Seborrheic eczema: photos, creams, symptoms, treatment at home

Seborrheic eczema( dermatitis, seborrheic dermatosis) is a chronic pathology of the skin, characterized by the development of inflammation against the background of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Eruptions have different localization and they manifest themselves regardless of age. What other features of the disease and how to overcome it?

Features of the disease

Fungi focus around the sebaceous glands, because they use the secret they disclose for development and growth. This is what causes redness. In the absence of provoking factors, the body is able to keep their growth.

  • In a child-infants, seborrheic eczema( not to be confused with a child's) is one of the frequent phenomena. It happens usually under the influence of congenital causes or against the background of breastfeeding. In the latter case, the disease will cease after the termination of the receipt of mother's milk. But sometimes dermatitis develops under the influence of allergies, stresses, other diseases. You need to treat it, otherwise the process of inflammation will spread to other parts of the body.
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  • In adults, seborrheic eczema occurs more often on the scalp. The most affected are men. Very vulnerable to her teenagers.

Seborrheic eczema of the head( photo)

Classification and forms

By type the dermatosis is divided into:

  • bold type,
  • dry type,
  • mixed type.

Seborrheic eczema is divided into:

  • acquired( received under the influence of body dysfunction) and
  • congenital( arises as a result of genetic predisposition).

When diagnosing, they always try to determine the origin of the disease, because of this, much depends on the therapy itself. So, it is almost impossible to fight with a congenital type of illness, but in the case of the acquired form, the success of treatment largely depends on eliminating the cause of the pathology.

The disease can be divided by localization into seborrheic dermatitis of the trunk and face.

  • Frequent localization of eruptions with a lesion of the trunk - the navel, chest, under the mammary glands, in the natural folds of the body( in the armpit, inguinal region).
  • Several areas are involved in the disease at once in the face.
  • The pathological process can be extended to the eyebrows, beard, nose and lips, mustaches, eyelashes and scalp, ears and area behind the ears.

How the seborrheic eczema manifests itself, this video will be described:

Stages of

The disease proceeds as follows:

  • I stage. Distribution of crusts to the hairy areas, other symptoms less pronounced.
  • II stage. There is a growth of the rash, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract appears, crusts appear on the face, there is itching.
  • III stage. Most of the skin is hyperemic, affected by rashes, edematous. Secondary infection develops, wet areas appear, sleep is disturbed.

Causes of

Propagation of pathogens in the sebaceous gland region is the main cause of seborrheic eczema. However, here it is necessary to make a remark: the fungus that provokes the disease is present on the skin in almost every person, however, only a certain percentage of people develop rashes. Many physicians tend to believe that in this category of patients the reasons lie in the propensity to infections and allergies.

To internal factors capable of provoking the disease, include:

  • of CNS disease,
  • low motor activity,
  • stresses,
  • hormonal surge,
  • disease with immunodeficiency,
  • VSD,
  • hormone imbalance,
  • weakened immunity,
  • GI disease,
  • chronic infections,
  • disorders in the functioning of the liver.

If we consider external factors, then in this case, the development of seborrheic dermatitis becomes heredity, problems with metabolism. Do not forget that the causes of the disease can be:

  • alcohol abuse,
  • winter time,
  • active work of sebaceous glands,
  • use of detergents with alkaline base.

Symptoms of seborrheic eczema

White scales appear on the scalp, and red nodules precede them. Their gradual increase in size leads to the appearance of plaques. When the scales are removed, wetting areas are formed, but they are not extensive. Sometimes the process is accompanied by itching of varying degrees of intensity.

The foci are often dry, but can gradually transform into damp. With poor hygiene, there is accumulation of scales, which causes the onset of inflammation. Sometimes it happens that because of the abundance of these scales inflammatory process can not be established.

If the lesion is heavy, then a large number of plaques and spots, and sometimes hemorrhagic crusts with scales of a yellowish tinge, arise. All rashes are with proper therapy. Seborrheic eczema may cause conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Eyes swollen, red, inflammation and scales appear from the outer edge.

With lesions of smooth skin, foci have uneven edges, and the rashes grow and slightly rise.


  • An appropriate diagnosis is established by a dermatologist on the basis of an examination.
  • Because of specific rashes, this is enough, but sometimes other methods of investigation supplement the diagnosis: analysis of scrapings of hair and skin, luminescence diagnostics, dermatoscopy. When secondary infection is necessary to hold the tank.sowing.
  • If histological examination is carried out, then similarity is found with the neurodermitis. But for eczema of this type are characteristic signs of perifolliculitis, accumulation of lipids in the upper part of the epidermis, the presence of pathogenic flora.
  • Other specialists consult to determine the presence of chronic foci and background diseases that cause or aggravate the course of dermatosis. Based on the testimony, ultrasound, gastroscopy, pharyngoscopy, immunological or hormonal studies, as well as other diagnostic methods, can additionally be prescribed.

