Skin melanoma: life forecasts, initial stage photos, symptoms and signs, cancer diagnosis, treatment

Among all oncological neoplasms of the skin, the most aggressive course is melanoma. Symptoms of melanoma need to start to be recognized at an early stage of their development, since in 73% of cases in advanced cases of this disease a lethal outcome occurs.

What is skin melanoma?

This tumor develops from pigment cells of melanocytes, which under the influence of provoking factors degenerate into cancerous cells. Neoplasm can quite begin to be formed at enough young people.

The picture shows the difference between melanoma and other benign neoplasms of the skin surface

Melanoma is characterized by rapid germination in the depth of the skin and development of metastases under the influence of the spread of cancer cells by hematogenous and lymphogenic pathways. Due to these features, melanoma is an aggressive malignant skin neoplasm.

Clinical types of

Oncologists distinguish five species of melanoma, of which four are most often found.

  • Surface-spreading
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    melanoma. This type of tumor begins to form on the nevus( mole) or against the background of the unchanged skin. You can pay attention to the towering pigmented area with uneven edges and mostly irregular shape. Coloring this type of melanoma from light brown to black and blue. Sometimes in the center you can notice different in color blotches. Gradually, the tumor becomes compacted, transformed into a plaque, and then into a node on the surface of which ulcerations appear. More women with this form of disease, metastasis occurs in almost half the cases.
  • Nodular melanoma is the most aggressive growth, on average, this form of the disease occurs from six months to 18 months. There is no horizontal melanoma formation, it begins to grow vertically at once. The surface of the resulting node is quickly thinned, easily traumatized and bleeding occurs. On the node gradually appear ulcers, from which comes yellowish exudate, sometimes it may contain blood. The color of the node varies from light pink to dark blue.
  • Lentiginous melanoma. This form of the disease is also known as malignant lentigo or freckle Hutchinson. Most often it is formed from the senile pigmentation spot, the birthmark, rarely from the usual birthmark. This type of tumor tends to form on those parts of the body that are most exposed to the sun's ultraviolet, this face, ears, neck, hands. This melanoma develops in most of the sick people very slowly, sometimes up to 30 years can pass until the last stage of its development. Metastasis is rare, there is evidence of a resorption of this formation, so lentiginous melanoma is considered to be the most favorable in terms of prognosis for oncological skin disease.
  • Acryl-lentiginous melanoma is detected in people predominantly with a dark tone of the skin. There is education on the palms, genitals, feet, eyelids, nail beds. This form of melanoma develops very quickly, characterized by a rapid spread of metastases. The tumor in the beginning is a spot with a brownish color, under the fingernail this spot has a crimson or bluish-red color. As the neoplasm progresses, it becomes ulcerated, and if the nail is hurt, it collapses.
  • Non-pigmentary is a very rare type of melanoma. A similar name was given to education by the lack of color in it, which is due to the fact that a pathological disorder in melanocytes leads to the destruction of the pigment. The growing tumor has a pink or fleshy color.

Causes of

The main cause of melanoma development is a defect developing in melanocytes. This defect leads to a change in the structure of the cells and to their cancer degeneration.

Exogenous risk factors

Exogenous provocative causes include those that have a damaging effect on skin cells from the external environment.

Physical causes of

Physical provoking factors:

  • The most probable reasons from this group include ultraviolet solar irradiation .And more important is not the duration of the impact, but its intensity. It is reported that even a sunburn, obtained in childhood, in the future can provoke a cancerous degeneration of melanocytes.
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Electromagnetic radiation. It is noted that among patients with this disease there are many who, by virtue of their profession, are connected with electro-communications.
  • Mechanical injury. Constant scratching, compression or other adverse changes in moles promotes their malignancy.


Melanocyte degeneration can be affected by external conditions found in industries associated with the processing of oil, plastics, PVC, coal, dyes and paints. The adverse impact of the pharmaceutical industry is also noted.


To biological provoking factors it is customary to include:

  • A certain diet. The risk of melanocyte defect is increased in those people who constantly eat meals containing a large volume of fats and proteins of animal origin. At the same time in the nutrition of such people there is not enough plant food, which reduces the intake of the so necessary skin of vitamin A.
  • Use of oral contraceptives and medications necessary for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. This provoking factor is only presumed, since the exact relationship between skin cancer and hormonal agents has not yet been established.


Melanoma is most often detected in people with certain biological characteristics, they include:

  • Race. Representatives of the Negroid race practically do not suffer from melanoma.
  • The amount of pigment in the skin. People with light eyes, hair and accordingly light skin are most susceptible to ultraviolet rays. More often melanoma occurs in redheads, then blondes go and in the third place just all other people with a light shade of skin.
  • Immune factors. Immunodeficiency states increase the risk of malignant neoplasms.
  • Endocrine factors. Hormonal imbalance can trigger the degeneration of melanocytes. That is why often in pregnancy, malignancy of nevi is noted.
  • Gender and age. There are more female patients with melanoma, the peak of the disease is between 40 and 50 years old.
  • Precancerous skin diseases - Melanosis of the Dubrea, xeroderma, blue or giant nevus.

