Chamomile with colitis, enemas with it

Not everyone knows that the enema with chamomile acts as a unique remedy for colitis. To start treatment, you only need to get rid of the main causes of the disease. For this, not only medicines, but also folk remedies are prescribed. Modern methods of medicine often refer to such a popular method to normalize intestinal activity. Enema with chamomile in colitis is a very simple and effective remedy, which can act as an analgesic or antiseptic.

Chamomile has analgesic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, and is recommended by certified doctors and folk healers. It is worth noting that when colitis is prescribed enema with a large volume, since the inflammatory process is more extensive than other diseases.

Chamomile helps in getting rid of increased gas production and when removing spasms, so that nutrients are absorbed better. So, sometimes, it is enough to conduct only 5 procedures, within 10 days, to restore normal functioning of the intestine. It is worth noting that with a larger volume, you can simply "kill" the beneficial intestinal microflora.

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Chamomile helps to normalize the functionality of the digestive tract: to increase the secretion of gastric juice, bile, stimulates the appetite, while acting softly on the digestive organs. Chamomile in colitis is useful in that it is able to relieve sensitivity and irritation in the intestinal cavity, as well as reduce pain symptoms.

You can drink tea from a medicinal plant that has a good effect on the stomach, without irritating it and without causing nausea or vomiting.

Chamomile is also prescribed for exacerbation of colitis with stress in the form of soothing tea. In this form it will help relieve tension, speed up sleep and get a healthy sleep and rest.

Cleansing enema with colitis

Before performing an enema, you need to know and observe some rules:

  • The tip of the rubber tube is smeared with vegetable oil.
  • The position of the patient's body in the process of maintaining the tube and chamomile solution in colitis is located either on the right side, with bent legs, or with support on the knee-elbow joint.
  • The manipulation should be at 5-7 in the morning.
  • In the event that a large number of gases and stools are present in the intestinal cavity, microclysters are first performed, and only then the basic procedure is performed.

Preparation of a solution from chamomile for colitis

In order to conduct therapeutic manipulations, you can use the recipe of this solution: 80 ml of chamomile inflorescence requires 1000 ml of cold water. It is left to infuse for 15 minutes, while the bank should be tightly wrapped, then the filtration is carried out. Procedures for colitis should be carried out at least 1 time in several days. Thanks to these simple actions you will have greater efficiency, and release from inflammatory processes with colitis in just 10 procedures.

Undoubtedly, although the daisy is harmless, before using it it is still necessary to consult a specialist who will tell you the best recipes in accordance with your clinical picture of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.

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