The form of feces with hemorrhoids, pain after defecation after surgery for removal, liquid, thin, frequent, ribbon-like stool of black color, how to soften?

When hemorrhoids occur, patients often complain of problems with defecation, most often they suffer from constipation. The fact is that with this disease, emptying can be accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. A person because of this can have a strong fear of defecation, and so he begins to postpone this process, as a result, the stool masses harden even more and strong constipation occurs. Feces with hemorrhoids should be regular and not dense, so that there is no discomfort during defecation.

In fact, a disturbed stool is not the main sign of this disease. When the patient has only the initial stage of the disease, then there are usually no pronounced symptoms. It may appear with time and itching and pain during defecation, but hemorrhoids usually develop slowly.

What is the stool for hemorrhoids?

If the disease is already neglected, then in addition to the above symptoms, bleeding may occur. Black stool with hemorrhoids, as a rule, does not happen, with this disease the blood does not mix with the stool, it is scarlet and is visible on the surface of the stool. Black feces may indicate severe bleeding in the stomach or in the upper parts of the intestine. This symptom is very dangerous, it should not be delayed when visiting a doctor.

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Usually patients complain of hard feces that injure the intestinal mucosa, aggravate the disease and cause severe pain during defecation. Such a trauma can lead to inflammation of the hemorrhoids, which can eventually provoke thrombosis.

What is feces with hemorrhoids?

The form and color of feces with hemorrhoids remain unchanged for a long time. But most often the development of this disease contributes to prolonged constipation. In some cases, when the hemorrhoids are already greatly enlarged, liquid stool may provoke their inflammation. Liquid feces usually occurs due to poisoning or against the background of flatulence and dysbiosis.

In any case, patients note pain after stool. Feces may be secreted with mucus or with droplets of blood. In some cases, the blood is not just scarlet, but dark in the form of clots. The appearance of blood can also indicate other diseases, for example, an anal fissure or a more serious disease such as cancer.

Thin ribbon stool with hemorrhoids

The enlarged hemorrhoids act as an obstacle, so the shape of the stool changes. Thin stool is a frequent phenomenon in this disease, it also occurs in other diseases, for example, in tumors and polyps. Sometimes it is so thin that it is called a band chair. But this is a bad symptom that can signal a malignant tumor. Patients may feel incomplete emptying of the intestine and feel thus some foreign object inside, and sometimes there are false desires for defecation. If a person has such symptoms, then one must necessarily be examined, any delay can cost lives.

External hemorrhoids and permanent constipation results in pear-shaped feces. If there is a long delay, it becomes dry and may even crumble. Such fecal masses must be softened, so that they do not injure the nodes.

How does the stool change after removal of hemorrhoids?

Stool after operation is regulated by a special diet. Doctors do not recommend the first day after the operation, there is anything to avoid defecation. Then foods with a high fiber content are already included in the diet, which will stimulate regular defecation. The reception of products that can provoke constipation is limited.

The stool after removal of the hemorrhoids should be mild and regular to prevent possible complications and not cause a relapse of the disease. Even after surgery, treatment should continue.

Frequent stools after removal of hemorrhoids are rare, mainly because of fear of severe pain, patients on the contrary delay feces, as a result of which constipation may occur. To avoid problems with defecation, doctors can prescribe to the operated patient laxatives.

How to soften fecal masses with hemorrhoids?

Cal during the illness should be mild so that there will be no exacerbations, this should also be sought by the patients who undergo the operation. The way of life that guides the patient is very important, he should keep to a diet, eat properly and in a timely manner, avoid starvation and sate, and it is also important to do exercises.

To ease the stool with hemorrhoids, a diet and laxatives are prescribed. They should be prescribed by a doctor, best of all, if they are on a plant basis, then the likelihood of habituation is much lower. In some cases, strong laxatives are needed to ease defecation, but they can provoke diarrhea, and it is also harmful in such a condition, especially after surgery.

In some cases, a frequent stool after surgery can occur not because of hemorrhoids, but because of the aggravation of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The body is weakened by taking antibiotics and other medications, so it can, therefore, react. In this case, you need to try as quickly as possible to restore the normal stool after the operation.

For this purpose, drugs are prescribed that fight infection and restore the intestinal microflora, enzyme preparations may be needed. If the body reacts with diarrhea to taking antibiotics, then the doctor can change them for other drugs.

How to make a calve soft with hemorrhoids? This is a very important question that many patients ask, because the further course of the disease depends on this. Constipation does not need to be treated independently, it is better to go to the doctor's office, and then go through a course of treatment. Otherwise, they can become chronic, which will only exacerbate hemorrhoids. With this disease you need to avoid psychological problems, namely fear of defecation because of pain, it is often it causes strong constipation.

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