Cardiac dyspnea at walking and at rest: causes, treatment with folk remedies, tablets

During many diseases a person feels shortage of air, the frequency of respiratory movements increases. These and other physiological manifestations are summarized in one sign - shortness of breath. It can indicate serious diseases, including from the field of cardiology. Therefore, today we will talk about the symptoms and causes of cardiac dyspnea in walking, physical activity and at rest, its treatment with pills and folk remedies.

The concept of dyspnea

Dyspnea( dyspnea) is not an independent disease, but its appearance indicates a progressive disease in the body, where dyspnoea is just a symptom. The appearance of the symptom is noticeable for the surrounding people and is palpable for the patient himself. Shortness of breath is characterized by 3 morphological manifestations:

  1. Sensation of air deficiency for breathing, problems of respiratory movements observed with asphyxiation.
  2. Rapid breathing with increased excursion of the thorax.
  3. Respiratory movements are accompanied by extraneous sounds from the respiratory tract( hoarse, rales, whistles, etc.).
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More details on what dyspnea is, the specialist will tell in the video below:

Its varieties

Two factors rely on the classification of difficulties during breathing.

Respiratory movement frequency

The first classification is based on the frequency of respiratory movements.

  • If there is an increase in the frequency of respiratory acts, dyspnea is commonly referred to as tachypnea .The increase in the number of respiratory movements over 20 is usually attributed to tachypnea. The nature of motor breathing reactions is superficial. A similar symptom accompanies hematological diseases, anemia, various types of fever.
  • If the respiration rate reaches 50-70 times per minute and above, the people clearly pronounced tahikapnoe "breath of the driven beast" .A similar morphophysiological state is observed in the hysterical state of the organism.
  • The decrease in the number of respiratory acts was called bradycapno .The condition of the thinned breathing is a great threat to life, as it is found during diabetic coma, severe diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the meninges and damage to the neuronal structure of the brain.

The phases of the respiratory act

The second classification of dyspnoea is based on the occurrence of dyspnea in this or that phase of the respiratory act. On this basis, it is customary to distinguish 3 varieties of the pathological trait:

  1. Dispno during inspiration - inspiratory type.
  2. The expiratory type of dyspnea that occurs during expiration.
  3. Dispno is observed both during inspiration and at the exhalation stage - a mixed type.

Symptom Detection

The patient experiences difficulty with inhalation, a sense of air deficiency after performing motor activity and eating.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

In connection with insufficient activity of the heart, shortness of breath is manifested with swelling of the legs. In the chest cavity a person feels discomfort and painful sensations. The limbs of the sick person become colder.

The moment of onset of dyspnea determines the degree of development of pathology.

  1. At the first degree of severity, breathing difficulties are detected only with active physical activity( running, long brisk walking, climbing stairs, etc.).
  2. The second degree of severity is manifested when walking in a slightly accelerated rhythm, and the person begins to slow down the rhythm in comparison with a person who has a normal state of health.
  3. When the patient stops to restore a normal breathing rhythm, dyspnea becomes a third degree of severity.
  4. The most severe, the fourth degree is characteristic for patients, choking with slow walking or in a quiet state.
  5. If dyspnea occurs with prolonged strong physical exertion, then its degree is considered to be zero.

About the causes of severe shortness of breath in a child, in adults, in the elderly, we will talk further.

On how to diagnose a disease in time, which is indicated by shortness of breath, will tell this video:

About what ailments are indicated by the sign

Dyspnea does not belong to the pathology noted in the international classification of diseases as an independent disease. There are several systemic disorders in the body, when shortness of breath accompanies a series of diseases of the functional system.

