Amylorrhea and steatorrhoea in a child, causes and treatment in children

Young parents are always concerned about the health of their newborn baby, so they pay great attention to any changes that occur in the child's body. Particularly closely moms follow what kind of feces are in the feces of babies, as their changed composition may indicate the development of various pathologies in the digestive tract. The appearance in the faeces of a large number of starch-free starchy sugars indicates the occurrence of amylorrhea in them. It appears because of the acceleration of the progress of food chyme, and a sharp increase in intestinal peristalsis, which is characteristic of enteritis.

In addition, the causes of amylorrhea in children directly depend on acquired or hereditary diseases associated with exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. In these cases, the pathology is usually due to a violation of the formation or activation of the enzymes of the prostate in the small intestine. Due to this dysfunctional disorder, there is a violation of food digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

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Amylorrhea and steatorrhea

In the case when the child shows signs such as steatorrhea, amylorrhea, createrorrhea, as well as a large amount of mucus in a fecal analysis of stool, there may be several gastrointestinal diseases. When a child has this symptomatology, differential diagnosis is necessary. Only with its help it will be possible to identify with the greatest accuracy which pathology caused the development of these ailments and to prescribe, on the basis of this, adequate therapy. More often such signs testify to development of a chronic pancreatitis.

Steatorea, characterized by excessive fat content in stool, should be assessed in this case by a quantitative or qualitative method, which allows to determine their total number, and, based on this, to select appropriate therapeutic measures. If a significant amount of digestible fiber and starch is found in the analysis of feces, this indicates that the amylorrhea developed in the crumbs indicates the lesion of the secretory epithelium located in the small intestine or the pathology of the initial parts of the large intestine.

Often, amylorrhea syndrome occurs in the development of a child's hypotrophy caused by a quantitative or qualitative starvation, which results in significant changes in the body of babies. Quality starvation is due to inadequate artificial feeding, which causes a lack of essential vitamins and nutrients, and the appearance of quantitative deficiencies is facilitated by a shortage of food resources or an incorrect calorie calculation.

Detection of symptoms such as amylorrhea and steatorrhea in faecal tests may also indicate a chronic enterocolitis that develops in a crumb, which must be differentiated from congenital enzymopathies and protracted dysentery. In addition to digestive disorders, the constant symptoms of this pathology in small patients will also be a feeling of abdominal distension, bloating, rumbling in the intestine, strong flatulence.

Treatment of amylorrhea in children

Before starting treatment of pathological signs in a child, differential diagnosis is necessary. Only with the help of it can you identify the true cause of the appearance in the stool analysis of extraneous inclusions that indicate the presence of amylorea and steatorrhoea. To evaluate the morphology of the pancreas, as well as possible structural disorders, it is necessary to perform ultrasound. This allows to exclude the presence of tumor processes, local formations, edema and diffuse changes in its size.

Therapy of pathologies accompanied by signs of digestive disorders is aimed at preventing exacerbations of the underlying disease and restoration of bowel functions. The basis of the activities should be dietary nutrition, as well as the appointment of pro and prebiotics, enzyme preparations and multivitamins. Antibiotics for amylorea are prescribed only according to strict indications. Additional therapeutic methods include exercise therapy, physiotherapy, symptomatic drugs, phytotherapy.

The obligatory diet is aimed at eliminating the factors contributing to both exacerbation of the underlying disease and development of amylorea symptoms. Strong broths, smoked, spicy, salty and fatty foods are forbidden. If the baby, suffering from this pathology, is breastfed, the diet should be reviewed by the mother. Also need a fractional food, often with minimal portions and drinking a sufficient amount of mineral water. The prognosis with adequate and timely treatment of diseases that caused amylorea at all stages of rehabilitation is favorable.

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