Why does the appearance and how the corneal ulcer in man is treated?

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1 Causes of pathology

Corneal ulcer appears due to various factors:

  1. Mechanical traumas, for example, when a foreign body enters the eyelid.
  2. Bacterial viral infection. The herpes virus is especially dangerous.
  3. High temperature effects.
  4. Disorders of fungal microorganisms.
  5. Chemicals.
  6. Too much dryness of the eye, including neurological disorders, lack of eyelids, dry eye, lack of vitamins B and A.

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In addition, as a cause of the appearance of corneal ulcers, there is often a disregard for the rules for the use of contact lenses. It is because of contact lenses that the corneal tissue is mechanically injured, provoking the appearance of a serious pathology - keratitis, which causes the progression of the ulcer.

2 Symptomatic manifestations of

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Corneal ulcer appears in one eye. The earliest symptom of the disease is the appearance in the eye of a severe pain syndrome, which manifests itself after 12 hours or more after trauma. Most often the eye is damaged, which is watered. In addition, the pathology can affect the eye, on which the surgical intervention was performed, in particular on the tear duct.

In addition to the manifestation of ophthalmia, there may be other symptoms of corneal ulcers:

  1. Fear of bright light. Reddening of the eye protein.
  2. Puffiness of the eyelids.
  3. Sensation of the presence of sand in the eye.
  4. Pronounced lacrimation.
  5. Difficulties with opening the eyes.
  6. Decreased vision in the diseased eye.

In the absence of treatment, a corneal scar will gradually form, leading to the formation of a thorn. The passage of a purulent corneal ulcer has a more pronounced degree of severity than with the non-infectious etiology of the inflammatory process of this shell. In this case, the symptomatology of the disease is more pronounced, and pus begins to flow out of the eye. A fever may occur.

The most severe type of disease is a creeping corneal ulcer. The process of destructive changes will begin with the formation of a condensation with a yellowish tinge in the central, in rare cases, marginal portion of the cornea, the contents of which are represented by pus. Cells of the immune system in the fight against bacterial microorganisms secrete an enzyme that melts tissues, not only producing bacterial lysis, but also damaging the cornea. The infiltrate passes, but later the crater-like defect begins to form, where one tip is raised and has a yellow strip. This area begins to "creep", melting the shell of the cornea. The healing margin will remain clear. When forming a creeping ulcer of the cornea, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Iris changes color.
  2. There is lacrimation.
  3. Narrowing pupil.
  4. Severe pain syndrome.
  5. Puffiness of the eyelids.
  6. Visual acuity is reduced.
  7. The cornea has veins of violet color.

3 Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of corneal ulcer is performed by an ophthalmologist. This procedure includes examination of the entire corneal surface with the use of a special microscope - slotted llama. It is also necessary to stain the cornea with a drug dye - a solution of fluorescein, which helps in the detection of even minor traumas. In addition, it is possible to identify the damaged volume, the reaction of the inner eye structure to inflammation.

4 Therapeutic actions

Treatment of corneal ulcer should be carried out in a hospital, it is in such circumstances that you can clarify the causes of the disease and establish the correct treatment regimen. Thus, the infection is mainly treated with anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory measures of local and systemic effects. Lack of tears can be compensated with eye moisturizing drops. It will require the intake of vitamins A and B, as well as laser stimulation of the cornea. In addition to the main therapy is the use of drugs that strengthen the cornea, speeding up the regenerating process, for example Balarpan, Taufona.


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With far-flung inflammation, which can flow into the perforation of the ulcer, it is possible to adjust with the help of a through-through or interlayer keratoplasty. Surgical intervention is quite complicated, as it requires surgical excision of the corneal area of ​​the lesion with a transplant in its place of the same flap from the donor cornea.

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