Symptoms and treatment of glaucoma in the early stages, preventive recommendations

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1 Causes of development of the disease of sight organs

In the absence of congenital causes and deterioration of health at a young age, glaucoma begins to develop in people older than 40 years.

  • The reasons for the development of glaucoma are:
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • thyroid problems;
  • diabetes;
  • arteriosclerosis;
  • acute or chronic eye disease( cataract, uveitis, etc.)

The disease can develop against the background of taking some medications.

Basically, the change in the IOP level is based on a change in the drainage system, which consists of the cavity of the scleral sinus( eye ball), canals and veins and trabecular tissue covering them. Changing any part of this system leads to a violation of the angle of flow of the liquid, which can either be limited or intensified, that is, the accumulation of eye moisture occurs.

If the level of outflow of the eye fluid decreases, the lens of the eye may shift, which is manifested in a visual impairment.

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Recommended reading

  • Eye pressure: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
  • Symptoms of closed-angle glaucoma
  • Glaucoma: the causes of the appearance, characteristic symptoms, treatment and prevention
  • Modern drugs from Pressure!

Intraocular fluid is produced by the processes of the ciliary body in the posterior chamber of the eye. Then it enters the anterior chamber, passes through the drainage system, washing the organs of the eye, and returns back to the back of the eyeball.

2 Symptoms of the disease

Glaucoma arises unevenly: first the organs of one eye are affected, and after a few months or years another eye is affected.

The main symptoms of eye disease are:

  • iridescent mugs before the eyes;
  • discomfort in the eyes;
  • slight pain around the eyes;
  • voltage if you want something to consider;
  • the presence of rubbers;
  • sensation of strong moisturizing of the eyes;
  • deterioration of visual acuity during the period of failure;
  • narrowing of the angle of view;
  • periodic blurring of vision;
  • pain in the brow or temporal part of the face.

These are manifestations of glaucoma exacerbation of the eye, requiring immediate specialist help.

In the presence of mild forms - a simple temporal deterioration of vision - the development of glaucoma can be determined only with the help of an ophthalmological examination, but there may simply be tired eyes or temporary effects of a change in the state of the body.

Disturbance of the hemodynamics of the nervous vessels of the eye, pinpoint hemorrhages in the retina or central artery are the primary causes of visual impairment. The jumps in the blood flow of the eye, the change in pressure destabilize the nutrition of the organs of vision. With timely access to a medical specialist, you can quickly correct all of the above violations of the eye.

With the further course of the disease, the angle of view is narrowed, as a result, the field of view is able to represent a "telescope" and further blindness may occur. All these early signs of glaucoma can be manifested in periods or permanently. In the presence of one of them, it is worthwhile to visit an ophthalmologist for diagnosis: measuring the level of intraocular pressure, assessing the index of moist eyes and changes in visual acuity. This is done by a specialist using special ophthalmic devices.


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Self-diagnosis of the onset of the disease is sometimes impossible, and its development can occur unnoticed for a person. Doctors recommend visiting a doctor, at least a therapist, at least every six months to promptly identify the possibility of developing various diseases not only the eyes, but also the internal organs or skin.

3 Types of eye glaucoma

It is necessary to classify the disease according to the periods of human life and the phases of the disease. For periods of the course of the disease, glaucoma can be:

  1. Primary - initial destabilization of the blood flow in the eye.
  2. Secondary - inflammation due to the presence of eye diseases or surgical intervention.
  3. Mixed form - pathology of the development of the eye organs and changes in the general state of the vital systems of the body.

Symptoms and treatment of different forms may differ. By types of intraocular pressure, the pathology can be open - or closed-angle. These species differ in the rate of change in pressure. Open-angle form of the disease is the most frequent phenomenon. It is easier to diagnose by specialists, and its treatment is easier.

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The closed-angle form of the disease manifests itself much less often, and it is subject to far-sighted people. If it is present, a person may experience weakness and nausea, in addition to obvious symptoms.

