Feces with IBS with blood and mucus, changes in stool with irritable bowel syndrome( thin, 5 times a day)

The most common ailment that affects the gastrointestinal tract, has recently become irritable bowel syndrome. It is always accompanied by various changes associated with the consistency and composition of the stool. Thus feces with IBS has several variants of manifestations, depending on the nature of the disease. Many patients are interested in what is the most frequent symptomatology of the disease? Speaking about the signs accompanying IBS, it is necessary to note one very characteristic nuance - a person does not feel any discomfort in a dream, all the painful sensations appear only after awakening. In addition, their character and feces change. A total of bowel movements during this illness in a patient can be of two kinds: constipation or diarrhea.

Changes in stool with IBS

Among the main symptoms that characterize acts of defecation in irritable bowel syndrome, the following are distinguished:

  • Most often during this pathology, the patient has diarrhea, while the stool can contain mucus, as well as any inclusions in its composition inform of undigested food. With irritable bowel syndrome such manifestations can be considered normal. However, if the feces in the IBS contain blood, then it is quite possible that there is another disease. In this case, diarrhea does not continue throughout the day, but occurs only in the morning, with a frequency of up to 5-6 times per hour. Possible in this case, a thin stool can also normally contain undigested pieces of food. The most dangerous in this pathology is the situation where when changes in the stool during IBS in their composition appears blood;
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  • The nature of pain in this disease is aching, giving to the abdomen and hypochondrium. The greatest peak of pain activity is in the morning, at the same time, when the thin stool is most often observed. Normally, mucus-containing stools can be up to five times a day, but usually only in the morning;
  • A constant desire to defecate with the need to exert pressure, as if there was no complete emptying, although the chair was already, almost, five times a day;
  • In addition to the presence of mucus in the stool, with IBS, the patient develops bloating and flatulence;
  • The urge to act defecation can be too sudden and irresistible, however, a thin stool in IBS manifests itself mostly in the morning.

Often irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by such a phenomenon as constipation. In this case, feces can be allocated daily, but the process of defecation is considerably more difficult. Hard fecal masses with IBS can also contain mucus, but in no case is it blood. Most patients describe pain as twisting and cutting, reminiscent of indigestion. In the event that constipation is observed in this pathology, the feces will have a very dense consistency, and the process of defecation occurs with greater difficulties and not more than once a week. Slime, undigested food pieces and other inclusions occur with this form of pathology development quite often.

Regardless of the form of irritable bowel syndrome, it is mandatory to consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • Cal is black or contains sheer blood;
  • The defecation process occurs more than five times a day and causes very painful sensations;
  • In addition to diarrhea and discomfort in the intestines, the body temperature is increased.

Watery stools appeared suddenly, and the duration of this symptomatology is more than 6 weeks. This is especially dangerous for people over sixty years old or small children.

Also, given these signs, one can not do without consulting a specialist if any of the relatives of the patient suffers from any chronic or oncological diseases of the digestive tract. It is also necessary to ensure that the stool does not contain pathogenic impurities and IBS attacks do not appear at night.

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