How to rinse ears at home from traffic jams with hydrogen peroxide

Tinnitus and hearing impairment can result from the formation of sulfur plugs, the appearance of purulent discharge or the ingress of foreign objects into the hearing organ. To cope with this problem, perform washing. In the absence of complex pathologies, this procedure can be performed at home.

Procedure at home

Rinsing your ears yourself is only allowed after a thorough diagnosis. The doctor must ensure the integrity of the tympanic membrane and purulent discharge.

To conduct this procedure, warm water or saline is drawn into the syringe, then injected into the ear in small portions. To exclude the risk of perforation, you need to do this on the back wall.

Use of

This procedure has quite a few useful properties. With its implementation, you can get such effects:

  • eliminate sulfur plugs;
  • remove alien objects from the organ of hearing;
  • wash the purulent secret.


Usually rinsing is performed in such situations:

  1. Ears in the ears of sulfur plugs. A large amount of sulfur deposits can provoke unpleasant consequences - development of otitis, eustachitis and even loss of hearing. That is why it is so important to perform the washing in time.
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  2. Alien object. To get rid of a foreign object, you need to use warm boiled water.
  3. Cleansing the hearing organ from pus. This method is used when accumulating an excessive amount of purulent contents in the hearing organ. If the ear can not be cleaned in time, there is a risk of rupture of the eardrum.


To cope with the main problems, you can do the washing yourself. For this purpose, various substances are used - saline, hydrogen peroxide or ordinary water.

To get rid of traffic jams yourself, they need to be softened using vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. These substances are heated and injected into the ears 2 times a day for several drops. Thanks to this cork can go out by itself. If this does not happen, proceed to wash.

To perform the procedure, you need to take a special solution, syringe, pipette, cotton. A rubber pear with a hard tip is also required.

Ear flushing method


Different earings can be used to wash the ears, which can improve the patient's condition.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a harmless and effective product that has pronounced disinfectant properties. Due to this, peroxide can be used even with purulent damage to the ear. With its help you can achieve softening of plugs and clearing the ears of sulfur.

To cope with the problem, it is necessary to do the following:

  • take a peroxide solution with a concentration of 3% and warm to room temperature;
  • lie on its side, so that the sick ear is located horizontally;
  • with a pipette, insert a little peroxide into the ear, then cover the auditory hole with cotton wool;
  • stay in this position for 5 minutes;
  • remove the cotton wool and gently clean the ears of sulfur and peroxide.

Physiological solution

Physiological saline has pronounced antiseptic characteristics. With its help it is possible to carry out a lavage to remove the sulfur plug. If the tympanic membrane is damaged, this composition should not be used.

To get the desired result, the liquid is heated to body temperature, after which it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Heat the heated solution into a syringe without needles.
  2. Insert it into the ear so that the jet flows down the top wall of the auditory hole.
  3. Carefully apply liquid to the interior of the canal by inserting a tray beside it. Thus the head should be small.

If all actions are performed correctly, the sulfur will come out with a fluid flow. It is important to direct the jet to the channel wall. If you apply the solution directly, there is a risk of damage to the tympanic membrane.

Removing the sulfur plug by rinsing:


To perform the rinsing, take boiled or distilled water. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended that a cotton swab is placed in the ear for 15 minutes. Then you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Fill the syringe or pear with warm water.
  2. With a gentle pressure of water, rinse the ear. Do it best on the washbasin so that the liquid drains into it.
  3. After this, the ear should be dried with a hair dryer. The air should be warm. At the same time, its flow is directed not to the auditory aperture, but to the side. This will help prevent burns.

Cooked by yourself

If there is no damage to the ear, you can use onion juice. It is recommended to inject it into the auditory meatus twice a day. For 1 time, you should use 3-4 drops of this product. As a result, you can get an effect reminiscent of the action of hydrogen peroxide. A similar result can be achieved using a solution of soda or heated vegetable oil.

Localization of sulfuric plugs

How to rinse the ears of a child

Before washing the ears, the baby should receive a medical consultation. The otolaryngologist will give advice on the proper implementation of the procedure. This will help prevent damage to sensitive skin.

To cope with the sulfur plug in a child, you can use a solution of furatsilina or buy a special drug. Do not try to solve the problem through cotton buds, because this will only worsen the situation.

If you need to rinse the ears with a baby, it is worth doing such manipulations:

  • to sit the child on his knees to an adult;
  • the lower limbs of the toddler clamp between their legs;
  • with his left hand clasp the child, and his hands, too, need to be pressed to the body;
  • the right hand to hold the baby's head in a tilted position.

The procedure should be performed by a second adult person, gradually introducing the solution into the ear canal of the child. The process should be performed with extreme care to prevent damage to the ear canal and complications.


The following are considered limitations to the procedure:

  • individual intolerance of the active component;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane;
  • presence in the membrane of the shunt.

Before starting to rinse the sulfur plug, you must make sure that there is no damage to the membrane. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to clean your ears yourself in our video:

Possible complications of

If the washing procedure is incorrect, the following complications may occur:

  • otitis;
  • burns tissues of the ears;
  • hearing loss;
  • damage to the integrity of the auditory meatus;
  • perforation of the membrane;
  • tachycardia and even cardiac arrest.

Washing or blowing of the ears can be carried out independently only in the absence of serious pathologies. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to consult an ENT doctor. Of no less importance is the observance of all the recommendations of a specialist.

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