Hemorrhagic Colitis - Symptoms and Treatment

The cause of colitis hemorrhagic form is toxic colibacillus. It causes acute diarrhea, in which there is an admixture of blood in the feces. Its active reproduction leads to secretion into the intestine of toxins of the gram-negative microbe, which has a damaging effect on the mucosa, which is lined with the intestine, namely, the violation of the integrity of the walls of its blood vessels. At first glance, the course of hemorrhagic colitis is similar to dysentery, so the correct diagnosis of the disease is important, because the outcome of treatment directly depends on it.

It should be noted that the toxin produced by the E. coli, getting into the blood, can damage the vessels and other vital organs. In the absence of timely treatment, this form of colitis can lead to hemorrhagic nephritis.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic colitis

The disease from the first days is of an intense nature. In the role of the main signs are spastic pains in the abdominal region, severe stool( watery diarrhea), admixture of blood in the stool( in the first day after the onset of the disease).In some cases, these symptoms are accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C, with good immunity, fever is most often absent. The average duration of hemorrhagic colitis is 7-10 days.

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For the diagnosis of the disease, the examination of the mucous membrane lining the intestine is performed using a sigmoidoscope. In this case, an obvious symptom is her excessive redness and swelling. In addition, irregularities on the surface of the mucosa with traces of hemorrhage can be detected.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic colitis include anemia, caused by the destruction of red blood cells, thrombocytopenia and the development of renal failure. In some patients, this disease is accompanied by convulsive seizures. In the absence of timely treatment, hemorrhagic colitis can lead to stroke or other complications caused by nerve damage. According to statistics, there are cases when the diagnosis of hemorrhagic colitis in elderly patients was the cause of death.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the study of stool for bacteria is carried out first, which must be done no later than 7 days after the first signs of the disease appear. In addition, doctors resort to the procedure of colonoscopy in order to fully assess the condition of the colon.

The main methods of treating hemorrhagic colitis

In this form of the disease, antibiotic therapy does not lead to recovery. Taking medications of this kind does not reduce symptoms and does not prevent the development of complications.

Treatment of hemorrhagic colitis consists of observing a sparing diet, chosen by a specialist and abundant drink, which will allow the body to fill the volumes of lost fluid.

If complications develop, immediate hospitalization is required for intensive care, which includes the hemodialysis procedure.

In order to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhagic colitis in the first place, you must carefully consider personal hygiene. Regular washing of hands with antibacterial soap will prevent ingestion of E. coli. In order to prevent infection of the body during meals, it is mandatory to pasteurize the milk and carefully handle fresh meat, especially beef( in any case, do not eat meat dishes "with blood").In addition, it is necessary to regularly take courses of health procedures.

Behind outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis are closely monitored by health services.

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