Differentiate seborrheic eczema from true and professional( not to be confused with varicose, mycotic).

  • In the latter case, the influence factor of the profession on the skin is excluded.
  • The first case is characterized by the presence of extensive areas of mocclusion, which is not present in the seborrheic form of the disease.
  • Another dermatosis is distinguished from psoriasis( by localization of rashes), trichophytosis and microsporia. The last two diseases are more characterized by dry peeling and the appearance of hair loss sites.

How to treat seborrheic eczema, the following video will tell:


Therapeutic way

Use a number of ointments locally, which are selected according to the severity of the symptoms. So, for severe itching, it is best to use a gel with corticosteroids. Together with a number of antibacterial and antifungal ointments, this helps to speed up regeneration. The doctor can also recommend local treatment to degrease the affected surface of the skin. In this case, such means are well suited:

  1. Solution with salicylic acid.
  2. Powder with resin.
  3. Green.
  4. Powder with sulfur.
  5. Alcohol solution.

If the rash is localized on the head, then shampoos are used, which contain zinc pyrithione, Naftalan, sulfur, tar, selenium.

Crusts remove only those that easily lag behind the skin, others can not be touched, as this will only increase the duration of therapy. For a gentle peeling, the tampon is soaked in sea buckthorn oil and only after it is removed. On such surfaces then it is necessary to apply ointments, which help to restore.

Ointments with antibiotics are used only when signs of secondary infection appear.

Of the physiotherapy procedures, the greatest preference is given to:

  • cryomassage,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • darsonvalization,
  • cryotherapy,
  • laser treatment.

The following section will tell you about what creams will help in treating seborrheic eczema on the head, face, arms and other localization.

By medicamentous method

Some patients, having got rid of Helicobacter pylori, completely eliminate the problem and with seborrheic eczema. To conduct such therapy it is better to consult a gastroenterologist.

Antibiotics are systemically started to take only with secondary infection. The doctor can choose the means to strengthen immunity, antihistamines, advise to conduct a course of vitamin therapy.

On the background of therapy of the dermatosis itself, treatment of the disease, which served as a stimulus for its appearance, is carried out. Necessarily sanitize infectious foci.

About the treatment of seborrheic eczema at home, we will tell below.

Folk methods

Phytotherapy significantly helps in the treatment of seborrheic eczema:

  1. Fill several birch buds with water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting solution rinses the areas with rashes, but you can also apply baths with this decoction.
  2. In a water bath, prepare 20 grams of oak bark. After filtering, the solution is used for compresses on the affected areas.
  3. Take 1 tbsp.l.children's cream, juice of a golden mustache and olive oil. To the resulting mixture add a tincture of valerian( 1 tsp) and apply all 2 hours before washing on the hair. The product is able to nourish the skin, accelerate healing and remove the itching.
  4. Strain nettle and garlic until smooth and apply to areas of severe seborrhea. Flush the product with a decoction of chamomile.

You can also prepare broths for internal use. Particular preference should be given to recipes with a soothing or fortifying effect.

Prevention of the disease

  • It is better to give up any perfume, as well as all kinds of shower gels and usual shampoos. It is better to choose personal hygiene products with a doctor. You only need to buy funds designed for sensitive skin.
  • Avoid re-emergence of the disease can be while maintaining a hypoallergenic diet, stopping visiting the bath.
  • Much importance is given to hygiene. Because of the work of the sebaceous glands up to 2 times a day, it will be necessary to carry out water procedures, and for cleansing use only soft-acting products.

In the future it will be necessary to be observed at the dermatologist and to be engaged in therapy of chronic diseases.

About the treatment of seborrheic eczema on the face will tell the specialist in the video below:

Complications of

This type of dermatosis is complicated by streptodermia, folliculitis, hydradenitis or ostiofolliculitis.

Not only infection, but also poor hygiene can provoke the development of complications. In some cases, the situation worsens for men when they release a mustache or beard. This is a serious impetus for complications. When they are shaved, on the contrary, the disease regresses more often.


The cure for the disease largely depends on the patient himself, his adherence to all recommendations. In general, the outlook is favorable.

Seborrheic eczema on the face( photo)

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