Products for intestinal colitis - bananas, bran, mineral water, kefir

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is diagnosed very often when handling complaints of intestinal problems and the main thing in its successful treatment is the organization of a healthy diet. Acute colitis is treated only by a strict diet. Chronic inflammation, including exacerbations, also imply the mandatory presence of dietary nutrition.

The general requirement for a patient's diet is to balance calories, vitamins and trace elements and with an increased amount of protein while reducing animal fats in foods. The choice of products for the menu of patients with intestinal colitis takes into account the need to increase the regenerative capacity of the mucosa, eliminate putrefactive and fermenting processes.

The specific menu is developed by the doctor taking into account individual features of the disease, the type of inflammation and the nature of its course. From the set of products for intestinal colitis should be deleted:

  • meat and fish fatty varieties;
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  • baking and bakery products;
  • canned, pickled, salted and spicy foods;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, legumes;
  • cereals from millet and pearl barley;
  • coffee, milk, drinks with gas, apricot and plum juice;
  • alcohol.

Useful foods containing large amounts of protein( chicken, lamb), dried bread. Vegetables and fruits must be heat treated, soups should be eaten in a cleaned form. When preparing food to exclude frying, foods should be moderate in temperature, not too cold and not too hot.

Given that the fruit is recommended to eat in baked or cooked form, the question arises about the use of bananas in colitis of the intestine. They contain a large number of vitamins, carbohydrates, potassium. The presence in them of a probiotic FOS capable of increasing the number of healthy bacteria makes them very useful in inflammation of the mucous membrane. The soft structure of the product does not irritate the mucous membrane, but the enveloping effect of the pulp protects the intestinal walls from external irritants and reduces pain.

Benefits of bananas in colitis of the intestine is that they are easily digested, giving the body the necessary set of nutrients in a gentle mode. Containing catecholamines, they relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. Pectin, which is also found in bananas, acts as a mild laxative, helping to cope with constipation. However, you should refrain from taking them immediately after meals or at bedtime, as well as drink with water, juice or tea. This is due to the possibility of causing fermentation in the stomach.

Bran with colon colitis is used to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body and eliminate constipation. The therapeutic effect of using this product is based on the fact that getting into the intestine, bran is not digested and improves peristalsis.

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of the product, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The intake should start with a minimum dose of 1 tsp, gradually bringing up to 1 tbsp.tablespoons per day.
  2. Increase the daily fluid intake rate by 50%.

For prolonged constipation, a mixture of bran with skimmed yogurt is useful. In general kefir with colitis of the intestine should be taken only fresh and with caution, based on the recommendations of the doctor.

Colitis is the main disease of the digestive tract, for which treatment with mineral waters is indicated. Depending on the composition, they, except for the treatment of inflammation of the mucosa, have a therapeutic effect on other internal organs of man. The intake of mineral water during colon colitis removes constipation, diarrhea, normalizes the activity of the intestine. Contraindicated mineral water only with ulcerative colitis.

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