Causes of pain in the abdomen, head and dizziness

1 Rotavirus or intestinal fungus

Like most other viral diseases, rotavirus is accompanied by fever and a combination of symptoms: stomach aches, headache and nausea. Any person can get sick of a virus, however in the greatest risk group there are children till one year.

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Most people at least once in their life, faced with such a nuisance. As a rule, with this disease a person feels severe pain in the head, which can be accompanied by mild nausea and pain in the stomach, but in some cases everything is the other way around - nausea and pain in the stomach and intestines are felt very acutely, and the headache simply creates an unpleasant backgroundgeneral body condition.

In the body, the virus is taken with food, after that it affects the patient's gastrointestinal tract and eventually is withdrawn along with the feces. In addition to the above symptoms, the patient may have darkening in the eyes, general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, redness of the eye membranes, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and throat.

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The incubation period of this viral disease lasts from one to five days, and for complete recovery it takes from four to seven days.

2 Poisoning the body with dangerous substances

Poisoning the body is not uncommon. When the patient is poisoned, pain in the abdomen and head is observed. Most often poisonings are food and medicamentous.

Food poisoning occurs after a person has eaten infected foods, which are usually of animal origin. The most dangerous are various dairy and meat products. The main cause of the poor condition are the wands belonging to the Salmonella group, which enter foodstuffs in inadequate storage, expiration of the shelf life, improper preparation process. Another source of poisoning is the toxins contained in these products.

Drug poisoning can occur if the dosage is incorrectly selected, expiration date and non-observance of age restrictions.

Among the symptoms of poisoning, you can identify a sharp pain in the abdomen, which is intense, the pain is usually cramping, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur, and irritation in the stomach is felt. In addition, the patient has a chill, the temperature rises, dehydration of the body occurs, which causes severe thirst.

It should be said that poisoning carries a very serious threat to the health of the patient and sometimes threatens his life. To fix the situation, a person needs first aid. To do this, perform the following actions:

Make a gastric lavage. To do this, drink about a liter of boiled water and induce vomiting. Trying to do a gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is not recommended. When it comes to a child, it is strictly forbidden, as this can cause even greater harm to the body, instead of providing help.


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After washing, you need to take activated charcoal. The dose is calculated by one tablet for every ten kilograms of the patient's weight. Activated carbon, if necessary, can be replaced with other sorbents, for example, polysorb MP.

The sufferer needs a frequent and maximum abundant drink, which should be consumed in small sips to avoid dehydration. It is best to use a rehydration solution, such as hydrovit or regidron, because during the gastric lavage the body lost not only liquid but also electrolytes.

In no case should you eat until the condition of the body comes to a relative standard.

When poisoning is desirable to go to the hospital, especially if after the first aid the patient's condition did not come back to normal.

3 Foodborne Diseases

The cause of a simultaneous combination of these symptoms can be bacterial toxins that provoke foodborne toxins. The causative agents are:

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  • bacteria of the genus Bacillus cereus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • of clostridium botulism;
  • toxins of clostridia.

With staphylococcal poisoning, the following symptoms can occur:

  • headache;
  • appears nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • the lower and upper limbs become colder;
  • there is a darkening in the eyes.

A distinctive feature of this poisoning is that even with clearly expressed symptoms, the body takes very little time to recover. Usually the patient's condition comes back to normal within a day. With severe poisoning, dizziness and weakness persist in the patient for about 2 more days.

A more complex condition in patients who have been poisoned by Clostridium toxins. First, the patient feels severe pain in the navel, then he has a weakness, darkens in the eyes, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, the body is dehydrated.

Even more dangerous situation is poisoning with botulinum toxins, which can be contained in fish, meat, canned goods of domestic production. The patient feels very strong headache, abdominal pain, he has constant attacks of vomiting and diarrhea, there is weakness in the muscles, vision deteriorates - a "veil before the eyes" appears, it is difficult to lift eyelids, the victim with great difficulty makes swallowing movements.

When toxins of clostridia and botulism are poisoned, there is a possibility of paralysis of the respiratory muscles, and then of death, therefore, an ambulance must be summoned without fail.

Before the ambulance arrives, you must do a gastric lavage.

When it comes to women, these symptoms can indicate not only about the disease, but also about a more pleasant phenomenon - about pregnancy. Pregnant women sometimes have a headache, and the abdomen hurts, the abdomen does not hurt with acute pain, but rather aches, and pregnant women often experience nausea and dizziness. For this reason, in order to dispel doubts or to be convinced of the assumption to the woman at detection at itself similar symptoms, necessarily it is necessary to make the test for pregnancy.

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