Skin allergy: antihistamines, treatment, manifestations, types

Skin allergy - a kind of response of the human body to the action of the allergen. Its forms are very diverse and cause great discomfort and can be very dangerous for life.

Allergy refers to the immunopathological process that occurs when the pathogen is allergic to the body. Symptoms of allergy are extremely diverse, but almost always accompanied by any damage to the skin - at least hives.

What is the skin allergy

The pathogenesis of any kind of allergy develops in the same scenario. In fact, this is the immune response of the body, but reinforced several times. The mechanism of allergy consists of 2 stages:

  • phase of the early immune response - when an allergy agent is produced, IgE plasmocytes are produced and bind to the receptors of mast cells and basophils. When re-emergence of the allergen, IgE is reactivated, which serves as a signal for the synthesis of histamine and other mediators of inflammation - interleukin, cytoxin. Substances, getting into the surrounding tissue, cause a reduction in the smooth muscles of the walls of the vessels, irritate the nerve endings, increase the secretion of mucus and so on. Outwardly it manifests itself as an itch, sneezing, runny nose, a rash and swelling on the skin;
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  • the phase of the late response is due to the accumulation of leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes in the place of the supposed inflammation, and the organism perceives such a reaction as a signal about inflammation. Under their action, functional tissue is gradually replaced by a connective tissue, which has a very negative effect on the condition of the organs. The second phase, as a rule, appears 4-6 hours after the first and lasts 1-2 days.

Skin allergy is a component of this process. Characteristic for her symptoms are:

  • dryness and peeling, sometimes very strong;
  • itching;
  • redness and swelling of the skin. Swelling can reach considerable size and develop extremely quickly - swelling of the Quincke, for example;
  • rashes of different kinds, hives, blisters may appear.

What is the skin allergy, the video below will tell:


The classification of allergic diseases is made on several grounds. Since most allergies are accompanied by any rashes on the skin, the classification associated with the nature of the pathogen is more often used, and not with the characteristics of the manifestations.

By origin

This separation is convenient in that each group has characteristic symptoms, which allows you to quickly find out the underlying cause of the disease.

  • Respiratory - its typical symptoms are a runny nose, throat irritation and sneezing, which can go to laryngitis, tracheitis and rhinosinusitis. This is the only form of allergy, which is rarely accompanied by skin inflammation.
  • Contact - primarily manifested in the skin. The appearance of red spots, itching, edema and even blisters clearly indicate contact with some irritating substance - household chemicals, plant, animal. This group includes dermatosis, urticaria, atopic dermatitis.
  • Food - according to statistics, 90% of all allergies. The most common pathogens are citrus fruits, eggs, exotic fruits, sweets, cocoa. Nutritional is manifested in the form of eczema, hives, neurodermatitis. There are much more serious violations associated with changes in blood composition.
  • Injection is a response to insect bites. Local reaction follows in the form of hives or severe swelling. Often, insect bites are accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness, low blood pressure. With an especially severe form of the disease, anaphylactic shock is possible.
  • Drug - is formed by cross-reacting to medications and products. This type of allergy is not treated, the only way to avoid its manifestations is to prevent the use of appropriate medications. Local reaction is expressed in the form of edema and redness of an undefined form.
  • Infectious - is manifested when the organism is highly sensitive to certain microorganisms. The form of manifestation is very diverse.

In appearance, the

By nature and type of rash, several characteristic types of lesions are distinguished.

