Lacquer cream: composition, analogs, price, indications for use

Such a well-known tool, such as licorice cream, which first appeared on the shelves of the order of 20 years ago, today acquired a second wind: thanks to its composition and exceptionally positive effect on the skin, the drug has become especially popular among those who seek to maintain their health and youth for a long timeskin, prevent its dryness and early wrinkles. And indeed, licorice cream, which has proven itself in the restoration of dry and flaky skin, helps to eliminate the symptoms of dryness, neutralize the negative impact of the environment and give a more groomed appearance to the skin.

Among the analogues offered on the market, licorice cream rightfully occupies one of the first places in its indicators, which are due to its composition and degree of efficiency. The lack of components among the components of the cream that have a negative effect on the external epidermal layer, the rapid appearance of the first result at the beginning of application and its long-term preservation are the most important indicators determining both the degree of demand for the cream and those who have already used it in the presence ofrelevant indicators.

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Features of the preparation

Modern and highly effective, licorice cream provides a reliable protection for the skin, especially it concerns dry, prone to frequent formation of flaky skin areas. Since the composition of the drug is maximally natural, there is no negative effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, even with prolonged use. According to the instructions attached to this tool, the cream can be used both in adults and in children.

Many users consider the important advantages of licorice cream as simple and quick application, while it is easily absorbed by the skin, leaving no obvious traces on it and clothing. To obtain a pronounced effect, it is sufficient to use the cream for 2-4 days, for a longer lasting result, it is required to use the remedy for at least 3-6 weeks.

Non-addictive, licorice cream thanks to its composition copes well with such manifestations as deterioration of the skin regeneration process under the influence of the general condition of the organism and negative factors of the environment. Stimulating the processes of recovery of epidermal cells, the cream also normalizes the water composition of the skin, preserving its natural moisture and elasticity. Namely, these indicators should be considered the most important in assessing the appearance of the skin.

Dosage form

The liquorice cream is available in the form of a cream of light consistency and has a rapid absorption into the skin. Not having high fat content, it is excellent for both very dry and normal skin, which is important for its treatment with excessively frequent peeling and acceleration of cell regeneration processes after skin diseases.

Produced in the form of aluminum tubes, the cream is easy to use. Applying it to the skin does not require a long rubbing: quickly absorbed, the drug does not cause a pronounced negative effect on the areas with healthy skin, restoring only those parts of the upper layer of the epidermis, on which it is necessary to eliminate the ecdysis and prevent its aggravation.

Today, varieties of the drug such as licorice cream, intended for face care, La Cree cream, which has the property to quickly and permanently restore the skin condition and eliminate its peeling, and SOS licorice cream, which has the highest cost in comparisonwith the other two types of the remedy and is used for the speedy elimination of the most obvious manifestations of increased dryness of the skin.

Ingredients of licorice cream

Lacrimal cream has a balanced and thoughtful composition, which ensures its high efficiency. And although it includes some components of chemical origin, but the effect of the drug should be attributed to natural and most safe for the skin means.

The full composition of licorice cream is as follows:

  • higher fatty alcohols;
  • refined high-quality olive oil;
  • methyl paraben;
  • extract of licorice root extract;
  • purified distilled water;
  • dimethicone;
  • lanolin;
  • castor oil refined;
  • triethanolamine.

Also in the composition of licorice cream there is a small amount of soybean oil, a small amount of perfume cosmetic. A low percentage of fragrances, methylparaben do not have a pronounced negative effect on the skin cells, they do not cause any addiction or an allergic reaction, therefore the treatment is perfect for both adults and children. However, the use of the drug in childhood requires caution and when any allergic reactions occur, its use should be discontinued.


The cost of the cream in question can be considered quite democratic for the majority of buyers. Depending on the type of cream and its packaging, the price of the composition can be from 90 to 120 rubles. The most valuable is a variety of SOS liquorice cream - about 150 rubles per tube of cream packing 30 g.

Pharmacological action

The composition of the cream licorice determines its high efficiency. Due to the lack of components in its composition that cause significant damage to skin health, this product can be used for a long time without the appearance of negative effects on the skin.

Absorption of the cream occurs as quickly as possible;active components penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, without harming healthy areas of the skin. A low content of chemical components( methylparaben) is not too noticeable for the skin and they are not aggressive.


The main active ingredient of the licorice cream of any of its varieties is licorice extract( licorice), which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the fastest recovery of damaged skin cells.

