Signs of appendicitis in men: symptoms

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Appendicitis is a disease in which inflammation of the caecum develops, called appendicitis. Symptoms of this disease are diverse. At first glance, they can be confused with other diseases. The signs depend on age, sex, lifestyle and other important factors. What are the signs of appendicitis in men, symptoms?

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First signs of the disease in men

Primary signs of appendicitis in men differ from female inflammation of the appendix. The representatives of the stronger sex experience such ailments:

  1. Strong pain sensations. Which side of the appendicitis begins to bother? With the correct location of the cecum, the pain is localized in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. If the appendix at the man is located a little above, the painful sensations are concerned about the right hypochondrium. Too low position leads to pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. Any physical action leads to unbearable pain with inflammation of the appendix.
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  2. Nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting. There are several urges per hour, even if the man did not eat for a long period.
  3. Dry in the mouth. With the passage of time, this symptom intensifies.
  4. Increased body temperature. Strong fever requires immediate medical attention.

Most often, these symptoms are observed at a young age - in men 30 years. As for the elderly, then men 40 years and above may experience additional ailments, such as:

  • pain in the abdominal cavity, manifested by spasms;
  • persistent urge to bowel movement;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dizziness, sometimes with loss of consciousness;
  • headaches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • strong intoxication of the body.

Also exclusively male symptom is spontaneous pulling of the right testicle while probing the place with the greatest localization of painful sensations. This is one of the distinguishing features of how to check for appendicitis in men.

It's important to remember! If any of the above symptoms occur, call an ambulance! Prior to the arrival of specialists, antipyretic and analgesic medications should be contraindicated. This can complicate the process of diagnosing the patient. Where is the appendix

Which side of the appendicitis is in men? The exact location of the appendix in your body does not know any person. This is due to the fact that the length of the intestine is several meters. Therefore, the cecum is not localized in a specific place. It may be slightly above the navel on the right or around it. Depending on the location of the appendix, pain in appendicitis can be observed in men in different places. It all depends on which side of the appendicitis.

Chronic appendicitis: symptoms in men

This chronic disease is extremely rare. Its signs have a sluggish and lubricated character. Chronic inflammation of the appendix shows such symptoms:

  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • blunt, aching pain in the abdominal cavity, especially after physical exertion or as a result of overeating;
  • slight nausea;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • frequent and painful urination.

In the evening, before going to bed, a man may experience a slight increase in body temperature. When the disease worsens, all symptoms have a more pronounced form.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendix

How to determine appendicitis in men? In order to detect the disease, you need to contact a specialist. He should conduct a survey for complaints of the patient and a detailed examination, which consists in probing the abdominal cavity and finding out how it hurts in this or that place. After that, the doctor must prescribe laboratory tests to confirm the final diagnosis. The most accurate clinical studies with appendicitis:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine. The results of these studies help to detect the inflammatory process in the human body. But on the basis of the analysis of blood and urine the final diagnosis is not established.
  2. Ultrasound diagnosis. One of the most accurate methods of appendicitis detection. US accurately helps to establish the diagnosis. But with obesity and bloating in a man This diagnosis can cause certain difficulties. In such situations, additional studies are being conducted.
  3. Computed tomography. It is prescribed in situations where ultrasound diagnosis has not given concrete results and there are still doubts about the presence of appendicitis in a man. The tomograph gives an accurate result, on the basis of which a correct diagnosis is already established.

In the most difficult situations, when it is impossible to identify a disease in every possible way, specialists are forced to resort to laparoscopy. It is a kind of surgical intervention. The surgeon makes a small incision under local anesthesia and inserts into it a probe equipped with a special chamber. Thanks to this method, a doctor can see an inflamed appendix or not.

Based on the studies, the doctor establishes the final diagnosis and prescribes treatment. It consists in removing the inflamed appendix in an operative way.

Treatment of appendicitis in men

How to treat an inflamed appendix? After the discovery of the disease and the establishment of the causes of its occurrence, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. It consists in the removal of appendicitis with the help of surgical intervention. The urgency of preparation for the operation and the period of its conduct directly depends on the severity of appendicitis. If the disease is in a neglected state, then an emergency operation is appointed. With its normal course, surgical intervention is postponed for several hours and active preparation for surgery begins. It consists in carrying out such procedures:

  • cleansing of the intestines with an enema;
  • preparation for anesthesia, since the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

During the preparation for the operation, it is strictly forbidden to eat food. The procedure for removing the appendix lasts long enough. After the operation, the patient needs a short bed rest. If the rehabilitation period proceeds normally, without complications, then the man is allowed to get up on the third day. After a week, you can remove the stitches. The entire period of treatment of a patient should take antibacterial drugs.

It's important to remember! For quick rehabilitation, it is required to fulfill the doctor's appointments and recommendations without question!

Complications of the disease

Started appendicitis often turns into a new, more serious disease - peritonitis. It is a rupture of an inflamed appendix, in which a purulent fluid spreads throughout the abdominal cavity. Such a situation can lead to extremely dangerous consequences, namely:

  • abscess;
  • hepatic impairment;
  • gangrene of the rectum;
  • septic shock;
  • intra-abdominal adhesions.

Treatment of the above complications, even in modern medicine, is problematic and complex. Therefore, in some cases, a neglected state with appendicitis can lead to fatal consequences.

It's important to remember! Timely appeal to a specialist with this problem will help to avoid extremely serious consequences!

Prevention of appendicitis in men

The inflammation of the appendix can be avoided if one adheres to certain rules, namely:

  1. Proper nutrition. A man needs to eat foods enriched with vitamins and other useful substances. This will significantly increase immunity, the body will effectively fight with stimuli that cause inflammation of the appendix.
  2. Timely treatment of viral and infectious diseases. Pathogenic microbes can spread throughout the body, causing inflammation.
  3. Drinking berries without pits. Small bones obstruct the lumen in the intestines, thereby causing appendicitis.

You should also remember about the moderate use of sunflower seeds and the constant increase in immunity. To do this, it is better to exclude bad habits and observe the regime of the day. Do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air and regular exercise.

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