White worms in an adult human and child( photo), small, long helminths of white color, as they are called, what to do?

Parasitic worms that live in the human body and cause damage to health, damage to organs of varying intensity, coloring include a very wide range of colors. However, the most common is a whitish shade. Even if in life they have a different color, then very many after death are whitish. This is due to the fact that they live in total darkness, are not accessible to visual perception and they do not need to adapt to the color of the environment.

The most common are small white worms in humans, the photos of which are located above, under the name of pinworm. Ascarids in the adult state are red-yellow, but in the phase of the larvae and after death they become white. From the form of ribbon helminths white worms in humans are bovine or pork thistle.

What are the names of small white worms?

If the whitish small worms are found in the feces, then it will definitely be pinworms. They can not lay eggs inside the main habitat, in the intestines, but creep out of the anus and lay eggs. The products of vital activity of pinworms in the form of a sticky substance that helps to fix eggs on the surface of the skin near the anus irritate the skin. As a result of severe itching, a person combs the place of the congestion, provoking the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, while getting under the nails, helminth eggs, contribute to repeated infection. The distinctive features of these small whitish worms, photos of which are located here, are:

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  • strongly pointed tips;
  • round shape;
  • whitish color;
  • the length is not less than one centimeter.

Infection with small white worms leads to a widespread disease - enterobiosis. The causes of invasion are transmission from a person or an animal to a household, oral or contact. Most often small whitish worms are transmitted through dirty hands, so this disease is called a disease of "dirty hands".Symptoms of the disease are, in addition to severe itching in the anus:

  1. Pain sensations in the peritopic region and abdomen.
  2. A frequent mushy stool with an admixture of mucus.

In a child, small white helminths appear most often at an early age. According to statistics, 80 percent of children are infected between the ages of one and a half to three years. Given that at this age the protective forces of the child's body are not yet formed, white worms in the child cause more serious consequences than the adult. Having a mechanical effect on the wall of the intestine, they contribute to the occurrence of small hemorrhages, as can be seen in the photo of whitish worms in humans. By facilitating the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, small parasites disrupt the normal processes of digestion and absorption of food, while changing the composition of microflora. In girls, they cause inflammation of the urogenital system.

When determining how small white worms are called, attention should be paid to parasitic roundworms - hookworm. Compared to other parasites, they are not so common, but provoke a very dangerous disease. Ankylostomosis causes severe digestive disturbances with the formation of large ulcers, progressive anemia. When introducing larvae through the skin, redness, itching and burning sensation are noted at the points of penetration. They get into the body in places with a moist warm climate.

Flat white worms

If a white flat worm is found in a person, then most likely it is a wide ribbon or tsepen( bull, pork).The longest white flat worm is a wide ribbon, which, under especially favorable conditions, reaches a length exceeding twenty meters. The large sizes of flatworms require a lot of nutrients that they take away from the body to support their vital functions. In addition, they can cause intestinal obstruction or asphyxia( suffocation).

Especially dangerous is the long large parasite in the child. This is due to the fact that they feed on blood, absorbing vitamin B12 necessary for the normal development of the child. As a result, this leads to a delay in its growth, anemia and the occurrence of severe allergies. When penetrating the respiratory tract, they contribute to the development of infectious diseases and asthma. In the photo, white worms of this species look very impressive and disgusting.

Vlasoglavov it is difficult to call small white worms in humans, as their size in the adult state reaches five centimeters. The nutrition of this parasite is due to the tissues of the intestinal mucosa and blood. The eggs laid by the female come out with feces, and further development takes place in the soil. Through dirty hands, vegetables and fruits, larvae penetrate the body. The consequences of infection especially affect children, leading to severe diarrhea and even a delay in the development of the child.

What should I do with white worms?

The easiest way to deal with small white worm-clams. In this case, it is enough to make a thorough cleaning of the room, daily change bed and underwear with mandatory heat treatment and of course strictly adhere to hygienic rules. As for other types of parasites, then without drug treatment can not do. A specific treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, depending on how the white worms are called.

To treat helminthic invasion of young children, suspensions and solutions with medications are used. In the choice of tablets from white worms, preference is given to agents with a wide range of effects. If it is determined exactly which type of helminth infection has occurred, then the doctor prescribes the remedy most effective in this case. It is by no means recommended to take the medication independently, as they have side effects to some extent. Only accurate compliance with the dosage and the implementation of medical recommendations will minimize the undesirable effects of anthelmintic drugs.

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