Vomiting, diarrhea, headache, nausea and dizziness

When characteristic symptoms appear simultaneously, manifested as persistent nausea, profuse vomiting, frequent diarrhea, constant dizziness and headache, it is difficult to diagnose. In order to put the cause of the ailment, you need to seek medical help. Only an experienced doctor, having collected an anamnesis, will be able to suspect the development of this or that pathology. It is the expanded clinical picture that can give the right clue.

In what cases is the headache, can it be accompanied by diarrhea, constant nausea and vomiting? The listed manifestations may indicate:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Head trauma.
  • Thermoneurosis.
  • Gastrointestinal influenza.
  • Meningitis.

It is possible to recognize this or that disease, considering the accompanying symptoms. For example, severe headache, persistent nausea, persistent vomiting and diarrhea can indicate food poisoning. Inclusion in the diet of products, the expiration date of which has long expired, contributes to the development of intoxication of the body. The described symptoms appear half an hour after poisoning, during the next three days the morbid condition worsens and worsens.

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Poisoning to headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are accompanied by severe dizziness and general weakness. Treatment of poisoning can be done at home under the supervision of a doctor. It comes down to cleaning the stomach and intestines, to eliminating the symptoms of intoxication.

When a head injury occurs, not only headache, vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea, drowsiness occurs, a person may lose memory, often visual and sound impairments occur. Often with such injuries there are convulsions of the lower limbs. The totality of the above indicated signs gives the right to suspect the described diagnosis.

Thermoneurosis is a disease in which a person under high stress causes high fever. In patients for 14 days, body temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, so there is a risk of seizures. High temperature is the cause of not only headache, but also diarrhea with a lot of mucus, a constant nausea, which necessarily ends with vomiting. The patient may complain of a bad dream. Thermoneurosis is not a consequence of the development of pathologies of the stomach and intestines, therefore it is treated only by sedatives.

Gastroenteritis occurs due to ingestion of pathogenic viruses, develops gradually, but it is constantly progressing. First gastroenteritis with its symptoms resembles the usual food poisoning, so there is not only a constant headache, but also diarrhea with mucus, as well as abundant vomiting. The patient is marked by a gradual increase in temperature, it provokes vertigo, then a throat is attached to them, whites of the eyes are filled with redness. The situation develops in the direction of deterioration, over time, in the stomach, there is severe pain, diarrhea with fetid stool, a constant chill.

Adults easily tolerate the disease, but the kids and older people are at risk, which often leads to death. Given that gastric flu is the result of a viral infection, it can be transmitted through dirty hands, unwashed products, so it is necessary to teach everyone to observe all the necessary hygiene rules.

This disease, like meningitis - an inflammation of the membranes of the brain, is always acute: the headache provokes a strong temperature increase( up to 40 degrees), the patients have dizziness, fever provokes strong weakness and diarrhea. Severe nausea, occurs against the background of painful sensations in all the muscles of the body. Any movement becomes unbearable.

Constant vomiting does not bring relief. Over time, the situation is only aggravated. The patient is confused, strong dizziness, irritation, constant drowsiness. Gradually, because of inflammation, edema is formed, the blood supply to the brain slows down. Cure in this situation becomes impossible.

That's why when symptoms such as persistent vomiting, unceasing nausea, unbearable headache, causing dizziness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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