Skin atheroma: the causes of the onset, photo of the tumor on the head, back, behind the ear, face, unlike the lipoma

Medicine knows a huge number of tumors. Some are visible to the naked eye, since they are located on the surface of the body, others are hidden inside, because they are often found by chance. One of the notable neoplasms is atheroma, which occurs mainly in 20-30-year-old patients of both sexes.

Atheroma can cause fear only with its inflammation, then the cyst and nearby tissues swell, blush, get inflamed and hurt.

An inflamed mass inside the cyst can cause an abscess. Sometimes the sebaceous contents dissolves the capsular shell and is released outward or into surrounding tissues. When pouring into soft tissues, the forecast is unfavorable, because microbes and toxins can provoke inflammation of muscle tissue or cause blood infection. But this happens very rarely, therefore, atheromas are considered safe.

What is atheroma and how does it look like?

Atheroma is an epidermal cystic formation that forms from the sebaceous gland due to its clogging. In the people, such an education is often called a zhirovik.

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In fact, this benign formation is a painless rounded seal, filled with curdled contents of a whitish-yellow or grayish hue. This mass consists of keratinized microparticles and fat.

Although atheroma is the owner of the envelope and is capable of growing, it is still not a tumor, because can not be malignant or re-formed into cancer, even when it grows to large formations.

Atheroma is a cavity around which is a capsule, which acts as a membrane. In addition, the capsule shell produces the mass that is filled with atheroma.

The generated secret gradually accumulates in the capsule, which leads to stretching and increasing its size. The formation of a similar cyst occurs when the grease-laden outflow ducts are clogged, and the fat begins to accumulate in the formed sac, forming an atheroma.

But there is another scenario for the formation of the epidermal cyst, when fat-skin cells penetrate through the cuticle or a small abrasion in the fat-ductile duct. When ingested, these cells form a viscous and thick mixture with bacon. As a result, this mass, like a cork, closes the passage, and atheroma forms. Since the production of fat and keratin continues uninterruptedly inside the cyst, it gradually grows.

In general, the mass inside the cyst is a mixture of several substances:

  • Sala;
  • Keratin;
  • Cholesterol;
  • Detached cells;
  • Particles of hair;
  • by Microorganisms.

Classification and localization of

Atheromas form on any part of the body, but are particularly preferred to localize in areas rich in sebaceous glands:

  1. On the face, for example, on the surface of the nose, upper eyelid, cheeks or forehead;
  2. On the neck;
  3. Hairy areas of the body like the head, armpits and groin;
  4. On the genitals;
  5. In the area of ​​the back, chest and abdomen.

The photo shows the atheroma on the scalp in an adult and infants, on the back, behind the earlobe, cheek, neck, forehead and nose

. In relatively rare cases, epidermal cysts form on the extremities, ears, fingers or female breasts.

Photo of the atheroma of the arm, under the arm, breast and leg

Moreover, experts subdivide atheromas into several types:

  • Fatty acid cyst;
  • Dermoid cyst;
  • Atheromatosis;
  • Steatzitoma.

But all these formations are identical in features and currents, therefore such a classification is not applied in practice, but is of interest only in a scientific environment. Practicing dermatologists subdivide atheromas into acquired and inherent character.

Reasons for the

As it is known, the fatty glands are formed due to blockage of the fat-ductile duct with too dense fat or when penetrating into the subcutaneous layers of the surface cells.

Occlusion may occur under the influence of a number of factors:

  • Pathologies of genetic origin;
  • Hyperoptility;
  • Propensity to acne, acne, acne;
  • Epidermal inflammation;
  • Substance-related disorders causing condensation of the sebaceous consistency;
  • Neglect of hygiene;
  • Extrude acne, blackheads;
  • Inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • Cosmetic abuse;
  • Greater ferrous lesions;
  • Imbalance of the hormonal background.

Surface epidermal cells can penetrate deep under the skin only in case of cuts or wounds.

Symptoms of

The characteristic clinical symptoms of atheroma do not exist, since they do not tend to change the surface, do not cause painful sensations, delivering only a cosmetic inconvenience.

In general, dermatologists characterize the fatty so:

  • A distinctly limited bulge, lying on the skin surface;
  • In palpation, an elastic and dense structure of the cyst is felt;
  • Wig can be moved slightly if desired;
  • Above the formation is normal healthy skin;
  • The cyst has a well-defined contour;
  • In the center of education there is a characteristic point of black color.

If the adipose becomes inflamed, then the following symptoms occur:

  1. Education blushes;
  2. Touch feels pain;
  3. In the area of ​​the adipose tissue swells;
  4. At times, the purulent exudate breaks out.

Complications of the disease

Complications of atheroma is its inflammation. Festering atheroma can provoke an abscess of subcutaneous tissues.

Photo of festering atheroma under the skin of the back

On the background of what is happening in the patient, the temperature rises, the state of health worsens, and the purulent salo-like mass that has a fetid odor may separate from the formation.

What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?

Outwardly, atheroma has much in common with a lipoma, but it's somewhat different formations.

  • If you press on the center of education, the lipoma will slip to the side and it will not be able to be squeezed, and the atheroma will remain in place.
  • With palpation, the lipoma can change its shape briefly, atheroma always retains its shape.


The main diagnostic method is the examination by a specialist. After surgical removal, additional diagnostics such as histological examination and uzi can be performed.

To which doctor should I apply?

In general, the treatment of atheromas is entrusted to surgeons, because the treatment is only surgical.

How to get rid of a neoplasm?

Elimination of the neoplasm is performed by operative water methods:

  • Laser removal;
  • Radio wave therapy;
  • Classical surgical excision.

Among all the techniques, radio wave destruction is most preferable, since there is no need for tissue cross-linking, there are no relapses, the post-operation period lasts no more than 5 days, after which there is not even a hint of a trace from the formation.

Can a tumor pass itself?

Conservative self-elimination of atheroma is impossible and it can not pass by itself, because atheroma itself will never resolve. It will have to be removed someday.

It will not be possible to squeeze it out, because even after the contents are released under the skin there is a capsule, which produces the secret filling it.

Therefore, after the usual opening of the atheroma, it will appear again after a while. Therefore, to finally get rid of the cyst, its operational removal is necessary.

Prevention of

Specific prevention of atheroma has not been developed, but since such cysts are formed due to too oily skin or over-hypedness, it is necessary to carefully observe personal hygiene with the use of funds that lower the fat content of the skin.

Video about the causes of atheroma, its diagnosis and treatment:

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