Iododerma and bromoderma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, causes

With overly active use of drugs containing higher doses of elements such as iodine and bromine, there is a high likelihood of manifestation of the characteristic signs of a disease such as iodine and bromoderm, which changes the structure of the skin, the formation of plaques and ulcers on the skin. Moreover, the general condition of the skin also deteriorates to a great extent, it can become particularly sensitive to many mechanical effects, and numerous damages occur on it.

This skin lesion has a number of varieties that differ in symptomatology, the strength of external manifestations and the degree of impact on the health of the patient. To quickly reduce the manifestations, when diagnosing this condition, it should be completely from taking medications containing bromine or iodine.

Features of pathologies

Excesses of bromine and iodine can adversely affect not only the general state of a person, causing drowsiness, loss of strength, depression, but also cause skin lesions. Negative manifestation can affect the appearance of the skin: ulcers, abscesses, plaques form, and lesions can gradually increase in size and become worse by their manifestation.

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Detection of this lesion can occur in both men and the female half of the population. Most susceptible to this effect of drugs containing an increased amount of iodine and bromine, adults. However, there are cases of diagnosing this pathology and in childhood, when the use of funds, even with a limited number of these elements, due to the special susceptibility of the child's organism to external influences, there were signs of iodine and bromoderm.

Photo of iododerm and iodine acne

Classification of

This condition caused by prolonged intake of drugs with a high content of iodine or bromine or one-time significant use of them has a specific classification, based on the analysis of skin rashes, their characteristics and location of localization.

Thus, the following types of skin diseases under consideration are distinguished:

  1. The generalized form of , which is recognized to be the most easily cured and does not have a significant negative impact on the patient's body. Such a rash can be located almost in any part of the body: on the buttocks, lower abdomen, in the inguinal folds, in the head and neck area. Typical for this type of rash formation on the skin have the appearance of a rash of red, and there may also be bubbles with watery contents, after the disappearance of which there are no visible traces on the skin. Treatment of this type of rash is usually not required.
  2. Acne of the bromide( iodine) nature of , which is considered a more serious stage of manifestation of the underlying disease. An important feature. This type should be considered a large number of deep pastules, which have a diameter of 1-5 mm, after the disappearance of which on the skin for a long time remains a deep trace - a scar of purple-blue color. In such eels there is a watery content, localization of them - areas of the back, lower extremities, buttocks, less often - hands.
  3. Tuberous boroderm - this variety is characterized by the formation of skin patches with an uneven surface, on which dry crusts are noted. When removing such crusts, there is a high probability of exposing the ulcerated surface, which may bleed slightly. When pressing on such skin plaques often secrete purulent masses, but the degree of soreness is negligible and does not attract attention. In the absence of treatment, such lesion areas merge into one, which may have a diameter of the order of 10-12 cm.

With the help of the above classification, the identified disease can be referred to a specific species, which will facilitate the selection of the most effective method of therapeutic effect.

Causes of

The most common reasons why this condition can be diagnosed include long-term use of drugs that contain a significant amount of iodine or bromine. As well as a one-time reception of funds in large quantities with intolerance of these elements.

Symptoms of

Depending on the type of the disease, the following characteristic symptoms and manifestations may appear:

  • minor rashes in the form of a small rash;
  • skin at the lesion site turns red, becomes more sensitive to mechanical influences;
  • eruptions can have a significant diameter, while in place of such formations upon recovery, appreciable scars form.

With timely treatment in the early stages of the disease, there is a significant reduction in the characteristic symptomatology.


Detection of iodine-bromoderm is used both as an external examination of the patient's skin and analysis of his subjective sensations. To clarify the diagnosis and identify a variety of bromoderms, laboratory tests of blood tests are carried out.

Treatment of bromoderm and iododerm

The treatment depends on the form of this skin lesion. The most generalized variant of the disease is most easily influenced. Sufficient exposure to disinfectant and antiseptic agents, which are applied in a complex manner.

Therapeutic way

  • Minor lesions and manifestations of lesions do not require special treatment measures. To eliminate the main symptomatology, it is usually sufficient to completely eliminate preparations containing iodine or bromine.
  • With a significant accumulation in the body of iodine or bromine, bed rest is prescribed, in which the use of medicines is recommended.


The use of antihistamines can remove most of the manifestations. To remove the accumulated bromine and iodine as soon as possible, droppers are placed, quickly cleansing the patient's blood.

In this skin lesion, surgery is not recommended.

Prevention of

To prevent excessive accumulation of iodine and bromine by the body, it is necessary to use such preparations in a dosed, strictly according to the doctor's order and under his control to prevent the occurrence of side effects.

Complications of

With excesses in the body of iodine and bromine, severe inhibition of central nervous system reactions occurs, manifested as general drowsiness, lethargy. Also, with prolonged or excessive use of such drugs, organs such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and urinary system will suffer.


This disease is treatable, a low mortality rate when it is detected is determined by the ability to quickly provide the necessary medical care to the victim. It is important to fully follow the instructions of the attending physician.

To compile the most effective treatment regimen, physicians should take into account indicators such as the strength of external manifestations, the frequency of taking drugs with iodine or bromine, as well as the susceptibility of the body to the effect.

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