Candidiasis of the middle ear: symptoms, treatment with medication and folk methods

We are used to the fact that when it comes to thrush, it affects primarily the genitals. In fact, fungal diseases of the ears - no less common disease. According to statistics, 24% of otomycosis occurs due to Candida microorganisms.

Candidiasis of the ear

18% of adults and almost 27% of children suffer from this disease. In most cases, otitis media are recorded, as well as post-operative fungal infection. The diagnosis code for ICD-10 is B37.

Reasons for

The cause of the development of the disease can become:

  1. Antibacterial ear drops. They are used to treat various forms of otitis. During use, not only pathogenic microflora is killed, but also useful. This creates excellent preconditions for the development of the disease.
  2. If water gets into the ear canal often. At this time there is loosening of the epithelium.
  3. Frequent and incorrect methods of hygienic care. There is a trauma to the upper layers of the skin, intensified secretion begins. The latter is an excellent medium for the reproduction of mushroom-like microorganisms.
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  5. Chronic form of otitis media. In the presence of concomitant circumstances, for example, with excessive humidity of the air, the fungi begin to multiply intensively.

Symptoms and Symptoms

Symptoms may be different. Often they are the same as with other ear diseases. Therefore, before the beginning of treatment, a compulsory visit to the doctor. First of all, pay attention to:

  • Liquid, manifested from the ear. It can be in the form of white crumbs or have a gray tinge.
  • Appearance of itching. It is constant and intense.
  • Spread the infection on the dermis around the ear. If there is a severe lesion, ulcers may appear.

Diagnosis of

The doctor can presume the presence of the disease according to the symptoms that already exist. But for confirmation, bacteriological studies are carried out using the sowing material of a sick person. The absence of odor in the discharge also indicates fungal damage. This is the main distinguishing feature of the disease from purulent otitis media.

In place of localization, candidiasis can be:

  • in the external passageway,
  • in the inner ear,
  • in the sink.

Candida is predominantly found in the middle ear.

On the photo Candida fungus in the ear


Treatment the doctor appoints when the diagnosis is confirmed by studies. Conservative methods of influence are mainly used. If they are not applied in time, then not only visceral mycosis( damage to the internal organs) can be triggered, but also the development of sepsis.

If conservative treatment is not effective, and there is a risk of intracranial complications, then they resort to surgical intervention.


Antifungal medications are usually prescribed in the ear and for oral administration. It is also necessary to treat the auditory passage with fungicidal agents. The channel is washed:

  • with 3% boric acid solution,
  • with 10% silver solution,
  • with hydrogen peroxide.

They can be in the form of ointments, creams and lotions. In addition, UFO is prescribed, the intake of vitamins and immunostimulants.

How to remove the fungus in the ear, see in our video:

Folk remedies

These remedies are better to use after consulting a doctor. Among the effective methods:

  • juice and broth of celandine are instilled in the canal,
  • is applied as a drop of a mixture of garlic and onion juice,
  • smears the ear with apple cider vinegar.

Diet is also important during the treatment period. If you do not give up the sweet and flour, it will be difficult to cope with the candidiasis of the ear. Fat types of meat and fish, smoked products, carbonated drinks are excluded. Positively on the body will affect herbal teas, blueberries, sour fruits.

What you can and can not do

During treatment, discard prohibited products. It is not recommended to smoke, take antibiotics and hormone drugs. They violate the natural protective properties of the body. Such drugs will not relieve the infection.

It is allowed to take vitamins and probiotics, gently cleanse the auditory passage. It is necessary to treat associated diseases. If the candidiasis of the ear has arisen in the child, then drugs are prescribed that restore the microbiocenosis of the intestine.

Consequences and complications

Consequences with timely treatment may not be. But in the absence of proper care, fungi can go to internal organs, lead to hearing loss. In rare cases, against the background of weakened immunity, blood infection can begin. Frequent complications are intracranial. In the future, you need to take more serious medications or perform an operation.

Causes of fungal infections in the ears:


It is necessary to track the number of ear extracts and their consistency. For preventive maintenance periodically treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide, which not only dissolves sulfur plugs, but also does not allow mushrooms to reproduce.

Candidiasis of the ears usually appears against the background of weakened immunity, so taking vitamins, eating properly are some of the main deterrents to the development of fungi.

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