Ulcerative colitis distal form

Ulcerative colitis, which recently occurs more often, can develop in a distal type. It includes 3 forms of this disease:

  • Proctitis. The pathological process in the intestine, which is located on an area of ​​20 centimeters from the anus;
  • Proctosigmoiditis. The area of ​​inflammation that exists in the intestine, with this type of disease increases to 40 centimeters;
  • Left-sided colitis. With it, the affected areas of the intestine reach 80 centimeters.

The distal form of ulcerative colitis develops in patients much more often than the total( approximately 70% of cases.) The clinic, pathogenesis and therapy in this type of inflammatory bowel disease have their own characteristics that differ from the total variety of the disease. They are caused by the fact that the right and left halvesthe functional activity is different

Distal ulcerative colitis is the easiest form of the disease with a fairly small lesion of the rectum walls.rectal bleeding that is accompanied by painful sensations localizing in the anus, as well as diarrhea and frequent urges for defecation

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Causes of development of distal ulcerative colitis

This form of pathological inflammation of the rectum is mainly due to the following factors:

  • Mechanical or chemical irritationintestines caused by acute or rough food, as well as alcohol abuse;
  • Glistular invasion;
  • Constipation and hard stool.

Quite often, the patient develops a distal form of ulcerative colitis, becomes an inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of the small pelvis, as well as hemorrhoids. Contribute to its development and pathology of the biliary tract or stomach disease, provoked by low acidity.

Also on the development of the patient this type of disease is affected by the long infectious process occurring in the digestive organs, any allergic reactions, abuse of laxatives and enemas, alcoholism and dysbacteriosis of the intestine.

Due to the fact that distal ulcerative colitis is the easiest form of this intestinal pathology, adequate treatment in most cases leads to complete recovery of the patient. The necessary therapy for this disease is to remove the root cause of the disease, change the way of life and adjust the diet. Drug medications are prescribed by a specialist in order to relieve symptoms and to remove the inflammatory process from the intestinal mucosa.

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