Why does my head ache after smoking and how to deal with it?

1 Recommendations of doctors

In a situation where migraines begin after smoking, doctors recommend that you throw a harmful habit as quickly as possible, especially if the pain is chronic. If pain is observed several times a month, this is permissible. To normalize well-being, you should pay more attention to the regime of day, sleep and rest. Restoring blood supply and oxygenate the blood and shells of the brain helps daily walks in an ecologically clean area: in the park, garden, garden.

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Great value should be given to proper nutrition. The diet should consist mostly of foods rich in vitamins and microelements.

For frequent headaches, consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a brain condition check to avoid the development of dangerous ailments. Sometimes severe pain, especially in men, can signal an increased cranial pressure. This condition is treatable. The main thing is to start it on time, without triggering disease.

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2 The main reasons for

The question of why the headache after a person has gotten rid of smoking has several answers:

  • the main factor in the onset of pain can be a stressful condition;
  • rejection of this habit can also cause nervous overexertion.

In most cases, heavy smokers themselves smoke the process of smoking a cigarette as a kind of ritual, through which they relieve stress. The person who stops smoking is compared to a baby who has been deprived of his favorite toy or pacifier. It needs to be reassured, but it's hard to choose a way to do it without the usual things. To the brain adapts to a new state and weaned from cigarettes, it should take 2 or 3 weeks. Throughout this time, the body is able to begin to react in its own way to the situation.

In humans, as a result of intoxication of the body and the beginning of the cleansing process, you can:

  • begin to get sore;
  • appears vomiting;
  • to increase body temperature;
  • change the tone of the vessels;
  • decrease pressure;
  • increase the level of oxygen in the blood.

When a former smoker does not smoke for a long time, he may be exposed to a state of short-term stress. Nicotine, which fills the blood, causes the narrowing of the blood vessels not only in the brain, but in other vital organs of man. When cigarettes are abandoned, small vessels begin to expand. This phenomenon is the cause of an intolerable headache and a sharp drop in blood pressure. Sometimes a forced non-smoking person loses consciousness.

If a person does not smoke more than half a day, then in his blood can increase the level of oxygen. This period is characterized by the withdrawal of toxic substances from the body: carbon monoxide and heavy compounds. A sharp jump in oxygen levels in the blood, supersaturation of brain cells are the first complications after getting rid of smoking. It is this change in the body's work that causes a headache in the first day of the cleansing process.


Quit Smoking Syndrome One of the most common factors provoking a condition in which the head is aching is a decrease in the reactivity of the cerebral vessels along with changes in gas formation in the blood plasma. The reaction to various kinds of external and internal stimuli is due to the effect on the receptors located in the walls of the vessels. This leads to the fact that the vessels do not have time to narrow or expand. This condition provokes paroxysmal pain and can be accompanied by prolonged stress.

Sharp refusal from smoking, accompanied by these abnormalities in the body, can lead to the development of complex pathologies of the brain. Pressure jumps in the vessels can lead to an ischemic attack and cause a stroke. The smoking cessation syndrome is a community of symptoms that accompanies a person all the time spent fighting nicotine addiction. This process is similar to the break-up that occurs in addicted people, but only with a lesser degree of pain syndrome.


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The adjustment of the body after smoking with a long history of new work for each person can be carried out in different ways. This can be affected by age, smoking experience, the presence of diseases of the lungs and other organs. Such phenomena can also be manifested individually from this process: one only has one symptom, and another has several.

It should be understood that the headache after giving up nicotine is not the most serious sign. If you do not deal with her treatment, she can cause permanent chronic migraines. And this often leads to a decrease in efficiency, dissatisfaction with their own lives.

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If the dependence on nicotine lasted for many years, but the person tried to quit smoking from time to time, a new attempt can lead to the development of a micro-stroke. On the basis of this, doctors recommend that patients with prolonged painful conditions should consult for advice. In the forces of the doctor to establish the cause of pain and to prescribe adequate therapy, which helps to eliminate them.

4 Methods of treatment

If a person quits smoking, and he does not have headaches, do not delay to solve this problem. Despite the fact that changes in the tone of the vessels do not need special therapy, doctors still recommend the pain not tolerate. To facilitate the state of the farewell to smoking, one should adhere to useful recommendations:

  1. Night sleep should have a duration of at least 8 hours. This will help to normalize the tone of the vessels and will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.
  2. The quality of sleep is influenced by evening walks in the fresh air, easy gymnastics, calm quiet music.
  3. To experience a bad state of health, you can consult a psychologist. The life stage after smoking needs to be adjusted, specialists can help in how to properly conduct it.
  4. You need to switch your brain to a pleasant pastime, an interesting lesson. You can attend a concert of your favorite band, go fishing, go on a trip.
  5. Women are recommended by doctors to give preference to light food: more fruits, vegetables. It is good to eat sweets and chocolate, which contains tryptophan, known as the "hormone of happiness."
  6. When the headache begins, you can take an anesthetic drug from a home medicine chest. If the person who stopped smoking did not take such funds earlier, you should consult the doctor about this.
  7. Uninterrupted long-term headaches should not be tolerated or permanently suppressed by medications. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

5 Prohibited measures

Despite the headache, which is often very strong, the smoker must find the strength and not give in to the desire to return to the past and start again to smoke. Since, as a result of quitting smoking, the human body suffers not only stress, but also weakens physiologically and psychologically, this can be a serious blow to him.

It is strictly forbidden to distract from pain by taking alcoholic beverages, strong coffee.

Such actions can cause a sharp change in the tone of the vessels, increase pain and lead to the development of stroke and heart attack.

Do not use analgesics unless directed by a specialist. Self-medication can aggravate the situation.

The best cure for headache is getting rid of nicotine addiction. The sooner this happens, the better will be the quality not only of health, but of life.

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