Why does my head hurt from behind?

1 Causes of pain in the back of the head

Most people wonder why the headache from behind?

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A lot of reasons:

  • Overvoltage.

The pains that have arisen for this reason are the most common, moreover, they can be disposed of much more quickly. Such pains are associated, mainly, with a sufficiently long muscle strain of the entire cervical region. This type of overvoltage can arise due to the transferred stress situation, and also as a result of a sufficiently long time in a very uncomfortable position for both the head and neck.

This usually happens during sleep. In this state a person often enough often there may be attacks of nausea and a complete loss of appetite. Feeling of aching pain in the back of the head can be a symptom of a sufficiently strong and long overstrain.

Very effective with such pains are walking outdoors, taking melissa or mint tea. The most basic thing that can help in this situation is relaxing classes and rest.

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  • Some violations in the exercise.

Constant loads, not taken into account by the physical capabilities of the human body, can lead to constant pain in the cervical and occipital areas. Such feelings can not leave a person, even when he is in a calm position.

In general, the pains of this species are absolutely not similar to migraine and do not have the slightest signs of pulsation, although often accompanied by pain in the temporal region and near the forehead. In the event that the pain does not leave the person and in a relaxed state, you should try not to move your neck at all, so as not to provoke an increase in pain in the neck.

  • Spondylosis.

If pain in the nape of the neck is associated with a spondylosis disease, then qualified specialists can eliminate them only in the clinic. First of all, the sensation of headaches in the occipital region during spondylosis is the first symptom of a chronic disease.

With such an unpleasant disease, on all vertebrae, or rather on their edges, so-called osteophytes form. The symptomatology of this disease is not very diverse. With it there are severe pains in the neck and neck, which significantly give into the ears of a person and into his eyes. This happens even when the person is in a state of complete rest.

  • Osteochondrosis.

Severe pain in the back of the head may indicate the presence of osteochondrosis in the patient. In the process of developing this disease, a person can feel not only the pain in the occipital region, but also tinnitus, significant coordination and vision impairment, the skin becomes pale, vision decreases and a feeling of nausea appears.

The most pronounced signs of osteochondrosis are frequent dizziness and even loss of consciousness, which can occur as a result of a sharp turn of the head.

2 Diseases that cause neck pain

  • High blood pressure.

Such types of pain can arise due to an increase in a person's blood pressure. The ailment is usually characterized by the occurrence of morning pain in the nape of the neck, accompanied by rapid heartbeat.

At the moment when a person begins to notice the frequent occurrence of morning headaches in the occipital region, it is necessary to check blood pressure as soon as possible. This is best done by contacting a specialist for assistance.

  • Myogelosis.

Pain in the head in the occipital region with myogelosis is very often accompanied by dizziness. Such an ailment can easily arise at a time when a person is very long and often is in the cold or in a draft.


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In addition, myoglosis can be a consequence of an incorrect position of the neck and a violation of the body's posture. This ailment is very often manifested by the appearance of severe pain in the nape of the neck, as well as frequent dizziness and a feeling of constant discomfort in the upper part of the shoulder girdle.

  • Cervical migraine.

The pain in this disease is mainly found around the neck. Sensations of pain are of a pulsating nature. In the process of development they are able to give in the eye, forehead and nose. The intensity of the pain can be either insignificant or unbearable.

Moreover, such pains can intensify during the movement of the head. For this disease, the hypersensitivity of the scalp is very characteristic. In addition to pain in the neck, neck migraine is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • vision impairment;
  • significant traffic coordination disorder;
  • nausea, which from time to time is able to reach the state of the emetic reflex.

In addition, a constant and often occurring headache is a consequence of endured stressful situations and depression. In general, chronic stress can lead to a complete weakening of the human immune system. In addition, the patient has a general feeling of weakness, and constantly there are severe pain in the head.

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Only an experienced and knowledgeable specialist who diagnoses the disease on the basis of a general examination and all kinds of research is able to establish an accurate diagnosis of the patient. And only the specialist will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

In this situation, if the pain in the nape occurs very often or continues for a sufficiently long period of time, the patient needs to address not only the therapist, but also the neurologist, cardiologist and orthodontist.

Based on the results obtained, the specialists will prescribe more suitable and even necessary treatment individually for each patient.

3 Methods of treatment

What to do in cases where headaches occur on the right, left, bottom of the nape and behind? In such cases, the pain can be alleviated somewhat by the following measures:

  • carefully airing the living quarters and effectively humidifying the air in this room;
  • massage in the nape of the neck, without strenuously pressing at the same time;
  • applied and cooling compresses;
  • the use of all kinds of herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • sleep exclusively on an orthopedic pillow.

If a person is concerned about headaches left and in the nape of the neck, he needs to completely revise his daily diet. In addition, you need to take enough of the necessary vitamins. But as far as taking medications and therapy in general, the pain on the left side of the head, from the nape of the neck and from the back part should be treated only on the basis of the expert's recommendations.

And what specialists can help with pain in the back of the head? If headaches occur in a person in the back of the head or in the left part, then they can touch the left ear. In addition, it must be remembered that such pains are accompanied by another, no less unpleasant symptomatology. In this case, the patient can be helped by a neurologist, traumatologist and cardiologist. After a thorough examination, specialists will prescribe the necessary treatment.

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