Is it possible to drink Nurofen with alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reception rules

We all are familiar with the feeling of extreme discomfort, which brings with it the pain syndrome. The pain does not let you sleep peacefully, interferes with work and making decisions. Usually, to ease the condition, we take any pain medication that is at hand, then quickly forget about the recent suffering, continue to live a normal life, including meeting friends and partners and drinking alcohol during the meeting. Few people remember the recently adopted nurofen, an anesthetic drug that so often saves us in moments of anguish.

Nurofen - short instruction

Nurofen is a fairly well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that, in addition to its low price, has many advantages:

  • relieves pain;
  • removes heat;
  • eliminates inflammatory manifestations;
  • can be used in people of any age, including small children;
  • various versions of release give the opportunity to take nurofen in any situations with different localization of the inflammatory process.

The main substance of the drug, leading to this result, is ibuprofen.

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The different dosage of ibuprofen, which is part of nurofen, determines the form of release:

  • nurofen active - 200 mg ibuprofen in tablets for sublingual use;
  • nurofen for children - a sweet syrup with different flavors, containing 100 mg of ibuprofen per 5 ml;
  • rectal baby candles - 60 mg ibuprofen per candle;
  • nurofen ultracap - are manufactured in the form of capsules having 200 mg of active ingredient;
  • nurofen period is a tablet containing an increased amount of ibuprofen 300 mg. Long-acting agent;
  • nurofen forte and nurofen ultracap forte - have the most potent dose of ibuprofen - 400 mg per tablet;
  • nurofen plus - in addition to 200 mg of ibuprofen, has 10 mg of codeine, which enhances anesthesia;
  • gel nurofen - includes 5 gr.ibuprofen per 100 gr.medicines.

Nurofen gel is used as a local anesthetic for stretching, sports injuries, back pain of various origins and arthritis.

Nurofen is taken urgently - with sudden pain, and long courses - for chronic diseases.

Patients should be careful when taking medication if they are taking any other medicines. Nurofen can not be combined with all medicines, some interactions can have unfortunate consequences in the form of gastric bleeding, bleeding disorders, complications of the kidneys.
On the video about the drug Nurofen:

Interaction with alcohol

The instruction does not recommend the use of nurofen in combination with alcohol. But it is completely incomprehensible why it is not necessary to drink alcohol with Nurofen, so many people neglect this warning and calmly drink alcohol after stopping a pain attack. But to do it is extremely dangerous!


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Any alcoholic drink has a particular effect on the rate of cleavage of drugs in the liver. Acceleration of metabolism can lead to the immediate withdrawal of the medicine from the patient's body and the sudden return of the pain syndrome, which in moments of meeting with pleasant people will be completely inopportune. As a result, the patient will be forced to take pain reliever, which, against the background of alcohol, just drunk, contributes to the overdose of the drug, and also deals a solid blow to the liver cells - hepatocytes.

In addition to these far from harmless consequences, Nurofen has the ability to cause internal bleeding, promotes the development of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the manifestation of allergic reactions and disorders of the nervous system. Which of these deviations may occur in a particular person is not known to anyone.

Possible effects of

The interaction of alcohol and pain medication may not have significant effects, but it should be understood that regular use of analgesics and ethanol will not result in anything good. On the part of the liver after a while, it is quite possible rapid development of drug-induced hepatitis or cirrhosis due to an exorbitant load during the splitting of drugs and ethyl alcohol.

The gastric mucosa is usually the first to take a toxic shock after alcoholic libations. Inflamming from the effect of alcohol, mucous ulcerated, and taking nurofen only aggravates the situation. Therefore, the occurrence of gastric bleeding is likely as a result of such an alliance.

Simultaneous use of ibuprofen with ethanol leads to increased side effects from the drug, in particular, the negative effect on the nervous system is known: the person is irresistibly tamped to sleep, there is a headache and a feeling of shattering, the mood worsens. The cardiac muscle also suffers due to the abnormal functioning of the circulatory system - there is a strong palpitation, symptoms of heart failure may appear.

Some patients prone to the appearance of an allergic rash can detect an unpleasant consequence of the combination of alcohol and nurofen in the form of urticaria or even edema Quincke, which threatens to immediately leave the place of celebration in the intensive care unit.

How to take it?

As with many medications, nurofen and alcohol should definitely be divided in time. How much after an analgesic can I drink alcohol? Most correctly after nurofen at all to not accept alcohol within 12 hours. But if this happened, then it is worth to delay the reception of alcoholic beverages for at least 6 hours, until the half-life of the medicine has passed from the body.

As for Nurofen after alcohol, then for the removal of pain after a tumultuous feast, this drug is also hardly suitable. For this purpose, it is better to take other medications. Take nurofen after drinking is possible only after the complete elimination of alcohol from the body and calming the gastric mucosa.


Can Nurofen drink with alcohol? Instructions for taking the medicine does not in vain warn us that the compatibility of alcohol with taking the medicine is unacceptable. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant consequences, it is not necessary, perhaps, to neglect such warnings.

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