In the secondary form, there may be no increase in intraocular pressure, that is, implicit signs of glaucoma may appear, but their qualitative characteristics deteriorate.

Intraocular pressure creates circulation of a jelly-like eye fluid in the walls of the organ of vision. At normal IOP there are no sensations of weariness, gravity in opinion of. If you have such symptoms, you can say about possible problems with the eyes.

All problems with the eyes can be diagnosed by contacting a specialist.

The disease is not contagious, but, as stated earlier, can be inherited. The stages of the course of pathology are of different manifestation nature:

  1. The initial stage - it can be diagnosed only by a specialist, since with the help of instruments changes in the disk of the optic nerve are determined.
  2. Developed stage - the boundaries of vision are narrowed by 10-15 °.
  3. Terminal stage - change in the level of photosensitivity, at which periodic loss of vision can be noted.
  4. Based on the complexity of diagnosing the initial stage of the disease, periodic visits to the doctor for any visual defects are necessary.

4 Methods of treatment

To date, the methods of treatment for glaucoma are surgical, laser, medicamentous, and also will bring relief from some folk remedies:

  1. Medical treatment of the disease. The main directions of treatment are ophthalmogytopotensive therapy( reduction of VAG), improvement of blood supply to the eye, normalization of metabolism in tissues. The first and basic step is the normalization of the IOP level, and the rest is already ancillary techniques. The most important is the correct mode of life when a disease occurs.
  2. For treatment, antiglaucoma drops are used that reduce IOP after the first application. But at the same time there may be resistance to their action or deterioration of the eye, which is due to improper selection of funds. Therefore, self-medication can not be done in any case. The level of IOP is determined by the doctor-ophthalmologist, and on its basis a certain drug is prescribed.
  3. Treatment is performed in the period of two to three weeks under the constant supervision of a doctor. Further consultation is required every three months. At the same time, the drug is changed every one to two years.
  4. Laser treatment. This is a kind of surgical operation, characterized by increased accuracy and the absence of postoperative consequences. The main indicator of the effect of the laser is the improvement of the circulation of the aqueous humor. This minimal time operation is absolutely painless and is performed on an outpatient basis, but it can not be shown to all patients.
  5. Surgical intervention. A lot of modern variants of surgical antiglaucoma intervention are carried out in a hospital environment, but are the most effective methods of treatment. More widely used filtering methods of influence to restore the normal level of IOP.
  6. The second most common method is deep sclerectomy, which is performed without opening the eyeball. This method does not require the long-term use of eye drops and there is a fairly rapid recovery of the habitual way of life in two weeks.
  7. Surgical intervention is, according to statistics and medical reports, the most effective treatment for glaucoma.
  8. Application of folk remedies. Their use is due to the improvement due to the effects of plant and natural ingredients, the purification of plasma and the improvement of the rheological properties of the blood.

The most commonly used for these purposes:

  • aloe;
  • mummy;
  • raw potatoes;
  • rose hips;
  • honey;
  • infusion of dill;
  • juices of various berries and vegetables.

These tools are used in the form of external compresses or as batteries. In both cases, they have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and help in the treatment of eye disease.

5 Restrictions on the pathology of

Like any disease of the human body, glaucoma requires restriction in the habitual way of life:

  1. Nutrition. It is required to limit consumption of salty and fatty foods and sweet. It is necessary to completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. Physical activity. It is required to limit physical exercises with the inclination of the head. Classes by any sports must be agreed with the attending physician. Contraindicated to sleep face down on your stomach, visit saunas, drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Even constipation can adversely affect the speed of the disease.
  3. Room lighting. Contra-indications are twilight and prolonged work at the computer or watching TV.Vital activity should occur at a sufficient level of illumination of premises. On the street on sunny days it is necessary to put on sunglasses with ultraviolet filters. Direct exposure to sunlight in the eyes is required to be completely ruled out.

As a result, it should be noted that this disease is quite common in the modern world, its development is influenced by both ecology and long-term use of technical means( computer, gadgets, TV).Periodic visits to the doctor will allow timely detection of pathology and eliminate it.

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