Diseases of the brain

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1 Is it possible to prevent brain diseases?

In cases of brain diseases, it is impossible to cope with the genetic factor. But under other circumstances you can really reduce the likelihood of the disease. Risk factors that contribute to head disease:

  • infection with infectious diseases( rabies, toxoplasmosis, HIV, etc.);
  • head injury( doing extreme sports, it is advisable to put protective gear on your head);
  • influence of chemicals;
  • action of radiation( radioactive, electromagnetic, etc.);
  • use of alcohol and drugs;
  • poor food quality and the wrong way to feed;
  • smoking( active, passive).

What are the signs that indicate a brain damage?

In cases of brain damage, symptoms depend on the type and location of the lesion.

But there are common signs that reliably show that this organ is damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if you have: persistent and recurring pain, decreased appetite, mood swings, weakness, behavioral and personality disorders, problems with vision, hearing, balance and smell, numbness or paralysis of different parts of the trunk,the inability to concentrate, confused consciousness, cramps or amnesia.

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2 The most famous pathologies of

Several types and types of head diseases are known, some of them are well known to the general public, and some - only to narrow specialists. Consider the most common.

Alzheimer's disease. The disease is named after a German neurologist who first described her symptoms. This is a kind of senile dementia, while there is a progressive loss of memory and degradation of personality. This disease is incurable, although it is quite common. In women, the ailment occurs 3-8 times more often than in men. Usually begins after fifty, but it can also occur later.

With this disease in the body of a sick person, nerve cells die due to the impact of pathological protein, which is produced by the body itself. This protein accumulates in the brain tissues and causes damage to nerve cells. During the diagnostic examination, many plaques are found.

The first symptom of the disease is memory impairment, which progresses. Then the psychic activity decreases, problems with orientation in space and time begin, mood swings pass into protracted apathy. At the final stage of the illness, the patient has a speech disorder, he does not control physiological needs, moves heavily, does not recognize any of his relatives and relatives.

The disease lasts 10-12 years. The forecast is unfavorable. There are no drugs against the disease. To maintain the body, only drugs that help improve metabolism and blood circulation in the brain are prescribed, but they only have a temporary effect.

Stroke is an acute impairment of blood circulation in the brain, causing tissue damage and leading to a disorder of functions.

Recently, more and more young people 20-30 years old suffer from a stroke. And in order not to miss the precious time for help, you need to know the first signs of a stroke. The causes of stroke are most often hypertension and arteriosclerosis of blood vessels. Known hemorrhagic and ischemic types of strokes. When hemorrhagic stroke occurs a cerebral hemorrhage. It can be triggered by emotional stress or stress.


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In ischemic stroke, the blood supply to a particular area of ​​the brain is disturbed or stopped altogether, and as a result, there is a disruption of the functions for which it responds. Most often, this ailment happens at night, during sleep.

The first signs of a stroke are: increased tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting.

Remember the main signs of a stroke:

  1. Ask the patient to smile. If it's a stroke, then the smile will be twisted, as half the torso does not obey.
  2. Ask to repeat the simple sentence for you. When a stroke occurs, a person will speak like a drunk, stammering and slowly.
  3. Suggest to raise up both hands. When stroke one arm, he can not lift.
  4. Ask for the language. If it is a stroke, then it will sink to one side and be twisted.
  5. All signs of a stroke require urgent hospitalization.
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3 Neoplasms

A tumor is a pathological formation from cells of different tissues, the growth of which causes an increase in intracranial pressure. In the head there are metastasises more often, tumors of primary etiology are more rare.50% of them are gliomas.

Common signs for all tumors are headache, which often appears in the morning after sleep, then vomiting and mental disorders, sometimes there are epileptic seizures. In this case, paralysis or paresis of one of the extremities may occur.

Depending on the location of the neoplasm, focal features are manifested. Most often these are mental disorders. If the tumor in the frontal lobe, there is a significant decrease in mental abilities, violation of mental data, which subsequently leads to aggression. For neoplasms in the temporal lobe is characterized by worsening memory for recent events, depression and attacks of fear. Other signs may be: speech disorders and complex movements, disturbance of walking and balance, paresis, visual defects and others. To more accurately determine the location of the tumor, its size and extent of destruction, computed tomography is necessary. Undetected neoplasm in time can cause a brain shift. In the initial stages, the tumor is removed surgically. In advanced cases, only maintenance therapy is prescribed.

4 Alcoholic encephalopathies

In the chronic form of alcoholism, alcoholic encephalopathies are formed, which are characterized by mental abnormalities with systemic somatic and neurological disorders. Disorders of the psyche are presented either in the form of severe madness, or by various manifestations of an organic psychosyndrome.

This disease occurs as a result of prolonged alcohol abuse( 6 - 20 years and more).The female develops faster.

Alcoholic encephalopathy develops with a deficiency of B vitamins. In this disease, the vascular system of the brainstem is most often affected. Distinguish between acute and chronic forms of the disease. In the previous stage, a decrease in appetite with a digestive disorder, asthenia, sleep disturbances is noted. In the fingers and toes, the calf muscles are cramped. In the next period there may be hallucinations, mainly an alarming effect. A couple of days, there is a stunning of consciousness, in case of neglected cases, a coma is possible.

In women, the most common Korsakov psychosis, which is manifested by disorientation, loss of memory and false memories. Treatment should be comprehensive.

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