  • Atopic dermatitis - caused by pollen, animal hair, bites, contact with household chemicals. It appears as itching, dryness and irritation of the skin. As a rule, it is localized. It often occurs in children from 2 months.
  • Contact dermatitis - is a response to the direct effect of the stimulus: household chemicals, cosmetics, industrial reagents. It is characterized by redness, swelling of the skin, rashes, accompanied by severe itching. Perhaps the appearance of bubbles and skin erosion.
  • Hives - for resemblance to a burn in contact with nettle, these rashes got its name. It appears as red spots and flat pale pink blisters up to 5 mm in diameter. The eruption is strongly itchy, with the blisters bursting, and the hives grab the new skin. Urticaria is caused not only by contact with plants, but also by insect bites, stresses, the action of sunlight, the action of cold or heat, too tight clothing against sweating. There is also dermographic, aquatic,
  • Eczema - an acute form of allergy. Abundant rashes are accompanied by the appearance of many bubbles. The latter easily burst, which leads to erosion of the skin, the formation of crusts, nodules and scars. Eczema is accompanied by severe itching, which causes insomnia, nervous disorders, loss of appetite. Eczema is provoked as external factors - stress, domestic dust, and internal - disruption in the endocrine system.
  • Toxicodermia - usually caused by an acute infection or an unsuitable drug. Looks toxicodermia as pink or red rashes, soon leading to the formation of blisters.
  • Neurodermatitis - may be an independent disease associated with inflammation of the skin, but is more often a sign of an allergic reaction. Forms rashes in the form of red spots of very different sizes. Spots can turn into plaques that merge with each other, often accompanied by swelling of the skin. Usually, the neurodermite causes itching, which is worse at night. Neurodermatitis is a very specific response. Very often it is not caused by objective factors, but is a consequence of a strong nervous experience.
  • Acute Quincke - edema of fatty and mucous cellulose. Usually accompanied by hives in acute form. The symptom develops very rapidly and is very dangerous. Most often, the edema is localized on the face - eyelids, lip, cheek, however, the mouth and the respiratory tract can swell.
  • The Lyell syndrome is the extreme, most severe drug allergy. At the same time, blisters form on the skin, and quickly pass into ulcers, cracks and open wounds. The disease causes severe dehydration, toxic damage to the kidneys, liver, GIT.In the absence of emergency medical care leads to death.
  • Stephen-Johnson Syndrome is a form of exudative erythema accompanied by inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. On the skin it manifests as a bright red rash, which soon begins to bleed. There is severe itching, puffiness, burning sensation. The syndrome usually occurs with allergies to medications or as a consequence of infectious diseases. Children are extremely rare.

For the types of skin allergies the video below will tell you:

Localization of

Unlike sensitization, that is, the formation of a bond between the allergen and the cells of the body, which can take 2-3 weeks, the allergic reaction develops extremely quickly, literally before our eyes. The localization of different forms of the disease is different.

  • So, with contact forms, rashes and swelling are formed at the site of contact. If we are talking about household chemicals, then this is usually the hands and forearms.
  • The same goes for insect allergies: the lesions develop at the site of the bite and very quickly.
  • Eczema, hives, dermatitis often appear on the areas with the most delicate skin: forehead, whiskey, neck, elbow, knee, foot. The baby's rash instantly captures both cheeks, and chest, and shoulders, and back.
  • Quincke's edema often appears on the face.
  • Neurodermatitis can occur anywhere on the body. If the reaction is caused by stress, localization is often associated with the organ that is associated with this type of disturbance.

Rash for skin allergies in adults( photo)

Common symptoms and clinical signs

There are common symptoms for all types of the disease. It is impossible to diagnose allergies. But, since the reaction occurs very quickly on contact with an allergen, often, close guesses about the real source of poor health.

In adults

The allergy develops very quickly, so it is necessary to know about its kinds not so much to inform their doctor how much to help the patient. And in this sense it is necessary to distinguish signs of a light and severe form.

Symptoms of mild form are as follows:

  • rash, itching, possible blisters in the place of contact with the allergen;
  • tearing of the eyes, redness;
  • copious, but clear discharge from the nose;
  • sneezing - for the allergy is characterized by sneezing in batches.

In these cases, it is sufficient to rinse the place of contact - the bite mark, for example, with warm water, apply a cold compress and drink an antihistamine - suprastin, chloropyramine.

Severe form has the following symptoms:

  • hoarseness, difficulty with swallowing and pronunciation, incoherence of speech;
  • shortness of breath, spasms of the throat, shortness of breath;
  • strong general weakness, dizziness, possible loss of consciousness;
  • pulse increase, pressure is low;
  • nausea and vomiting are possible, but not with all types of allergy;
  • as a rule, the patient is experiencing acute fear, panic.

