortened, the stage of the deepest, slowest sleep decreases. Such a rest will not bring a person relaxation, will not allow to restore working capacity.

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Mechanism of action

The action of Corvalol is determined by the properties of its components. Benefit from a hangover can bring the effect of peppermint oil. This substance irritates the cold thermoreceptors located in the oral cavity, which causes a reflex dilatation of the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

But the action of phenobarbital in combination with alcohol depresses the activity of the central nervous system. If there is a small amount of alcohol in the blood, the absorption of phenobarbital is accelerated, the accumulation of phenobarbital in the brain occurs faster.


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Even a small dose of phenobarbital in the presence of ethyl alcohol can cause inhibition, inhibition of the brain centers associated with unconditioned reflex activity. A high dose of medication because of the phenobarbital contained in it can dramatically lower blood pressure, weaken the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Does Corvalol help with a hangover? It is possible to ease pain in the heart, but the use of drops in such a state can cause poisoning, apathy, disconnect the vital centers of the brain responsible for breathing, contracting the heart, which will lead to death.

Hangover is accompanied by severe liver damage. In such conditions, the effect of phenobarbital is enhanced, the drug circulates more continuously in the blood, without undergoing processing.

If the concentration of alcohol in the blood with a hangover is high, phenobarbital will be slowly absorbed in the stomach due to inflammation of the mucosa caused by the action of a shock dose of alcohol taken the day before.


Corvalol symptomatically helps with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • hypochondria;
  • anxiety, irritability.

The effect of the drug is temporary, eliminating only the symptom, without curing the cause of the disease.

If the pain in the heart is unbearable, frequent heartbeats, there is severe colitis in the chest and there are no other medicines, you can take Corvalol after a hangover in the usual dosage as a first aid. But you can not expect that this can be limited. The action of this medication is enough only to reduce pain, but not cure the cause that caused it.

Corvalol can not cope with angina pectoris, it will not protect against a possible heart attack. You can not hope that they can cure pain in the heart with a hangover, you must always consult a doctor.


Contraindicated in cases of severe damage to the liver and kidneys. Do not drink drops with bradycardia - a decrease in heart rate. If the hangover is weak, a rare pulse( less than 60 beats per minute), low blood pressure, then taking Corvalol will not help, but only worsen the patient's condition.

Corvalol contains phenobarbital, and this compound is prohibited for use in alcoholism, drug dependence.


Reviews of doctors say that you can not take Corvalol with a hangover. If a person who does not drink alcohol, you can still use Korvalol once with heart palpitations, heart pains, panic attacks, then with a hangover it is very dangerous.

And not only because of the ability of phenobarbital to cause drug addiction. Corvalol masks the developing myocardial infarction, muffles temporarily the symptoms.

People at risk of hypertension, heart disease. With these diseases, the probability of falling asleep, taking from a hangover of Corvalol, is especially high, and not wake up.

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