Recipes for gastritis, dietary meals, diet and nutrition, delicious food for sick people, photo

Eating with gastritis has its own characteristics. Patients should not eat spicy and fatty foods, fried foods, fresh bread, buns, whole milk, fatty and sinewy meats, coffee, any fizzy drinks, chocolate, ice cream, onions, garlic and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

You need to eat often and in small portions, and drink as much water as possible. Ideal dishes for gastritis will be grated soups and cereals, as well as baked apples.

Let's look at a few simple recipes from the recommended nutrition for gastritis, which will be an ideal breakfast for those who suffer from this ailment.

Ingredients for one serving of porridge:
  • Fig. -50g
  • Milk - 100g
  • Water - 150g
  • Salt of a teaspoon of sugar
  • Salt on the tip of a knife


  1. Let's take the rice, wash it in warm water, dry it and grind itin a coffee grinder or a small blendereer.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Grated rice in a thin trickle is added to boiling milk, stirring, we put salt and sugar.
  4. Porridge boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
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During the preparation of porridge, whitish mucus forms, which perfectly envelops the walls of the stomach and softens the exacerbation.

A recipe for a steam omelette with carrots

Ingredients per serving omelette:

  • Chicken eggs - 2pcs
  • Two medium carrots
  • Quarter of a glass of milk
  • Butter
  • Salt

Preparation of a recipe:

  1. We clean the carrot and cut it in small circles.
  2. In the frying pan pour water, put the carrot there and stew it for 10 minutes.
  3. The stewed carrot is wiped through a sieve until a mushy appearance is obtained.
  4. Mix eggs, milk and mashed carrots, add salt and whisk until smooth.
  5. Pour the mixture into a mold, greased with butter and cook on a water bath or in a double boiler for 20 minutes.

Thanks to such tasty and useful recipes, nutrition with gastritis of the stomach, and especially such an important part of the daily diet, like breakfast, your condition will improve.

Dietary meals for gastritis

The menu, made for patients with gastritis, is filled with a variety of dietary dishes. Moreover, they will suit not only those people who are experiencing an acute phase of gastritis, but also those who have never had problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Below you can find recipes for cooking the most popular dietary foods for gastritis: dried fruit jelly, baked apples, cauliflower soup.

Ingredients of Kisel from dried fruit

Ingredients per liter of jelly:

  • 7 tablespoons of dried fruit
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Potato flour - 50gr
  • Lit of water


  1. We sort out and wash the dried fruit. We put them in boiling water and cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes.
  2. After, add sugar, stir it until completely dissolved. Filter the broth through a sieve and set it to cool.
  3. Boiled dried fruits are smeared in a blender to a mushy state and mixed into a decoction.
  4. In two hundred milliliters of broth we grow potato flour, the rest of the broth is brought to a boil.
  5. In the boiling broth we mix its part, mixed with potato flour and boil for a few more minutes.
  6. Finished kissels sprinkle with powdered sugar, so that a baby shoe does not form.

Recipe for baked apples for gastritis

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 4 apples of sweet and sour variety
  • Handful of raisins
  • Walnuts - 75gr
  • 4hp.of sugar


  1. Fill the raisins for 20 minutes with warm water. Then we turn it over to the colander.
  2. My apples and wipes. Carefully, conically carve the core. Seeds should not be, but from below the layer of pulp should remain.
  3. Inside each apple we put on a spoonful of sugar and fall asleep nuts with raisins.
  4. Spread the apples in the form and bake for about 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

If you do not have an oven, then you can make a baked apple in a saucepan. Pour water in there so that it reaches the middle of the apple and pat it on low heat for 20 minutes after boiling the water.

Recipe for cauliflower soup

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 6 glasses of drinking water
  • Milk 250ml
  • Small cauliflower
  • Egg chicken - 1pc
  • Sour cream 15% fat - 60gr
  • Teaspoon flour


  1. Cabbage is peeled from leaves,washed and divided into inflorescences. We boil it in salted water for several minutes after boiling.
  2. Fry the flour in a frying pan with a small addition of cabbage. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  3. Cabbage soup is smeared in puree, we add boiled milk and flour sauce into it.
  4. Beat the egg with sour cream and add it to a slightly chilled dish.

Delicious recipes for gastritis

The main problem with gastritis is delicious recipes. Many of those who face this disease, believe that it is impossible to eat with gastritis, and that they are doomed now, there is tasteless, disgusting food. Everything is completely wrong. Those suffering from gastritis can find not only useful, but also incredibly delicious recipes. We offer you several of them.

Ingredients for 6 portions:
  • 500g rabbit meat
  • 200g chicken liver
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Parsley
  • 3 medium carrots
  • Half cup of milk
  • 1 egg
  • Slice of butter
  • Salt
  • Two slices of white yesterday's bread


  1. Cut the meat and liver into small pieces and boil on low heat.
  2. Cut the carrot into cubes and add to the meat. Cook for 15 minutes.
  3. From boiled meat, make minced meat and add a little soaked with milk bread. Add parsley, salt and mix forcemeat.
  4. We spread the paste into molds and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Recipe for semolina pudding with pear in case of gastritis

Ingredients for one medium pudding:

  • Cup of semolina
  • 3 cups of milk
  • 5 medium sweet pears
  • Vanillin at the tip of a knife
  • Butter


  1. In a boiling milk, sprinkle a sifted semolina in a thin trickle. Add the vanilla.
  2. Cook the manga until it thickens. Put the butter.
  3. Yolks are ground with sugar, pears are sliced. Add everything to the porridge.
  4. Squirrels whisk to the peak and intervene in porridge. Transfer it to a greased form and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes.
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