In combination with olive and castor oils, licorice extract copes with severe lesions of the skin, minimizing inflammation, redness and excessive skin pigmentation.


As this cream is perfectly absorbed by the skin, getting its components into the deep layers of the skin requires careful assimilation of the substances entering the epidermis. At the same time, the removal of the remains of decomposition substances is carried out by the kidneys and partly by the liver. Partially, the products of the disintegration of the cream are removed through the skin.


Indications for the use of licorice cream should be considered the emergence and aggravation of skin conditions such as:

  • increased dryness of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • peeling with the formation of a significant amount of dead dry skin particles;
  • decrease in skin elasticity due to disturbances in the level of water balance of skin;
  • redness and eruption associated with exposure to low temperatures, sharp and strong winds;
  • need to raise the immunity of the skin at its heightened sensitivity;
  • elimination of skin tightness and dryness;
  • changes the skin turgor when exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions - cold sharp wind, temperature changes, hard or strongly chlorinated water.

In addition to those listed, medical indications for the use of licorice cream include dermatoses of various nature, the initial stage of eczema, neurodermatitis, intertrigo and pressure sores. Also, the cream perfectly copes with the emergence of areas with hypersensitive skin after sunburn, with allergic reactions, with diathesis in children.

Instructions for use

The use of any type of licorice cream does not present serious difficulties. The instruction provides for the need to observe a certain dosage in childhood, during pregnancy and during the feeding of a newborn baby.

A general requirement for the use of licorice cream of any kind should be considered the need to monitor the condition of the skin during its use with the purpose of timely detection of allergic reactions on the skin. Then the use of the drug should be temporarily suspended and seek medical advice from a dermatologist.


For adults, an average dosage is to apply to affected areas of creams three times a day. Preliminary cleansing the skin, the cream is applied by soft massaging movements, applying a dressing to improve absorption is not required: it is perfectly absorbed even after a simple application to the surface of the skin, the cream quickly begins to act and the manifestation of the first results does not keep you waiting.

Duration of use depends on the individual characteristics of the body, it is not limited in time. Before the manifestation of significant improvement, elimination of the main symptoms of skin lesions and peeling - these are the indicators of the possible cessation of the use of licorice cream.

The course of the drug can be repeated after a short rest period. Also for adults, licorice cream can be used in complex therapy to enhance therapeutic effect.

For children

Because children's skin is hypersensitive, the use of any medicinal product must be strictly controlled and, if the slightest negative effects occur, discontinue taking it with a substitute for a remedy with a similar effect.

The frequency of application of the product to the skin of children is no more than 1-2 times a day, nor is it necessary to rub the remedy into the affected skin.duration of use - until a noticeable improvement, about 2-3 weeks.

In pregnancy and lactation

Since active substances of licorice cream do not penetrate into breast milk and through the placenta, its use is not prohibited during the period of bearing of the child. Breastfeeding is also not a reason for not using it. However, caution should be exercised in these periods, any negative manifestations should be regarded as the need to refrain from using the drug and the need for consultation with the leading pregnancy doctor / gynecologist.


Contraindications include the increased sensitivity of the skin to the active ingredients of the cream, the appearance of allergic manifestations and the presence of current inflammatory processes on the skin from the acute stage.

Side effects of

Hypersensitivity to the skin can cause such side effects as increased allergic reactions, the appearance of rashes on the skin, redness of the treated areas. However, due to the small number of active components in the cream, the incidence of side effects, even with prolonged use, is low.

Special instructions

Represents a universal tool that positively influences the general condition of the skin, licorice cream in any of its forms neutralizes many negative manifestations, maintains a normal water balance in the skin, eliminating inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Caution requires the use of it with especially sensitive skin, in childhood to six months.

Interaction with other drugs

This skin cream is suitable for use in complex treatment, which allows increasing the degree of effectiveness of the treatment. Means with a similar effect increase the effectiveness of therapeutic therapy.


Many users noted such qualities as ease of use of licorice cream, its quick absorption and almost complete absence of side effects when using it. A well thought-out and balanced composition restores the skin well, eliminating peeling, a feeling of tightness and dryness of the epidermis. The availability of cost can also be considered one of the important advantages of the drug in question.

According to reviews of those who used licorice cream to eliminate the main symptoms of skin lesions( dryness, tightness, itching and burning), liquorice cream shows good results in both monotherapy and complex treatment.


For preparations that have a similar effect on the skin, you should include a cream for dry skin manufacturers "Unilever", brand "Black Pearl", "Nevskaya Cosmetics".

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