Why does the eye hurt from the inside?

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1 The main causes of

The left eye or right from the inside hurts as a result of some diseases that have arisen, and as a result of reasons not related to illnesses at all. So, the causes of pain in the eye can be the following:

  1. A foreign object that has entered the eye. If a person's professional activity is related to electric welding work, his eyes often can hurt with the particles falling into them during welding. Often a person can extract a foreign object himself, but in some cases these particles are microscopically small, so an ophthalmologist will be needed. To do this, the doctor uses a specially designed for these purposes, medical equipment.
  2. Burn if safety requirements are violated. This often happens when working with the same electric welding devices. The result is very severe pain, and subsequently a severe swelling of the eye. Similar symptoms can occur and a few hours after the burn.
  3. Pain in the eye can occur as a result of the resulting injury, which is accompanied by a strong swelling, redness of the eye, and the formation of hematomas. In some cases, a bleeding in the retina occurs. The integrity of the vessels in such cases is disturbed, which leads to painful sensations.
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  4. Long stay behind a computer monitor or TV.Even a prolonged stay at the wheel of the car can cause pain in the eyes. Lack of sleep can also cause pain. Such feelings, most often, occur at night. It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this, but if you do not immediately respond to this, you will not be able to avoid serious problems later, which may result in partial or complete loss of vision.

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The doctor can in such a case prescribe eye drops that are able to remove the existing inflammation and ease the pain in a very short time.

Specialists in the case of severe eye strain recommend daily small eye gymnastics, which has a very beneficial effect on the organs of vision. These exercises do not take much time and are very simple in their execution:

  • eyes need to draw figures from 1 to 10;
  • first look at any closely located object, and then sharply look away into the distance;
  • raise your eyes up, then look down, then turn your eyes to the left, and then to the right. So repeat a few times.

In our time, it is often possible to meet people who wear lenses or glasses to correct their vision. However, not everyone knows that if the optics is chosen incorrectly, then the eyeball is in constant tension, and this, in turn, is the cause of discomfort, and then pain. In such cases, there is often a headache. To prevent this, contact lenses should be worn strictly according to the time provided in the operating instructions.

2 Communicating with

Sometimes, pain in the eye can occur due to more serious causes. This can be a variety of diseases that only a qualified specialist can detect after a series of medical studies. Common causes of pain in the eyes are the following:


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  1. Cataract is a disease that always causes a decrease in vision. There is an obvious feeling of something pressing. The lens of the eye acquires a hazy color. Glaucoma has a similar symptomatology with cataracts.
  2. Iritis is a disease that causes severe pain beginning in the temporal region. With this disease a person simply does not stand very bright light. If the treatment is ignored, blindness may occur soon after the onset of pain.
  3. Keratitis is a disease in which the pain acquires a protracted aching character. Thus the cornea becomes turbid and there is a strong lachrymation.
  4. It hurts the eye inside and because of some viral diseases, such as chicken pox, influenza or herpes. For example, with a disease such as chickenpox, the body temperature increases and tear of the eyes increases. There is a pain in the eyes. There are also swelling.
  5. Sinusitis and meningitis are always accompanied by severe headaches, and pain in the eyeball is also felt. In this case, the pain can be either one-sided or two-sided.
  6. Migraine, in which there are violations of the facial muscles and numerous spasms, after which the left or right eye from the inside very often hurts. In this case, it is necessary to take therapy, which will help get rid of headaches, which, in turn, will ease the eye pain. These are pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. Pathological processes occurring in the spine of a person can cause pain in the eyes. Everything happens because the blood supply to the brain is impaired due to the squeezing of the nerve endings, as a result, pain appears inside the eyeball.
  8. Very often, pain in the eyes can be troubling due to such a common disease as conjunctivitis. With this disease, mucous eyes become inflamed, followed by severe redness and, accordingly, pain. The progression of the disease is complicated by the fact that there are discharge from the eyes.
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Similar sensations and symptoms can cause and myositis of the eye. This disease affects the muscles of the eyes. Unpleasant sensations increase when a person simply moves his eyes.

3 Ambulance at home

If a person does not have the opportunity to see a doctor right away, there are several ways to get rid of excruciating pain at home. These methods do not provide for the use of medications.

Therefore, if the right eye or left eye hurts, you need to reduce the burden on the eyes. To do this, you need to watch TV as little as possible or sit in front of the computer screen, and it is better to give up these types of entertainment altogether for a while. If you want something to read, it is better to use the optimal kind of lighting.

In the daily diet of a person suffering from pain in the eyes, vitamins such as vitamins A and E must be present. They are known to exist in many vegetables and fruits.

To remove strong stress, you can apply chamomile broth. This remedy helps to relieve inflammation and ease the pain syndrome. During the day, it is necessary to perform a similar procedure about 5 times. To prepare this broth you need a new one every time.

Helps reduce pain and other anxiety symptoms by daily charging for the eyes.

If pain in the eyes is not recommended to overstrain, it is necessary to go to bed on time, and also less to succumb to stress and emotional stress. Any chronic illness requires timely intervention and treatment.

Pain in the eyes is a very serious problem, which in no case can not be ignored and launched, as untimely treatment can lead to more serious consequences, namely, loss of visual acuity.

There may be a complete blindness later.

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