Diarrhea from fatty, diarrhea after eating fatty foods( fish oil, fish oil) and their causes

Every person has such health problems with which it is not very convenient to go to the doctor. One of these ailments is diarrhea that occurs after eating. Often, it occurs in people who prefer a diet consisting, for the most part, of fatty foods. It is not always clear why this kind of diarrhea appears, but it can bring big troubles to a person. A special problem arising from any food liquid chair creates when the patient does not attach special importance to this situation, but simply ignores it, believing that everything itself will pass. However, this is an erroneous opinion, because diarrhea, especially arising after eating fatty foods, usually indicates the appearance of serious disorders in the body.

Oily fish often provoke diarrhea. The consequences of its consumption can be quite serious, because it contains a large number of wax ethers and fats, which are very poorly absorbed by the human body. These substances accumulate in the digestive organs and cause gastrointestinal symptoms, which are expressed in the diarrhea that arise after eating.

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Gastrointestinal symptoms that occur after it is consumed are a loose orange stools and an oily consistency. In addition, a person affected by the use of oily fish, has the following symptoms:

  • Rectal leakage occurs involuntarily about a few hours after its consumption;
  • Flatulence with the smell of petroleum products;
  • Gastric spasms, nausea, vomiting and headaches.

But the main problem is the long-term diarrhea caused by the blurred movements of the intestines, which was due to the non-digestible fats contained in the oily fish. Therefore, its consumption is prohibited in many countries.

The cause of diarrhea after fat, is the use of too much of it. This causes the growth of bacteria and acceleration of intestinal peristalsis. Also, diarrhea, which has arisen for this reason, may prove to be a protective reaction of the body that has arisen because of the person's constant use of too much food for him. The leading symptoms accompanying diarrhea that develop after fatty and heavy food will be rumbling in the abdomen, cramping pains and upset of the stool.

Can diarrhea be from fish oil? Many patients are interested in this issue, because this tool containing 3-omega acids, is considered a panacea for many diseases. But in the case of diarrhea, his reception may be dangerous because of the increase in his reception, not only diarrhea, but also other symptoms. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to follow the admission rules specified in the instructions and in no case exceed the allowable dose. If the fish oil did not manage to avoid an overdose, and there was an upset stomach, the situation can be corrected. It is sufficient or completely to abandon this tool, or to reduce its use to a minimum.

How to cure diarrhea after fat?

When diarrhea occurs due to malnutrition, it may be a symptom of some other digestive system disease, such as pancreatitis. In this situation, self-treatment is strictly forbidden and it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnostics, which will help to clarify the cause of the liquid stool. Admission of certain medications that can cope with diarrhea after fat, and the diet corresponding to this disease should be prescribed only by a specialist.

A special diet, prescribed in case of diarrhea from fat, allows you to get rid of diarrhea, relieve the symptoms of the disease and restore intestinal motility. The diet should be light enough, consisting of their mucous soups and dishes with a low fiber content. We also recommend the use of boiled rice, which has astringent properties, dried bread and mashed cereals. Of drinks, compotes, juices, diluted with water and green tea, which should be consumed in large quantities, are preferred. But fatty grades of meat or fish, which can provoke diarrhea, it is best to completely exclude from the diet.

After such an easy diet, the digestive organs work is restored, and the medicamental treatment passes with the greatest effect. Observe it should not only during acute diarrhea from fatty, but also at the time of remission of the disease. People's remedies, which can remove uncomfortable symptoms of the disease, represented by a liquid stool, belching, heartburn and abdominal pain, also proved to be successful.

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