The ear is very complex. The composition of the hearing aid includes the middle and inner ear. The pathologies of the organ of hearing are diagnosed very often today and can affect any element. They are capable of causing dangerous complications, including a complete loss of hearing. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disorder, it is worth turning to LOR.
Human ear diseases
Doctors distinguish several categories of hearing disorders. The pathology of the ears may be inflammatory, non-inflammatory, fungal or traumatic. For each group of ailments specific symptoms are characteristic.
Such diseases of the organ of hearing occur frequently. They cause a whole complex of unpleasant symptoms. This group includes the following:
- Meniere's disease - this anomaly affects the inner ear. Manifestations of the disease are nausea, vomiting, dizziness. It also provokes the development of noise in the ears. The disease is characterized by an increase in the volume of fluid in the ear. It presses on the cells responsible for regulating vestibular processes. If these signs are amenable to correction, then increasing hearing impairment can not be eliminated. Otosclerosis - is considered a hereditary pathology. It is characterized by damage to the bone of the ear capsule. This process usually leads to hearing impairment.
- Neuritis of the pre-cochlear nerve - this disorder also occurs quite often and provokes a stable hearing deterioration. This feature is considered the most dangerous, because it is almost impossible to eliminate it.
On photo the structure of the human ear
Similar pathologies are diagnosed most often. They include various types of otitis, labyrinthite, etc. Such diseases usually result from viral or infectious pathologies.
The most common disorder in this group is otitis media. This disease can manifest itself in the form of a furuncle, which is accompanied by a noticeable suppuration in any part of the ear. Also often in the anomalous process involved the whole hearing aid.
Otitis can be acute or chronic. Providing timely therapy to cope with inflammation is not very difficult. If a person is engaged in self-treatment and does not turn to a doctor on time, the pathology leads to serious complications. In this situation, the process becomes chronic.
Inflammation of the ears provokes pain and itching in the area of the auditory canal. Sometimes the pathology provokes hearing impairment. If the anomaly gets neglected, there is hyperemia of the auricle and a purulent process develops.
Inflammation of the middle ear causes symptoms such as fever and severe hearing loss. People often face shooting pain in the ears.
Purulent otitis is often accompanied by purulent-spotting discharge. If you do not immediately start treatment, there is a threat of the appearance of a chronic form of a disease and a lesion of the tympanic membrane. If the inflammation affects the inner ear, there are problems with fixing the look, the hearing is rapidly deteriorating and there is a marked dizziness.
External otitis often passes into the defeat of the middle ear. There is also the risk of labyrinthitis. This ailment usually develops with untimely therapy of otitis. In particularly difficult situations, inflammation provokes the development of meningitis and sepsis. Another dangerous complication is the brain abscess.
Acute otitis media appears due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the middle ear from the nasopharynx. If you do not start therapy on time, the risk of paralysis of the facial nerve and even the development of deafness increases.
What happens in the ear with otitis
To ear illnesses often leads to infection with fungal microorganisms. Usually such problems are associated with the activity of opportunistic fungi. Similar pathologies are rather difficult and can lead to the development of sepsis. Most often, otomycosis is the result of traumatic injuries and surgical interventions.
These disorders are accompanied by constant itching, uncomfortable sensations in the ears, the appearance of noise and discharge. Symptoms may differ depending on the type of fungal microorganism. In this case, any component of the hearing organ may be affected - the outer, middle or inner ear.
Chronic fungal pathologies require long-term treatment. They often develop against a background of weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, chronic pathologies. Often, such processes occur in people with diabetes. That is why the doctor must determine the cause of the development of the disease and only then prescribe the treatment.
On the types of otitis treatment methods of the disease:
Traumatic lesions of
To injury of the ear, such violations can be attributed:
- hit of alien objects in the auditory meatus;
- sludge of the shell, which is a hemorrhage between the periosteum and cartilage, - this infringement is characterized by festering;
- damage to the membrane - it can burst due to air pressure or external influences;
- lesions of the auricle due to bites or bruises;
- burns;
- ear barotrauma - is the result of a difference in atmospheric pressure;
- acoustic trauma - occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to loud noises;
- vibrotrauma - is a consequence of air fluctuations.
Symptoms of such violations depend on the type of damage. Thus, in patients the following manifestations may occur:
- hearing impairment;
- lesion of the facial nerve;
- problems with the vestibular apparatus;
- bleeding from the ear.
In case of traumatic damage to the hearing organ, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will choose therapy depending on the cause of the problems.
Dangerous complications of
If you do not start treating your ear disease in time, there is a risk of dangerous consequences. These include the following:
- meningitis;
- deafness;
- sepsis of the brain.
If you do not immediately respond to the appearance of symptoms of disruption of the work of the ears, there is a threat of serious deterioration in human health. In some cases complications even lead to death.
See a video of the doctor's advice on the prevention of ear diseases:
Preventive measures
To prevent the occurrence of serious diseases of the ears, you need to prevent them:
- Be sure to wear a hat in cool, windy or rainy weather;
- Do not use cotton swabs, pencils, matches to cleanse the ear canal from sulfur. These measures only stimulate its formation, which leads to condensation of the plug in the region of the tympanic membrane. As a result, the process of natural cleansing of the external ear is difficult. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the membrane and auditory canal.
- If necessary, often contact with loud sounds you need to wear special earphones or ear plugs.
- It is impossible to ignore the acute and chronic lesions of the nasopharynx. These processes can spread to the organs of hearing.
- Systematically visit the ENT doctor for preventive examinations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify any violations at the initial stage of development.
Today, many pathologies of the ears are known, which are accompanied by unpleasant manifestations and can lead to severe hearing loss. To prevent this, it is very important to monitor your health and visit an otolaryngologist in case of any suspicion.