What to do with a soft tissue injury in the head

1 What is a bruise

Mechanical damage to soft tissues of a closed character without a rupture of the skin is usually called a bruise. Usually a bruise occurs in a domestic environment with an accidental fall or willful injury to blunt objects.

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In case of injury, the upper layers of the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscle fibers are damaged, the nerve endings and small blood vessels passing through these areas, which lead to hemorrhages and subsequently hematomas, also suffer. Some bruises leave a "memory" of themselves for life. Cells of subcutaneous fat cells are sclerotized, the blood supply and trophic nutrition of the damaged area are disrupted, as evidenced by the fat cone on the body, which is practically not amenable to cure.

Some bruises are capable of rejecting soft tissue from the periosteum, which subsequently causes necrosis of these areas. Restoring normal blood flow and trophic feeding of such parts of the body is very difficult.

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There are frequent and dangerous cases when a severe bruise provokes the formation of cracks and nasolations of the periosteum. The papilla can exfoliate in the same way as the subcutaneous fatty tissue, allowing filling cavities between the exfoliated tissues and the bone with lymph and blood, which complicates the condition with a bruise and hinders further treatment.

The timing of bruising depends on the depth of soft tissue damage. Sometimes this period takes several hours. Initially, the bruise has a reddish hue, then turns blue, which is why it is called a bruise, in the end it acquires yellowish and greenish shades. The color change is explained by the breakdown of hemoglobin in the place of accumulation of blood clots from the damaged vessels.

2 Head injury

Head injury can be attributed to dangerous injuries to the human body. Threat of concussion of the brain with head injuries is most likely. Even a weak mechanical effect on the soft tissues and bones of the skull can bring great discomfort and undesirable consequences.

Symptoms of the consequences of a head injury depend on the location of the injury, the impact force. Everyone should know them:

  • temperature rise of the damaged area;
  • progressive swelling in the form of cones from a bundle of soft damaged tissues;
  • severe pain;
  • blurred vision;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • weakness.

The most vivid symptoms may indicate that the shock caused a concussion of the brain. This is a very serious injury that can significantly change the quality of life of the victim. Depending on what areas of the cerebral cortex received a bruise, there may appear various symptoms of severe consequences:

  • vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • amnesia;
  • impaired motor function;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • decreased visual function;
  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • spontaneous urination;
  • loss of sleep;
  • lethargy;
  • headaches.

Only a doctor can diagnose and treat.

Delayed treatment for a specialist and self-medication can only aggravate the condition of the patient.

3 First aid in case of injury to

When the trouble has already occurred and the treatment to the traumatologist is delayed, the patient should receive first aid in case of a head injury in order to protect the body from the negative consequences that can occur if the injury is ignored even after a long time. With bruises of the soft tissues of the head, the symptoms of which are numerous, immediate first aid should be given.

It is necessary to attach ice to the bruised place for not more than 10 minutes. If the ice was not at hand, you can find some cold garment, the contents of a bag or just take a stone lying in the shade. Ice should not be on the head for a long time, it can chill the brain, and also lead to narrowing and tearing of small vessels of the soft tissues of the head. Depending on the impact force, ice may be used to localize the cone within the first 6 hours after the injury every half hour.


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If there are abrasions and scratches on the site of the injury, they must be treated with antiseptic means. On the head because of the hair cover it is not very convenient to use ointments and gels, water solutions of "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin", as well as hydrogen peroxide and tinctures of calendula flowers are suitable.

It is necessary to try to pack the person and give him first aid when he is half-lying. If the patient in a prone position is sick, it is necessary to put a large pillow under the head and raise it above the bed level. Particular attention should be paid to the cervical department. The cervical region is the most mobile and vulnerable part of the human spine. Sometimes the entire severity of the impact falls on the cervical vertebrae, which can move.

Take an anesthetic with a lot of warm liquid. In such cases "Tempalgin", "Citramon", "Ketanov", "Ketonal", "Aspirin", "Analgin" will be of great help.

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4 Treatment of

Depending on the severity of the injury, the trauma doctor prescribes to treat the head injury in a stationary or outpatient setting. First of all, the patient needs rest. At concussions of the brain it is recommended to have a bed rest.

After 24 hours after injury, the use of ice becomes inappropriate. The next stage of treatment should be compresses that will remove puffiness, improve the blood circulation of the damaged area and anesthetize. Then the transition to warming procedures is gradually carried out. Dry moderate heat will gradually remove swelling, dissolving hematoma. Independently, you can not exert strong pressure on the bruise. Blood clots from damaged blood vessels form blood clots that can easily break away from the affected areas and flow around the body, which is deadly.

Particular attention should be paid if the head contusion occurs in children. The child is often unable to characterize his feelings qualitatively. Signs of injury can not always be easily traced in such situations. Need careful palpation of the victim, measurement of body temperature, sometimes urgent hospitalization. The areas of the cranium in children are fragile, they develop until adolescence. Therefore, the head of the child is the most vulnerable place.

As the hematoma dissolves, you can do light massages of the damaged area and adjacent areas. Effective is the use of drugs that dilute the blood, such as Detralex, Aspirin Forte, Warfarin, Kurantil, Aspekard.

With a tendency to thrombosis after an injury, it is necessary to temporarily exclude from the diet some foods that thicken the blood:

  • sweet desserts;
  • potatoes;
  • white bread;
  • smoked meat;
  • fried meat;
  • alcohol;
  • sausage products;Pickles
  • ;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • beans.

The following products are recommended:

  • mineral water;
  • orange juice;
  • tomato juice;
  • raw cranberries;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • cocoa;
  • seafood;
  • oatmeal.

5 Useful advices

To give any recommendations in order to prevent the occurrence of traumatic situations is almost useless. Of course, no one wants to be hurt, it's a matter of chance. Still, some people with distraction and lack of attention should be advised to be more vigilant on the street, when moving large automobile roads, in places of large crowds, to try to avoid places where construction is carried out, cargo is unloaded.

Extreme caution should be in places of rest, where the body is completely relaxed and ceases to feel the impending danger. The bruise of the head is easy to obtain, resting on the sea, rafting along the rivers, working in the suburban area, taking an active part in extreme sports.

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