Diarrhea from bread

Mechanism of diarrhea development is a violation of the passage of the process of fluid absorption or increased release of water into the lumen of the intestine, as well as too rapid movement of the contents of the intestine. These factors can be provoked by various factors, among which one can note an abnormal diet or an allergy to different foods.

Diarrhea from bread can be caused for the following reasons:

  1. Disruption of the process of digestion and digestion of food, resulting in partial digestion.
  2. Content of a large amount of intractable fiber and low quality of the product.
  3. Deficiency in the body of enzymes that hamper the digestion process.
  4. Violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. In this case, rumbling in the abdomen, the phenomenon of flatulence and abdominal pain may occur.

Diarrhea can cause bread with bran and black, which affect the increase in intestinal peristalsis. Enzyme deficiency leads to the accumulation in the intestine of intermediate cleavage products. These products hold water, not giving it a normal outlet in the bloodstream. In turn, the retained water does not allow the formation of a dense consistency of the stool, and at the outlet it remains liquid. There is a so-called osmotic diarrhea.

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Osmotic diarrhea can also occur with a large consumption of baked goods, when the body lacks enzymes for their rapid processing. With the use of fresh, and even more hot bread, especially with a crust, the pancreas can be damaged, which also leads to diarrhea. The cause of diarrhea after eating bread can be infecting it with potato disease caused by spore-forming bacteria. In this case, diarrhea from bread can be accompanied by vomiting, as there is a poisoning of the body.

In addition, do not forget that bread is a very high-calorie product and the whiter it is in color, the more it contains glucose and fewer vitamins. A large amount of glucose causes active fermentation in the intestines, leading to diarrhea. Moreover, there are a lot of varieties for it now, and not only wheat flour is used for their production, but also rice, corn, rye flour, various additives for improving taste. Therefore, there may be an individual intolerance to bread made from a non-traditional formula, which leads to the development of diarrhea.

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