Necrotic( necrotizing) colitis

Necrotic form of the flow is characteristic of ischemic colitis, in which the inflammatory process, encompassing the mucous membrane lining the intestine is caused by pronounced chronic insufficiency of blood supply through the mesenteric arteries.

For this form of the disease is characterized by lightning with a sharp manifestation of symptoms. In the early stages of necrotic colitis, symptoms can be noted, such as:

  • pain after eating, accompanied by increased gas production;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • ineffectual urge to defecate;
  • stool disorder( abrupt change of constipation to a loose stool);
  • presence in the feces of mucus and blood.

After the disease takes a necrotic course, bowel pathologies begin to progress. This leads to fever, sharp weight loss and excessive soreness in the abdomen.

Features of diagnosis of necrotizing colitis

During the initial examination, specialists perform palpation of the abdomen to determine the stage of the disease. With necrotic colitis, the muscles of the abdominal wall are in a stressed state, when feeling the sigmoid and descending colon, the pain sensations are significantly intensified. Thus, the localization of the place of intestinal pathology is determined.

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Colonoscopy, irrigoscopy and sigmoidoscopy procedures are performed to determine a more accurate diagnosis, during which the mucosal edema, presence of submucous hemorrhages, as well as ulcers and scars on the intestinal surface are revealed.

In addition, necrotizing colitis is diagnosed using a selective mesenteric angiography procedure and an X-ray study( using a barium enema).

Treatment of necrotic colitis

When diagnosing this form of the disease, the patient is immediately hospitalized in a hospital for surgical treatment. A timely operation will avoid complications such as the development of peritonitis, accompanied by necrosis of intestinal tissues, acute intestinal bleeding, inflammatory-scar processes on the walls of the intestine. It is worth noting that such a colitis in old age can cause death, so it is necessary to take a responsible approach to its treatment in the early stages.

Necrotizing colitis in newborns

Diagnosis of this disease in a child immediately after birth will help avoid consequences such as a violation of the integrity of the walls of the large intestine and peritonitis.

The cause of necrotic colitis at an early age can be:

  • lesion by the inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • presence of congenital malformations of the intestine, as well as diseases such as enteritis or enterocolitis;
  • is an infectious factor.

Most often, infections become the main factor in the appearance of colitis, and the development of a necrotizing form occurs against a background of dysbiosis. Conducted antibiotic therapy can contribute to the activation of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to an increase in the amount of toxins released by them.

Necrotic colitis in infants usually occurs in 3 stages. For stage 1, the symptoms are characterized by a multitude of symptoms, because they are determined by the size of the mucosal area covered by the inflammatory process, as well as the state of immunity. There is a condition of bloating, stagnation of milk in the stomach, frequent regurgitation( rarely vomiting), stool. At the same time there is a worsening of the general condition, lethargy appears, there is a noticeable change in skin color( gray shade prevails) and a decrease in sucking activity. At the 2 stages of the course of this disease, the child becomes noticeable rapid weight loss.

It is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and immediately begin treatment, as this will prevent intestinal perforation and other complications that may be caused by the necrotic form.

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