What to do if you are concerned about the pain in the neck on the right or on the left and gives to the head

1 Localization of pain

To begin to treat pain in the neck and head, you need to localize the source of pain, ie, clearly understand what and where it hurts: the neck or head hurts. But to do this is not so easy as it seems at first glance;in the cervical and spinal sections of the set of nerves and nerve endings. Therefore, it may well be a headache that gives to the neck, or pain in the neck or in the spine. Exactly the place of pain can be determined only by the doctor, having conducted the necessary procedures. But if there is no possibility to go to the doctor, then you need to ask someone from those who are nearby to make acupressure, but do not press too hard not to worsen the patient's condition. It is necessary to understand that until the source of pain is determined, then starting treatment does not make sense.

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2 Neck section

If it has been found that the neck hurts, a number of specific actions are carried out to help remove this pain. But before this, it is worthwhile to see a doctor in order to determine the specific type of disease and begin treatment. The neck may be sore in the following cases:

  1. The cause may be cervical osteochondrosis. First of all, it is a disease of those people who spend most of their lives in a sitting position. Most often this is due to the specifics of their profession. Cervical osteochondrosis affects those who work a lot at a computer, spend most of their time driving a car, as well as those people who need to sit at work a lot. They are managers, office workers, cashiers in supermarkets, teachers, librarians and archivists. The person is stalked by a dull, exhausting, aching pain in the nape of the neck, the neck hurts. The pain increases when the patient turns his head from side to side. The neck hurts on the right and on the left. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should be carried out only under the strict guidance and supervision of a specialist.
  2. Cervical spondylosis is much more dangerous and unpleasant. In cervical spondylosis, pain in the neck on the right and left, in the nape, and also in the shoulders. The pain arises because cartilage and intervertebral discs are affected, in which cracks and small faults are formed. If you do not seek help from a doctor in time and start treating this illness, it can lead to a hernia, the removal of which threatens a complicated operation, after which a long recovery period is also required.
  3. Myogeelosis of the cervical region is a disease from which the muscles suffer, their abnormal condensation occurs. A person complains of pain in the neck on the right and left, as well as pain in the head, back of the neck, shoulder area. But in addition to the pain syndrome, a person is often worried about dizziness, it is difficult for him to carry out sudden movements, exercise, because the disease binds his movements. The patient suffers from dizziness. This disease most often occurs because the person has spoiled his posture. If this really is the case, then you need to go to the doctor's office and ask him to recommend the means to correct it. The doctor can appoint several hours a day to wear a corset or massage sessions. Also, such a disease can arise because the patient has trite his back. In this case, a trip to the doctor is inevitable, and henceforth such a person should be more attentive, dress carefully, and limit the time spent in the cold and draft.
  4. Such symptoms can occur in a person who overdo it with exercise, improperly or too abruptly performed certain types of exercises, illiterately distributed the load. In this case it is necessary to stop such physical activity and to keep the cervical department in a state of rest for several days. It is not recommended to turn the neck too sharply. Over time, the pain in the neck to the right and left must pass. Such a patient can be recommended to do the exercises competently, so that it does not go to his own harm, and if it does not go out to distribute the load and time for exercise yourself, then consult a good coach.

3 Occipital region

Such a pain can have the following reasons:

  1. Pain in the head and occiput may occur if a person has been engaged in heavy mental work for a very long time. This applies to schoolchildren and students during the preparation for examinations and examinations and to those people who are preparing a particularly important project in the shortest possible time. It must be remembered that the work for wear never brings the desired effect, so you need to make occasional breaks from time to time, preferably getting a breath of fresh air on the street. But if there is no such possibility, during each of the breaks it is necessary to ventilate the room in which classes or work take place.
  2. Pain in the head can occur due to the fact that a person has been too nervous for too long. With age, this process only increases, especially in women who have crossed the age line at 30 years. To avoid such an unpleasant situation and not be too vulnerable to external stimuli, you need to be as nervous as possible about trifles and not take every problem that arises unnecessarily close to your heart.
  3. Hypertension is a common cause of headache and pain in the nape. This disease mainly haunts older people than young people, although there are exceptions. Particularly strengthen this disease such factors as bad habits, improper diet, excess weight and obesity, sedentary lifestyle. To cure hypertensive disease is completely not possible. To alleviate her symptoms, you need to lose weight and start playing sports. Especially it is necessary to follow your diet and exclude excessively salty foods, convenience foods, questionable canned food and instant food. Doctors recommend eating hypertensive foods with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, drinking natural juices. Such products contain quite a lot of such a trace element as potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the body of people suffering from hypertension.
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Pain can occur due to mechanical injuries to the head, with strong impacts against hard surfaces.

If it's just a bruise, then there's nothing to worry about. Of course, the head will be aching for a while, but the only thing you can do is take an anesthetic pill and ensure yourself complete peace. A cold lotion can be applied to the impact site. But if complications in the form of dizziness, vomiting, darkening in the eyes, etc., then you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the doctor's examination, since it can go about concussion.

In order to relieve the pain in the neck and neck area, it is often enough to completely relax, forget about all the problems that are disturbing, it's easy to massage the whiskey, the back of the head and the head. After this, you need to take an anesthetic and lie down for a while in complete rest.

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