Why all the time is a loose stool, the causes of prolonged diarrhea( diarrhea)?

What should I do for those who have a loose stool all the time? Why can prolonged diarrhea occur? How to deal with this? In fact, diarrhea is not the most dangerous phenomenon, but only if it lasts two or three days. But if diarrhea begins acutely, lasts for 14 days or more, it is worth starting to sound an alarm. A person may have signs of dehydration in this case. This is the most dangerous complication.

When a patient has a loose stool all the time, he experiences not only severe discomfort. Any prolonged diarrhea leads to the appearance of psychological disorders, disorders of the vegetative system, so a person may experience severe dizziness, weakness, migraine. At risk, those who have been using antibiotics or immunosuppressors for a long time. Provocative long-term diarrhea may be intestinal infections, the presence of hypertrophy, scarcity anemia, in children diathesis, transfer to artificial feeding. As a rule, with proper treatment, the loose stool disappears in a few days, but if the diarrhea becomes protracted, a consultation of the gastroenterologist is needed. Only a doctor, after carrying out the necessary tests, can identify the reasons and answer the question why a person has diarrhea all the time. What tests are needed to do this?

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Features of the diagnosis of lingering diarrhea

It is necessary to pass tests to find out the causes of prolonged digestive disturbances:

  1. A detailed blood test.
  2. Coprogram.
  3. Bacteriological crops for the detection of pathogenic flora.
  4. Analysis of feces for dysbiosis.
  5. Lactose-Tolerance Test.

When a person always has a loose stool, differential diagnosis is often used to identify the cause of the ailment. Experts try to exclude invasive diarrhea( its presence is indicated by traces of blood in the stool).Particular attention is drawn to the presence of signs of dehydration. In the event that they are identified, the patient immediately hospitalized. If the liquid stool is all the time, and this condition does not lead to dehydration, treatment of prolonged diarrhea is performed on an outpatient basis. It lasts, as a rule, five days.

Instrumental diagnosis to identify the causes of protracted diarrhea is not used. But the doctor more carefully collects an anamnesis of the disease. During a personal conversation, he will try to find out why the patient always has diarrhea, what kind of stool is present, how the patient is fed, whether he drinks a lot of liquids during the day. A large role in the formulation of the correct diagnosis, when the patient is always a loose stool, is played by a physical examination. It shows how frequent urge to defecate, whether there are any impurities in the stool, what other symptoms accompany prolonged diarrhea. It is important to find out if the patient has a complaint of anxiety, a violation of consciousness, severe thirst or lack of it.

What kind of treatment if all the time is a loose stool?

Identifying the cause of prolonged diarrhea allows you to choose the right treatment. Its purpose is to normalize the consistency of stool. Treatment for prolonged diarrhea is carried out in two directions:

  1. Patient is prescribed a therapeutic diet.
  2. Symptomatic therapy is performed.

Diet, when all the time the liquid stool, is aimed at compensating for the necessary components, to reduce the load on the digestive tract. All food must be culinary processing, raw fruits and vegetables are completely prohibited. You are allowed to cook food, cook them for a couple. During a diet with diarrhea, doctors advise completely to exclude from the diet those components that provoke the formation of processes of putrefaction or fermentation in the intestine, those foods that stimulate bile secretion, gastric secretion, one can not eat dishes that irritate the liver.

Drug therapy, in the case when a patient complains that he has diarrhea all the time, can be aimed at eliminating signs of dehydration, replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals, restoring metabolic processes, normal intestinal microflora.

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