Gastritis and heart

In the human body, everything is interconnected, all its systems and organs function inseparably from each other. The work of the heart is influenced by the food that enters our stomach, positively - healthy and environmentally friendly, negatively - chemical and fat, alcohol. The most disagreeable moment is an attack of an infarction, similar to an attack of gastritis. Therefore, we must clearly know the distinctive features of how the gastritis and heart ache. In both cases, the pain is sharp: blunt or acute. It is also necessary to pay attention to other signs of the disease:

  • With gastritis, pain in the heart area is observed - immediately after a meal or on an empty stomach.
  • The pain does not cease even after the use of nitroglycerin.
  • With pains in the heart of a person, there is the appearance of fear, panic, weakness.

In medical practice, more and more often with gastrointestinal diseases, gastroesophageal reflux is observed. According to statistics, more than half of the chest pains are related to this disease. When reflux, gastric juice enters the esophagus, which causes severe pain in the thoracic region. Pain sensations in this case are observed in the left half of the body, and this can be: rib, shoulder, jaw, neck, arm. Pain syndrome resembles a heart attack and forces you to call an ambulance. There is no way to do without this: the symptoms are similar, and to remove all doubts, it is necessary to make an electrocardiogram. The cardiogram reflects the real state of affairs-that is, if there are any malfunctions with the work of the heart, then the corresponding signs will be visible on it.

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And a direct interconnection between the heart and the stomach exists because they are separated by the muscular diaphragm and are located in different cavities. Therefore, with pain, sometimes it is difficult to reliably know what exactly is the source of pain - gastritis or the heart, and if at the same time there are problems with the stomach and cardiovascular system. With gastritis, the reflected pain in the heart is most often observed after eating or fasting, they can stay for a long time and do not recede after nitroglycerin has been taken. More often than not, people who suffer from such "pains in the heart" come to see a cardiologist. Not finding signs of a cardiac dysfunction, the cardiologist will redirect such a patient to the gastroenterologist.

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