Cardiovascular system

  • Under , heart failure indicates not an accurate diagnosis of the disease, but an unadalized disruption of the main circulatory system. Heart failure is associated with dyspnea when performing exercise or walking. If the disturbances are not corrected, difficulty breathing will occur even during maximum rest( at night, during sleep).The lack of activity of the heart, in addition to dyspnea, indicates the accumulation of intercellular fluid in the tissues of the legs, which is expressed by their edema at the end of the day. In passing, there is tachycardia, changes in the heart rate and stitching pains in the heart area. Skin covers of the lips, earlobes of the auricles, endings of fingers and toes acquire a bluish tinge. The measurement of the systolic pressure shows its deviations from the norm in the larger and smaller sides. The head starts to spin and pain, there is a podkashlivanie, called "heart cough."Treatment of dyspnea of ​​this type refers to the therapeutic-cardiological area.
  • Hypertension .If the systolic blood pressure rises, it affects the performance of the pumping function of the heart, overloading its activity. The dyspnea accompanying a hypertonic status, is shown together with a hyperemia of separate sites of a skin of the face, fast overfatigue, an unsuccessful exit from stressful situations, a ringing in ears, pains in heart, a head, a mosaic perception of light on a retina and sensation of occurrence of "flies".A sharp rise in systolic pressure causes dyspnea of ​​intense intensity.
  • Heart attack .Dyspnea is a characteristic manifestation of myocardial infarction, in which necroticisation of individual parts of the striated cardiac muscle occurs. In connection with the deterioration of the functional activity of the heart, the blood supply of tissues decreases and, as a consequence, oxidative processes in cells due to lack of oxygen. The first sign of myocardial infarction is a piercing and burning pain in the region of the heart, which the patient and medical personnel can perceive as angina pectoris. The intake of nitroglycerin does not reduce pain, which is accompanied by a panic sense of the proximity of death, a strong decrease in the magnitude of systolic pressure due to small portions of blood ejection, an increase in the intensity of dyspnea, the appearance of a sticky cold sweat against the pale skin. Paroxysmal tachycardia. In the absence of sufficient strength of the heart beat, sometimes their frequency increases. The pathological phenomenon acquired the name of paroxysmal tachycardia. The duration of dyspnoea and tachycardia is correlated with the intensity of circulatory disorders. At a stroke rate of up to 180 times per minute, the patient experiences palpitations for 14 days, not accompanied by difficulty in breathing. If the heart rate reaches 190 strokes or more, the feeling of shortness of breath is inevitable.
  • Vasculitis .When pulmonary vasculitis occurs, the differentiation of the diagnosis directly depends on the time of onset of the thoracic dyspnoea. The remaining symptoms appear after 6 months or later. When a stable subfebrile body temperature is maintained, pains of varying intensity and character begin in the abdominal region, the musculoskeletal system, increased systolic pressure, weight loss, renal and nerve injury, pulmonary vasculitis has entered an acute progressive stage.
  • With , a pulmonary thrombus in the pulmonary artery ( thromboembolism of the vessel), along with shortness of breath and a sharp decrease in systolic pressure, reveals a protruding cold sweat of sticky character, cyanotic skin. If the condition is aggravated by a loss of consciousness, the patient needs emergency medical help, otherwise the condition can develop into a fatal outcome.

Other body systems

In addition to cardiovascular pathologies, dyspnea may be pulmonary.

  • So symptomatic picture of bronchitis, edema of the lungs, obstructive phenomena in the bronchi and lungs, pulmonary inflammation, bronchial asthma, includes immediate signs of dyspnea among the appearing signs.
  • In case of serious disorders of the lungs of a chronic and acute nature, dyspnea is observed as a secondary sign against the background of sharply manifested other symptoms. For example, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema, pneumothorax, ankylosing spondylitis of the thoracic vertebrae, etc.

There are a number of pathologies that are not related to disturbances of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, but have a complication of breathing as a concomitant feature. Anemia, obesity, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus is an incomplete list of pathologies manifested by shortness of breath.

Among the physiological conditions not related to pathologies, there are factors contributing to the initiation of dyspnea: pregnancy, overeating and others.

Treatment of symptom

The above diseases, which do not work without manifested dyspnea, are difficult to differentiate only by one feature. Therefore, it is impossible to cope with shortness of breath without a doctor. A cardiologist or therapist, infectious disease specialist or endocrinologist will help to correctly recognize the accompanying dyspnea pathology and, only after a detailed examination, to make the correct method of treatment.

It is not recommended to independently attempt to treat dyspnea with folk remedies or medications with heart failure and other ailments until the diagnostic examination results in a diagnosis.

On the treatment of shortness of breath, this video will be described in more detail:

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