Worms in the nursing mother, helminths during breastfeeding( GW), treatment during breastfeeding, lactation, how to get rid of drugs and tablets after birth?

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The danger of the presence of worms during breastfeeding in the mother is primarily that parasites suck nutrients and beneficial trace elements from the body, do not allow the normal development of the child. The lack of these substances can lead to a slowdown in the growth of various systems of the baby's body. In addition, parasites in a nursing mother with a severe form of the disease cause:

  1. Frequent headaches for a long time. Dizziness, increased irritability.
  2. Nervous tick.
  3. Complete loss of strength, general weakening of the body.

In turn, this influence of worms during feeding affects the behavior of the baby, which becomes capricious, restless, his appetite and sleep worsen. Therefore, the main issue in this case is the task of getting rid of the worms of a nursing mother.

Worms with lactation

The main reason for the appearance of worms after childbirth is the non-observance of personal hygiene rules. Another cause of worms in nursing may be infection by parasites from an older child. To choose a scheme for how to treat worms in a nursing mother, it is necessary to find out the type of parasites. If these are pinworms, then the following hygienic measures should be carried out first:

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  1. Wash hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet before eating and constantly monitor the cleanliness of the nails, and it is better to cut them shortly.
  2. Regularly change bed linens and towels, which are desirable to be washed at high temperature.
  3. At least once every three days to conduct a wet cleaning at home.
  4. Constantly follows the hygiene of the oral cavity, in the morning and in the evening brushing your teeth, thoroughly disinfecting the toothbrush.

Special attention should be given to carefully treating the products when preparing them for use in order to prevent the appearance of any type of helminthus during HS.Raw fruits and vegetables are washed with running water, and then additionally washed in boiled water. When heat treating meat and fish, it should be taken into account that treatment with boiling water for less than five minutes is not effective, as eggs and parasite cysts remain viable. Often helminths when breastfeeding a woman appear after consuming dried, dried fish or domestic smoked products.

The main thing that worries a woman is whether the worms are dangerous for the baby when breastfeeding. It should be said that it is impossible to infect a baby with parasites through milk. Infection of the baby can occur in the usual way through infected toys or in contact with an infected pet. A much greater danger from worms during feeding, is the deprivation of the crumbs of the necessary nutrients, because of their absence in the milk of the infected mother. In any case, parasites during breastfeeding can provoke serious complications in the normal development of the infant, weakening its immune defense.

How to get rid of worms nursing mom?

Treatment of parasites during breastfeeding is similar to any other situation. And this suggests that it is not possible to avoid the harmful effects of drugs from worms during lactation. Therefore, doctors recommend to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment. Among the recommendations how to remove parasites from a nursing mother, along with medicines, folk remedies are also effective.

A little-known, but effective remedy for worms for a nursing mother is a carrot. To do this, it is enough to drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice per day. An effective anthelmintic mixture is taken in equal proportions of papaya juice and apple cider vinegar, which is drunk half a cup every day. Still, what means from helminths can be at a lactation, so it is seeds of a pumpkin, a pomegranate, and also to increase consumption of a liquid. Rice porridge mixed with ground ginger and clove powder is not bad.

Worm preparations with HS

Having detected parasitic worms in a nursing mother, the infectious disease doctor prescribes a therapy regimen. Self-medication is unacceptable, since only a specialist will be able to choose the right medicine for worms for moms. After all, in some cases with breastfeeding a medicine, even taken from the arsenal of folk remedies, can do harm instead of good. Given that for the period of treatment it is necessary to interrupt GW, which should be resumed as soon as possible, then nursing prescribers should be taken once. This effect is mainly due to lactation tablets of a special composition.

What to drink tablets with worms for nursing mothers depends on what kind of parasites the woman is infected with. For example, to get rid of nematodes, which include pinworms, roundworms, whipworm, and representatives of the class of tapeworms, the most effective are Pirantel, Vormil, Vermox. For flat parasites( hepatic and pulmonary flukes, cat's, Chinese, lanceolate flukes) the most effective for their destruction will be Holoxyl or Cystid. However, tablets from parasites for breastfeeding should be taken on a clearly defined schedule and strict dosage, under the supervision of a doctor.

Tablets for nursing Pirantel are classified as moderately hazardous. Although there is no reliable information on their effect on the composition of breast milk, it is advisable to decant milk during the treatment, and the child should be transferred to artificial nutrition. Moreover, the course of admission does not exceed three days. Tablets from worms for nursing mothers Vermox take, squeezed with a lot of water. With side effects( nausea, diarrhea), activated charcoal can be taken. Than to treat worms with GV should solve only the doctor, on the basis of analyzes and definition of a kind of infection. Correct medical therapy will allow using such a remedy against parasites, which, with the least damage, will cope with the problem.

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