In these cases, an emergency medical service should be called immediately. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to remove tight clothing, ensure the flow of air, remove the allergen if its nature is known - the pollen of the plant, the animal. If there is vomiting, you need to ensure that the patient turns over on one side and does not swallow the tongue. When the heart stops, you need an indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

In children

The disease can occur at any age, including the newborn. The propensity to an allergic reaction to a particular stimulus is partly inherited. Common symptoms differ little from those of adults, but their intensity is higher, and the speed of development is lightning fast.

From the skin signs are as follows:

  • redness, dryness, severe peeling;
  • itching;
  • swelling of the skin and fatty tissue, blisters. Moreover, the allergy of a child captures a large area immediately.


  • sneezing - in series;
  • itching in the nose, burning, abundant discharge;
  • severe cough, shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • bronchial asthma.

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms are possible:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • edema of the tongue, oral cavity;
  • colic.

The most dangerous for a child is anaphylactic shock. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • sudden, rapidly developing shortness of breath;
  • convulsions;
  • rashes all over the body;
  • involuntary urination, defecation, severe vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness.

It is necessary to act in such cases immediately.

Diagnostic methods

The above symptoms, if not indicated on a specific source or are not pronounced, do not always indicate exactly allergy. To confirm such a diagnosis, assign appropriate studies.

  • The skin test is the simplest and most indicative hypersensitivity test. For this purpose, a very small amount of the putative allergen is introduced into the thickness of the skin-pollen, dust, a chemical, within the pre-marked area on the forearm. Inflammatory reaction, as a rule, develops within 30 minutes. Its intensity indicates the strength of the allergy - from slight redness to hives.
  • Determination of IgE concentration is an antibody to the corresponding allergen. The amount exceeding the norm for the patient's age indicates an allergy to a particular irritant.
  • Application Samples is a mixture of paraffin, petrolatum and some allergens. It is kept on the skin for 24 hours. They are carried out to establish the cause of contact dermatitis and eczema.
  • Provocation probes - the most accurate, but also the most dangerous method of determination. The essence of it is reduced to the introduction of the alleged allergen and monitoring the response of the patient. Prokatsionnye samples can be carried out only in relation to adult patients.

Antihistamines for the treatment of

Treatment of skin allergy requires an integrated approach to get rid of the disease needed and medications, and ointments for external use. The greatest value in treatment is given to antihistamines. The mechanism of their effect, in general, is the same: drugs block the receptors of cells, and they do not produce histamine. Accordingly, the allergic reaction stops.

Antihistamines are divided into 2 large groups:

  • short-acting drugs - suprastin, tavegil. Substances act quickly, but their duration is limited to several hours;
  • long-acting drugs - affect the receptors during the day. This, for example, is erius, zirtek, klaritin.

Only a doctor can prescribe drugs. Self-medication in this case may result in an even more severe form of allergy. The most famous and common are the following:

  • gistan - the active substance is mometasone, related to corticosteroids. The drug is very effective for external use. The cost of the ointment is 158-174 r;
  • allertec - action is based on cetirizine, it is a typical histamine antagonist. Packaging in 7 tablets costs from 154 to 223 r;
  • dimedrol - the active component is diphenhydramine, has antihistaminic, sedative and hypnotic effects. It is used only for internal use. The price is more than affordable - 20 tablets cost 9%
  • suprastin - the active ingredient is chlorpyrramine hydrochloride. Produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection, antihistamine 1 generation. It is worth packing of 20 tablets from 99 to 173 rubles.
  • tavegil - active component - klemastin, has antihistamine effect. The average package of tablets is 135 r.

Skin allergies are, rather, a variety of forms of allergy manifestation than the disease itself. And although rashes and itching are rarely pleasant, yet, compared to other reactions, they can be considered relatively safe and harmless.

How to be with a skin allergy, this video will tell:

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