Nauseated after smoking cigarettes and after brand change: the reasons for what to do

Smoking is a powerful blow to the body. About his harm, thousands of works have been written, but the total number of smokers is declining slightly. In addition to all the known problems of this harmful habit - yellowness of teeth, diseases of the mouth, lungs, genital sphere, heart and many other troubles - there may be more rapid and probable complications. One is the feeling of nausea in smokers. But can it appear only from smoking or is it related to other disorders in the functioning of the body?

Nausea from cigarettes: how is it manifested?

Sooner or later, many adherents of unhealthy lifestyles face an unpleasant phenomenon. Taking out another cigarette from the pack, they feel a painful feeling of nausea, which sometimes reaches high limits, even up to the aversion to the smoking process. In others, the feeling of nausea occurs after a smoked "dose"; in third, discomfort comes after some time after smoking or has a high strength when consuming food.

As a rule, when such feelings already take place, most of the subsequent attempts to smoke lead to the development of nausea to some extent.

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Sensations that may accompany this discomfort are sometimes even more unpleasant - the urge to vomit, dizziness, cough, and in severe cases - even a fever. All these phenomena signal that you need to urgently deal with your health and try to give up cigarettes.

How does the body react to cigarette smoke?

Everyone knows that the process of breathing smoke is active and passive. The phenomena that occur after it enters the lungs are approximately the same, except for the number of penetrated harmful components. But it is wrong to think that passive smoking is less harmful: because of the lack of smoke cleaning that is available to true smokers, non-smoking people suffer from unfiltered components with a full spectrum of "harmfulness".

The immediate causes of an attack of nausea are obvious. During the tightening, when the temperature of the tobacco and tissue paper increases, about 200 pathogenic substances are sent to the body - resins, soot, acids, and many others. Also in the lungs, and then in the blood gets a few milligrams of nicotine. All these elements together change the process of binding hemoglobin, resulting in impaired tissue respiration. Increases oxygen starvation, there is a spasm of blood vessels, blood supply to all organs worsens. All this applies to passive smoking, when a person begins to feel sick from the smell alone.

The reason that almost all processes occurring in the body can become nauseous from cigarettes:

  1. Irritation of carcinogens and other substances of the root of the tongue and oral mucosa.
  2. Part of the smoke enters the stomach, the walls of which tend to get rid of harmful elements, therefore, they are reduced.
  3. Penetration of nicotine into internal organs, in particular, into the adrenal glands. The latter begin to produce even more hormones that increase blood pressure, disrupt the heart, which leads to weakness and nausea.
  4. The introduction of nicotine and other harmful components of tobacco smoke into the blood, the walls of the vessels, their spasms. The development of cerebral vasospasm leads to exposure to the corresponding centers, which causes various unpleasant sensations, including nausea.
  5. Weakened local immunity( with prolonged smoking), the development of chronic infectious diseases of the oropharynx and nose. They lead to the entry of bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes the development of superficial or atrophic gastritis with nausea and other symptoms. In addition, in a smoker with experience, stomach vessels are always in a spasm condition, acid secretion is disrupted, there is considerable discomfort with nausea.

Causes of nausea

The processes described above can cause a variety of diseases. The body can not react calmly to the fact that poisonous substances regularly enter it, its protective forces run out, and in the area of ​​many organs and systems a "breach" appears. Of course, most of the pathologies that provoke nausea in a person are associated with a violation of the function of the digestive tract.


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Increased gastric acidity, duodenal erosion and gastritis are the most common diseases that eventually develop even in initially healthy people, not to mention those who had gastritis before the onset of a bad habit.

Below are less common, but still very likely reasons why a person is nauseous after cigarettes:

  1. Hypertension or hypotension, and alternation of these conditions. Such diseases are typical for people who already have problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as for smokers with vegetovascular dystonia, propensity to angiospasm with hypoxia( oxygen starvation).Vascular spasm in smokers can often occur in the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, which reduces the flow of blood to the brain, as well as atherosclerosis of the vessels.
  2. Lung cancer, stomach cancer, as well as oncological diseases of other localizations. Such pathologies are possible in smokers with experience, while nausea becomes one of a whole complex of symptoms and can occur at any time of the day, increasing with tightening.
  3. Hormonal disorders. It's not a secret that a bad habit provokes various problems with the female sexual sphere, including the violation of hormone production. Such diseases are quite capable of causing nausea, but the connection with a specific portion of the smoke in this case is traced less.
  4. Pregnancy. If a smoking woman is pregnant, then her toxicosis is quite capable of intensifying from a cigarette lingering, especially against a background of chronic poisoning of the body with toxins and carcinogens.
  5. Allergy to tobacco and other components of cigarettes. Occasionally there is such a condition, so nausea can become a sign of intolerance to a bad habit. In this case, this unpleasant symptom is observed soon after the start of smoking. Also, tobacco intolerance can cause overexcitation of the center responsible for the gag reflex, in connection with which there is nausea.

There are people who have a violent reaction to the situation when a person changes the brand of cigarettes and becomes sick. This is due to a higher content of nicotine or resins in it, as well as the presence of a specific flavor in this sort of tobacco. Also, nausea after changing cigarettes may be due to less qualitative cleaning of the "filling" for a cigarette or even the purchase of a fake.

What should I do?

The only radical way how not only to get rid of nausea after smoking, but also to restore one's health is to give up the addiction or at least switch to an electronic cigarette. Passive smokers protect themselves from cigarettes easier, as well as stop arising nausea.

But avid devotees of smoking are sometimes not easy to decide on the rejection of addiction, so for them there are a number of tips that can help get rid of nausea or reduce its intensity:

  • Never smoke on an empty stomach;
  • Try not to smoke for an hour or two after waking up;
  • After smoking, rassasyvat candy, lollipop, apply cud, drink a glass of water or tea with sugar, eat cracker;
  • Use lighter cigarettes than usual;
  • Reduce the number of cigarettes per day;
  • Check the stomach and esophagus and, if necessary, begin treatment;
  • In the diet, give up foods that provoke an increase in the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Drink more fluids during the day;
  • Try not to mix alcohol and smoking, coffee and smoking.

You can not leave nausea and other unpleasant sensations on their own, as they almost never appear without a valid reason. It is better to contact a qualified doctor to prevent complications and prolonged treatment in the future.

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