Cream-gel from hemorrhoids Just, Metrogil, list of others, instructions for use

One of the popular dosage forms used to treat hemorrhoids is the gel. Although these drugs are considered to be lighter than ointments, but thanks to the active ingredients that make up them, these drugs can have an effective, and most importantly, a quick healing effect. Therefore, their participation in complex hemorrhoid therapy allows to obtain excellent results in the treatment of this disease in all its forms.

The pharmaceutical industry today produces a wide range of hemorrhoids gels with different composition, active substances and methods of action on inflamed tissues. Why are these funds allocated in a separate line, and what was the need to develop this dosage form?

What is the difference between gel and hemorrhoids from ointments?

In their composition they contain practically the same active substances as ointments, therefore they provide a quick elimination of the symptoms of the disease, while they have a number of cardinal differences from pasty analogs:

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  • The hemorrhoidal gel, in comparison with the consistency of pasty ointment, has a lighter structure. As a rule, they are very quickly and without problems absorbed, do not require rubbing into the skin, and after applying to the site the body does not cause discomfort and do not leave stains on clothes.
  • Cream-gels from hemorrhoids are more physiological and active than ointments, since they do not contain fats that prevent fast absorption of medical components in the tissue. It also has a bactericidal and drying effect.
  • A huge plus of such a lightweight dosage form is the possibility of using it for a long time. The treatment course can last several weeks.

Hemorrhoids gels have antibacterial and regenerative action, and also contribute to the restoration of immunity. In addition, they, due to rapid absorption, have:

  • operative anti-inflammatory effect;
  • quickly eliminate swelling and stagnation;
  • effectively heal microcracks and wounds in the anal passage;
  • well strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic;
  • in a short time reduces itching and burning, relieve pain.

What is a part of hemorrhoidal cream-gels?

Developed by pharmacological companies, cream-gels from hemorrhoids include a number of components that, acting in a complex, strengthen each other's pharmacology. Thus, treatment with these drugs becomes more effective. They are based on the following active substances in different proportions and combinations:

  • different medicinal plants;
  • extract from seaweed or shark liver;
  • natural or synthetic corticosteroids;
  • analgesics( anesthetics);
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins of different groups;
  • vegetable and mineral oils;
  • anticoagulants of direct and indirect effect.

Like any pharmacological form, gels have certain contraindications. Because of the high rate of absorption, they are not prescribed, for example:

  • for children;
  • in patients with renal failure or with kidney disease in acute form;
  • for patients with heavy rectal bleeding if the drug contains heparin;
  • with personal intolerance to the patient of one of the components of the drug.

In connection with a rather impressive list of contraindications, before using the gel from hemorrhoids for treatment, it is recommended to consult a specialist-proctologist beforehand.

List of popular gemorrhoids from

If it became necessary to conduct qualitative treatment of hemorrhoids with the use of gel, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the list of these drugs that are most in demand:

  • Relief. The complex includes the following active components: benzocaine and shark liver oil. Use it to fight internal and external hemorrhoids. The drug removes inflammation, itching, burning and painful sensations, heals microcracks in the rectum and regenerates tissues.
  • Simply gel is used as an anti-inflammatory and soothing medicine. Simply the gel from hemorrhoids in its composition has an extract of Aloe, extracts of geranium and leaves of the pochastemon, carbomer and triethanolamine. Attached to the Simple Gel for hemorrhoids instruction, notes that this drug stimulates healing processes, strengthens blood vessels, quickly relieves pain, and is also used as a preventive against the formation of cracks in the rectum and inflammation in the anus.
  • Troxevasin. This means of external application, thanks to the presence in the semisynthetic component of routines( flavonoid), provides an improvement in the state of blood vessels, increases the elasticity and strength of the walls. Reduces the risk of blood clots, and improves blood circulation.
  • Metrogyl gel. This unique drug is part of a group of medical products that provide prompt suppression of painful symptoms. Metrogil gel from hemorrhoids heals and normalizes the condition of blood vessels, blocks inflammatory processes and is an active antimicrobial drug for external use. The course of successful treatment depending on the form of hemorrhoids can be from 2 to 10 weeks. As practice shows, the patient's relief comes on the 2nd or 3rd day.
  • Hepatrombin - a colorless, transparent preparation of combined action has a characteristic pine flavor, is used, both with external and internal hemorrhoids. Hepatrombin in its composition has active substances: allantoin, menthol, heparin and essential oils. The drug removes swelling and regenerates tissues, improves blood circulation and prevents the occurrence of blood clots.

It is imperative to empty the intestines and carry out mandatory hygienic manipulations before starting treatment procedures. The gel is recommended to be applied according to the instructions attached to the drug, following the advice of the attending physician.

Usually gels are used twice a day: early in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep, but in the first days of treatment, the use of gels is allowed four times a day.

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