Signs of expansion of the subarachnoid space of the brain and therapeutic actions

1 Features of the deviation and possible causes of its development

The human brain is a very complex organ, like the heart, it has to work constantly. With such an active mode, normal operation requires optimal nutrition and blood supply. To further understand what you are talking about, the human brain consists of three shells:

  • arachnoid;
  • solid;
  • soft.

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The space between the arachnoid and soft membranes is called the subarachnoid space. The cobweb itself surrounds the brain and is covered with an endometrium on top. With the other two tissues, it is linked with the help of the sub-abdominal joint - membranes. Vascular subarachnoid plexuses form the ventricular system of the brain and spinal cord, consisting of 4 reservoirs. It is in these tanks that the cerebrospinal fluid circulates.

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Subarachnoid spaces, as mentioned above, are cavities in the brain that are filled with a special liquid called liquor. The cavity, filled with liquid, performs the function of nutrition and protection of the brain. Liquor is an optimal medium for the exchange of beneficial substances between the blood and the body itself - the brain, it also carries nutrients to the nerve cells and the ventricles of the brain. In the cerebrospinal fluid, the final products of the metabolism of the brain tissues are secreted and removed. Liqvor constantly circulates in the brain cavities, its movement determines the contraction of the heart, the position of the body, breathing and even the movement of the epithelium on the vascular plexuses. Under normal conditions, the amount of liquid of the subarachnoid space should not exceed 140 ml.

As a rule, the diagnosis of the widening of subarachnoid convective spaces does not apply to adults, but to small children and, in particular, infants. This could be due to birth trauma or abnormalities in the development of the brain. If a similar phenomenon has occurred, the child is prescribed ultrasound of the brain, this is the method of diagnosis in children that determines the deviation of subarachnoid convective spaces.

2 What the pathology of

can talk about. The expansion of subarachnoidal convective spaces suggests that there is an uneven distribution of the fluid. This leads to the fact that the liquor pours into the cavity and provokes a dropsy or hydrocephalus. Unevenly distributed cerebrospinal fluid can provoke intracranial pressure and expand the ventricles of the brain. If during the course of this disease the ventricles are within normal limits, then there is a possibility that by the age of 2 the baby will be able to develop hydrocephalus, but in any case the doctor must prescribe treatment. Parents should not wait until the child's skull is strengthened by 2 years and the disease recedes itself, it may not happen, and you will lose time all the same.

In some cases, the uneven expansion of subarachnoid convective spaces suggests that an inflammatory process or a tumor takes place. The very principle of developing these diseases is very simple and understandable. Meningitis or other infectious disease provokes inflammation and constantly intensifies the production of liquids - liquor. A huge amount of this fluid begins to expand the space. If a tumor develops in the brain, an obstacle is created in the path of circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, respectively, the pressure increases and in the places where a mechanical barrier forms, unevenly expanded pathways arise. Of course, other variants are possible that have caused expansion of convective spaces, for example, an abscess or a hematoma, which gave rise to edema of the brain.

3 Diagnostic methods

Modern medicine has advanced very far in the study of brain pathologies, therefore for adults it offers a variety of methods for studying this organ and its deviations. For example, magnetic resonance imaging and lumbar puncture can not only determine the presence of a tumor and pathology, but also establish a layered structure of the brain and the nature of tumor growth. This allows doctors to understand exactly the necessary tactics of treating inflammatory diseases. The results of ultrasound and MRI diagnosis can only be deciphered by a qualified physician, so do not do self-diagnosis. It is from the timely determination of the cause of the disease that the duration of recovery directly depends.


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4 Symptoms of the disease

Of course, like any disease, this pathology has its symptoms. In most cases, as mentioned above, it appears in young children, but sometimes older patients are also found who can clearly describe the symptoms. Most often, the expanded convective spaces are manifested in the form of such signs as:

  • persistent headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • memory impairment( in adults);
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • increase in the size of the skull( in young children);
  • increased sensitivity to light and auditory stimuli.
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At the first stages, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, which significantly complicates the timely diagnosis. The intensity of manifestation of such signs directly depends on the type of deformation. In young children, these symptoms are the result of postpartum trauma, arachnoiditis or meningitis, and in adults this is a sign of a tumor in the brain or a result of a mechanical trauma.

Modern medicine classifies the expansion of the subarachnoid space of the following degrees:

  • is light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The light expansion ratio is 1-2 mm, the middle - 3-4 mm, and the heavy - more than 4 mm.

5 Therapeutic measures in the fight against the disease

Treatment of such pathologies in the brain is handled by a neurologist, it is to him to seek advice if you have a reason to assume hydrocephalus or arachnoiditis. A doctor's consultation is necessary if there was a head injury due to labor or mechanical exposure. Even if the doctor does not diagnose anything, it is much better to be safe and not to worry in vain, than to suffer from a serious illness and not even suspect about it.

Treatment of an extended subarachnoid space in most cases involves the removal of the very reason that triggered such a state of the child. As a rule, provoking factors of dilated subarachnoid convective spaces are sinusitis, otitis media and increased intracranial pressure or infectious diseases. As a therapy for this deviation, a complex of antibacterial drugs and vitamins( especially group B) is prescribed. The treatment takes quite a long time and is assigned in an individual mode taking into account the patient's age and the nature of the expansion of the subarachnoid spaces. Among the drugs that are used to treat this deviation in children, it can be noted:

  • means that expel excess fluid( Diakarb, Veroshpiron, Asparcum);
  • medications to improve brain trophism( Cavinton, Pantogam).

If it is an adult or a child after 3 years, then the treatment tactics will be slightly different. The treatment will show:

  • diuretics;
  • barbiturates;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • saluretics;
  • vasoactive drugs;
  • solutions of plasma substitutes;
  • is an anesthetic.

In addition to drug therapy, a doctor can prescribe a series of physio-venous procedures that will eliminate the symptoms of the disease and restore the normal metabolism of brain cells and tissues.

Speaking about the prognosis of treatment, they are favorable, the main thing is to start the medication in time.

If drug therapy does not produce the desired result, then surgical intervention is indicated.

Such diseases can not be ignored and neglected, with the first symptoms immediately require a qualified medical diagnosis. If you start the disease, then the person is waiting for dementia, gait disturbance, speech defects, problems with urination, lag in development and a number of other unpleasant phenomena. Now you know what the expansion of the subarachnoid space means. Being theoretically savvy in such medical issues, you will be able to cope with the disease and recognize its symptoms in a timely manner.

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