Lineks with diarrhea( liquid stool) - does diarrhea help the child?

One of the best modern medications that deal with diarrhea is Linex. In addition, this drug has a wide range of effects. It belongs to the group of probiotics. As a basis for the medicament, live lyophilized lactic acid bacteria were used.

Positive result is achieved due to the fact that live bifidobacteria are not susceptible to gastric juice. They remain stable for a long time in the intestines.

The medicine for diarrhea Linex, has the form of capsules, containing 280 milligrams of lebenin, which in turn is a dried powder of living bacteria. For greater effectiveness, the drug is recommended for use during meals.

Lineks for diarrhea is assigned to both infants and adults. Before use, you should read the authorized dosage:

  • Children from 0 to 24 months can give Lineks from diarrhea in the amount of 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Children from 2 to 12 years of age, the dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day. In severe diarrhea, the dosage can be increased to 2 tablets at a time;
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  • Children from 12 years old, as well as adults at a time, can use Lineks from a loose stool in the amount of 2 capsules. In knocking 6 capsules are used.

In the case when a young child is suffering from a loose stool, the Linex capsule can be opened and mixed with liquid. This is recommended for those who can not swallow a whole capsule. The temperature of the liquid must be at room temperature. You can use boiled water or juice.

Effect of Linex on diarrhea on the body

As for pregnancy, the drug does not cause complications. Does Linex help with diarrhea and during lactation? On the baby, no one has an effect, so you can not be afraid that the baby's milk will get a baby medication. Capsules can be taken at any stage of pregnancy.

During its existence, the drug did not cause side effects. In the event that a person has an individual non-tolerability of the drug, an allergic reaction may occur.

Lineks at a diarrhea at the child quickly copes with the task. The medication normalizes the intestinal microflora, regardless of the age of the baby. Especially good Linex helps when diarrhea occurs when the baby is transferred from mother's milk to artificial feeding.

Many parents face the problem of dysbiosis, at a time when their child is attending school. This problem is associated with unbalanced diet, as well as mental stress of the baby. Undoubtedly, Lineks helps with diarrhea, regardless of the reason for which it was caused. It is best if the baby will take the medicine under the supervision of adults. The capsule should be swallowed and then washed with plenty of liquid.

It should be noted that the activity of beneficial bacteria will be reduced if the drug is consumed together with ethyl-containing drugs. There is also a specific contraindication. Lineks is better not to use for people who underwent organ transplantation, as well as for those who suffer from diabetes and AIDS.In other cases, there are no contraindications.

It is better not to take medicine for diarrhea without doctor's prescription, with frequent diarrhea, which lasts more than 48 hours, and at body temperature above 38 degrees.

If desired, the medicine can be purchased at any drugstore, since its purchase does not need permission from the doctor.

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