Complications of enteritis, is it dangerous for humans?

If in time to not conduct adequate treatment of enteritis, it is likely that there will be various kinds of complications, and then the treatment will take much more time and effort, not to mention the severe undermining of the patient's health. As complications with enteritis are:

  • Dehydration.
  • Intestinal bleeding.
  • Perforation of the small intestine.
  • Disorders of organs with toxic and allergic form of the disease.
  • Development of impaired metabolism.

Is enteritis dangerous for humans?

Dehydration is the most important problem, which poses a very serious risk to human health. In particular, if enteritis occurred in preschool children and infants. Symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Sunken eyes.
  • Difficulty urinating in small portions. Urine itself gets dark shades.
  • Unreasonable fast fatigue.
  • No tears.
  • Sensations of dryness in the oral cavity.

In the event that it is impossible to get rid of complications such as dehydration independently by means of folk remedies and medical therapy, the temperature regime reaches 39 and does not fall, while blood admixtures begin to appear in the stool mass, and immediately call an ambulance.

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Danger of intestinal bleeding with enteritis

If a complication such as intestinal bleeding occurs in the lumen of the small intestine cavity, the patient may experience anemia, the degree of which will determine the patient's condition.

Symptoms of intestinal bleeding are:

  • Pale skin.
  • General state of weakness.
  • Vertigo.
  • A constant sense of thirst.
  • Increased palpitations.
  • Change in stool weight. Become a liquid, black shade with an unpleasant odor.

If there are signs of intestinal bleeding, then it is necessary to immediately call a doctor, since there is a real threat to human life.

Necrosis is a serious complication of enteritis

Necrosis is an irreversible cessation of the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs in the body, which is caused by the influence of pathogens. Thus, if the development of such a complication with enteritis in humans, then it is quite likely that the intestine will not work, either partially or in a holistic way. Symptoms of necrosis are:

  • Numbness.
  • Pale skin.
  • Rapid fatigue.
  • Chills.
  • Convulsive syndrome.
  • Lame.
  • The formation of non-healing trophic type ulcers.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Metabolic disorders, loss of body weight and hypovitaminosis.

To date, necrosis, as a complication of inflammation of the small intestine, can be cured in several ways, and only a specialist can be prescribed appropriate therapy.

Small intestine perforation

Perforation of the small intestine is a through violation of the walls of the body cavity, so that the contents begin to directly contact the environment. Symptoms of such complications with enteritis have a specific characteristic, and they are always present. The main sign of such a complication is a strong pain in the abdomen, which is accompanied by a muscle tension of the peritoneum. It can also be:

  • Desecration for defecation.
  • Uniform flatulence.
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Oliguria.
  • Slowed down breath.
  • Increases the temperature regime to 39 degrees.
  • Appearance of nausea and vomiting.

In the case of perforation, the patient is urgently hospitalized for subsequent surgical intervention.

The answer to the question: "Is enteritis dangerous for humans?" - is very obvious. It is dangerous and still as. In time, untreated enteritis can not only lead to complications, but also to death, so do not delay with the treatment of the disease.

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