There is also a hereditary predisposition to the disease and a large number of patients with melanoma prone to being overweight.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of the disease depend on the type of melanoma and its stage.

In the latter stages, in addition to external symptoms, symptoms of a general state of the body are added, which is connected with its intoxication.

What does a malignant tumor look like?

Melanoma of the skin may appear spot, nodule, plaque. In the beginning, this is a small area, which only causes alarm with its education and color.

Often begins melanoma with moles or nevi. Its location is mainly legs, hands, face, then comes the surface of the body, back. Melanoma grows not only upward, but also inward, its external dimensions may be for some types of neoplasm greater than 10 cm in diameter.

What are the first signs of malignant degeneration?

Understand that in the mole or nevus is an abnormal degeneration of cells can be and by the survey itself. The following changes are most often indicated for a malignant process:

  • The rapid growth of a mole.
  • Change in color, nevus may become discolored or marked with a darkening up to black.
  • Tingling, burning in the pigmentation area, internal itching. These signs are signs of increased cell division.
  • Appearance of inflamed( red) rim around the spot.
  • Ulceration of the mole surface, appearance of exudate in it.
  • Education next to the primary spot of the daughter, indicating a metastasis.
  • Sealing of the birthmark and the appearance of uneven, jagged edges.

The photo clearly shows what the initial stage of a cancerous tumor looks like on the skin - melanoma

. Even fixing one of the listed types of changes should be the reason for a quick reference to the oncologist. Currently, all the examinations are carried out instantly, and therefore the treatment in the early stages of melanoma is well effective.

Skin Cancer Stages and Life Expectations

Melanoma stages are of great importance in predicting the outcome of treatment. In total, five stages of similar oncological education are distinguished:

  • The initial stage of is exhibited when the process is only epidermal.
  • The first stage of is a melanoma having a thickness of 1 mm and a surface with ulceration. To the same stage carry melanoma in 2 mm thick, but without ulcers on the surface.
  • The second stage of is a tumor up to 2 mm with ulcers, or a tumor from 2 to 4 mm without damage.
  • The third stage of is any melanoma with metastasis to the lymph node.
  • In the fourth stage of melanoma sprouts into distant parts of the body, metastasizes not only to the lymph nodes, but also to the lungs, brain, bones.

The photo shows the late stage of malignant skin melanoma

A positive result of treatment is possible in almost 99% of cases if melanoma is established in 1-2 stages. At the third stage, recovery is only observed in half the cases.

Methods of diagnostic examination

To suspect a melanoma physician can already on the complaints of the patient and on visual inspection of the altered skin. To confirm the diagnosis:

  • Dermatoscopy - examination of the skin area under a special device. This examination helps to examine the edges of the spot, its germination in the epidermis, internal inclusions.
  • Biopsy - taking a tumor sample for histological examination.
  • ultrasound and computed tomography are used to detect metastases and to determine the stage of cancer education.

If necessary, and to exclude other skin diseases, the doctor may prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures and the delivery of blood tests. The accuracy of melanoma diagnosis largely depends on the effectiveness of their elimination.

How is it treated?

The detected melanoma is removed surgically. The most effective treatment is where the operation is combined with radiation, which is necessary to prevent further metastasis.

When melanoma is located on the toes of the limbs, full amputation is possible according to the indications. In the generalized process, systemic or regional chemotherapy is prescribed. Currently, immunotherapy is also often prescribed.

The most favorable outcome of combined treatment is observed if the patient sought help early in the disease. Clinical follow-up allows you to identify a relapse of the disease in time and again to conduct a course of therapy.

Dietary food

Certain value in the recovery of a person and the absence of relapse of the disease is given to nutrition. The ration must necessarily be full with a lot of proteins of vitamins, and with the lowest content of animal fats. Minimize the need for dishes with flavors and food additives.

It is recommended to give preference:

  • Fish rich in omega acid.
  • Vegetables, fruits and juices from them.
  • Products with selenium - turkey, chicken breast, lamb and pork kidney, lobster, mussels, squid, home-made cheese with low fat content.
  • Natural dairy products.
  • Of the additives recommended kelp, sauce wasabi, turmeric, saffron, rosemary.
  • Fresh herbs and fresh tomato dishes.
  • Green tea, not prohibited, and coffee, but no more than two cups per day.

It is necessary to eat small portions, but often, and it is recommended to monitor the regularity of bowel movement.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures to prevent cancerous lesions on the skin are the least stay in direct sunlight, especially for people with a light skin tone. It should also avoid injury to the skin and the impact on the body of chemicals, salts of heavy metals.

Certain value in reducing the likelihood of cancer tumors and has a healthy diet, no bad habits.

Video on the treatment of skin melanoma:

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