What vitamins to take with hemorrhoids?

As with other diseases, with hemorrhoids, the use of vitamins is an important direction in the complex solution of the existing problem. Due to this, the resistance of the organism to irritants increases, the process of recovery is accelerated and the functional capabilities of all organs without exception are normalized. But the "blind" consumption of fruits, vegetables and various complexes is usually ineffective. Hence the question arises, what vitamins should be chosen for hemorrhoids?

Therapy of hemorrhoids is aimed at suppressing symptoms and increasing the period of remission of the disease in the case of a chronic form of pathology or to cure the patient of this ailment. But regardless of the approach chosen, the doctor always prescribes vitamins.

Essential vitamins for hemorrhoids

Vitamin K with hemorrhoids is of enormous importance: its low content worsens blood coagulability. As a result, the disease can lead to heavy bleeding, which can sometimes be stopped only after the administration of a certain drug.

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For the restoration of vitamin K with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to consume more leaves of cabbage, spinach, lettuce. Also, this substance can be found in meat, eggs, pork liver.

In order to prevent heavy bleeding and the occurrence of anemia, it is necessary to monitor the level of iron in the body. It can be replenished if you add seafood, mushrooms and some other products to the diet. However, exceeding the permissible level of iron content negatively affects the state of the body. In particular, this seriously affects the liver.

Routine is one of the names of vitamin P. It is included in complex hemorrhoid therapy with the aim of reducing the permeability of capillaries. Lack of this substance does not have a serious effect on the body.

Routine is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, since it has many positive properties:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • neutralizes radicals having a free atom, and therefore are harmful;
  • enhances the therapeutic effect of vitamin C;
  • stimulates the "breathing" of cells, i.e.intake of oxygen in them;
  • normalizes metabolic reactions;
  • reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions in the treatment of hemorrhoids with drugs;
  • reduces the digestibility of carcinogens;
  • restores the synthesis of collagen in the skin;
  • has analgesic and sedative effects;
  • accelerates the recovery process after prolonged hemorrhages characteristic of hemorrhoids;
  • regulates the production of enzymes.

Routin recommend taking 2-3 daily medications daily. The dosage of the substance depends on the age of the patient. So, children under 2 years can not take more than 10 mg of routine. For 3-5 year olds, the dosage is increased to 15 mg. Adults can consume up to 100 mg of active substance.

If the level of vitamin P is exceeded, bleeding, severe fatigue and other symptoms may occur in the body. The substance is found in plums, blueberries, hawthorn, cucumbers, beets. It should be noted that the treatment of hemorrhoids at the same time routine and vitamin B is ineffective, since the first substance weakens the properties of the second.

What other vitamins are needed for hemorrhoids?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an indispensable substance in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids and many other pathologies. He takes part in many processes occurring in the body. In this case, the human body can not synthesize it independently.

In particular, ascorbic acid takes part in the hematopoiesis, restores the functions of the nervous system, promotes the normal assimilation of iron. With insufficient content of this substance in the body, blood vessels become brittle, gradually becoming thinner.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that fights against the effects of free radicals. The substance strengthens the immune system, creating reliable protection against pathogenic microbes and viruses. Ascorbic acid promotes rapid healing of open wounds, including cracks in the rectum.

This substance is found in large quantities in citrus fruits. You can replenish its shortage by consuming blueberries, parsley greens, bell peppers, tomatoes, sorrel and other products. Ascorbic acid is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and as part of various vitamin complexes.

Vitamin E for hemorrhoids

This vitamin positively affects the cells of the intestinal mucosa, restoring them and simultaneously normalizing the work of the organ. The substance accelerates the healing process of open wounds and tissue renewal. It is recommended for treatment of anal and rectum injuries.

Vitamin E inhibits oxidation processes, creating additional protection of the tissue from possible damage. It has a beneficial effect on the mechanism of stopping bleeding, so the likelihood of their appearance is significantly reduced. In addition, he has the properties of combating muscle spasm. The substance improves blood flow in the affected area.

When hemorrhoids are taken and other vitamins. More detailed information materials on this subject can be obtained from your proctologist, who is dealing specifically with your case.

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