Treatment of colitis and hemorrhoids

Colitis and hemorrhoids - this is by far the most common pathology of the digestive system. Colitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine, and hemorrhoids - the formation of blood-clogged nodes. These diseases can occur separately from each other, but more often it happens that the intestines growing on the walls and causing the formation of bleeding cracks at the site of their localization of cones provoke a general inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. There can be an opposite situation, when accompanying colitis spastic constipation provokes weakening and stretching of the intestinal walls, which becomes the main reason for the formation of internal hemorrhoids on them. In both cases, the joint form of these two diseases is due to the following factors:

  • Congenital pathologies of digestive system development;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Regular errors in nutrition;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

The main symptomatology of these two bowel diseases also has some similarities, which are expressed in the appearance of painful sensations of a spastic or aching nature in the abdominal cavity and upset of the stool. To reveal independently the fact that colitis and hemorrhoids develop together is rather difficult, since the accompanying signs can also indicate the presence of other diseases of the digestive tract. The only difference is the presence of pathological blood-filled nodes in the anus, which is possible only in the advanced stage of the disease, when getting rid of it can be quite difficult.

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In order to prevent the transition of hemorrhoids, which occur in conjunction with colitis, into a more severe form accompanied by serious complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist when the first signs of anxiety indicate the development of the inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa and the formation of nodes on it. Only carrying out a differential diagnostic study will be able to identify the joint course of these pathologies, which will allow the doctor to prescribe an adequate course of therapy.

Methods of treatment of colitis and hemorrhoids

Modern methods of treatment of these diseases include the use of medications suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms that restore the intestinal microflora and regulate the normal production of mucus. With the development of colitis and hemorrhoids, it is also necessary to use drugs that alleviate the symptoms of both pathologies. They allow to normalize the general condition of a sick person and improve the quality of his life for the entire duration of therapy. In the case when the patient is simultaneously diagnosed with colitis and hemorrhoids, the treatment will be comprehensive. In addition to drug therapy, it will include the following steps:

  • Correction of diet and mandatory compliance with a prescribed gastroenterologist diet;
  • Use of products prepared according to traditional medicine;
  • Cleanses and warm baths with herbal decoctions.

All complex therapeutic measures for colitis with hemorrhoids are assigned individually for each individual patient, depending on the stage and form of the course of the diseases, as well as the concomitant symptoms. They are aimed at restoration of functions damaged by pathologies of the intestine. Particular attention with the simultaneous development of these ailments is given to the diet. Balanced and properly organized nutrition allows you to achieve excellent results in the treatment of colitis and hemorrhoids, and even if not to achieve complete recovery of the patient, then prolong the state of remission for as long as possible:

  • The daily diet during the treatment of hemorrhoids and colitis should be more consisted ofproducts containing fiber. It promotes softening of stool and facilitating acts of defecation;
  • It is necessary to completely exclude from the menu salty, oily and spicy food, which irritates the mucous and hampers the work of the intestines;
  • When colitis and hemorrhoids are strictly prohibited the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • Do not use those foods that cause in the intestines the processes of fermentation and increased gas production. These include cabbage, legumes, cucumbers, radish and black bread.

Treatment of hemorrhoids against a background of spastic colitis will have a favorable prognosis only if the patient does not admit errors in the recommendations and appointments of the doctor regarding the intake of medications and nutrition. Quickly remove the severe symptoms of these unpleasant diseases that occurred simultaneously, and normalize the work of the intestine is possible only with the patient's attentive attitude to his health.

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